Dear Mom,
I know you were concerned with me and my family being away for Thanksgiving. I just wanted to let you know that this Thanksgiving was just like the past 35 Thanksgiving's of my life, minus 37 other people.
Like my brothers and cousins used to and still play football on the Thanksgiving morning, so did I. You can see I attached pictures of me teaching Maxfield some of the basics of the game. You will be happy to know that I won. I beat Maxfield 28 to 7. He only scored a touchdown because I got cocky running into the endzone and was mocking him and I fumbled. He was lucky enough to pick it up and run it back for a TD otherwise I would have shut him out.
After the game we went home and complained how sore we were while watching football and eating snacks.
Lauren, Max and I went out to dinner. It felt just like we were home. The restaurant was packed and noisy and I could swear I saw a guy with three nipples protruding from his shirt (just like Dennis). We had Turkey and stuffing and mashed potatos and all the traditional Thanksgiving day foods. Max enjoyed them all as well as a side of french fries.
When we got home I called you so to make sure you picked our Pollyanna (Secret Santa)persons. As we get older it gets harder and harder to get gifts for these people. Anyway we had a nice Thanksgiving.
On Friday morning I decided to wake up at 5:30 am to go Christmas shopping. Black Friday is the New "Last minute shopping" for me. I just missed the big fight at the one Walmart I went to, it made the news down here and everything. It is totally ridiculous that these people were fighting over laptop computers. I mean C'Mon people it's not like they are Cabbage Patch Dolls.
Anyway I went to some other stores and then Lauren and Max and I went to some more. I am almost done my Christmas shopping. It was funny we went to Old Navy and Maxfield became fascinated with the headless Manequins that they have there. I have a picture with him posing with them here as well.
Well enjoy the rest of your Holiday Weekend. I miss you and love you and please make sure my pile of Christmas presents is bigger than any one elses.
Love Bill.

Max is really getting a lot of wear out of the "I'm the big brother" shirt. And I am so jealous that you guys went out for thanksgiving dinner, smart move. We once went to a seafood buffet for thanksgiving in my aunt's town, and that was the best thanksgiving meal ever (my dad and I are not fans of turkey).
I can't believe you didn't let Max win at football. *rolls my eyes* 28 to 7??? Poor Max.
I can just see ya now...you two having pissing contests off the porch when Max gets older. Ahhhh that male bonding.
Sorry to hear you spent your Thanksgiving away from your families. Hopefully you'll spend Christmas together. (??)
Did Max eat pumpkin pie with whip topping??? That's my favorite!
I love the picture of max when he's getting ready to hike the ball. That's a precious shot!
Looks like a fun football game...he needs practice, 28-7!?!
I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving! Now it's on to X-mas!
Take care,
So Max is trying out for the Raiders next year?
Just for the record, I am a Raider fan so I am allowed to diss 'em.
Oh what a precious post.....i love the fact that you take pictures of everything.....I'm sure your mom was sad that you weren't with her, but with the pictures she can see what you were up too....Pictures say a 1000 words..... and Max probably did win, you just didn't want to tell your mom.....
Well, as long as a third nipple was still a part of your Thanksgiving celebration . . . all is well :)
You have a three-nippled relative? Cool.
OH, and congratulations on the bun!
Wow you did some serious Black Friday shopping...that's my kinda guy! Me and the fam braved the crowds at Target around 9am but hubs and kiddo did not come with me the rest of the day to Old Navy and the mall.
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