Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Should I be freaked?

A week after I posted this story I went out to my car to find an orange construction cone in my driveway. Not only was it in my driveway, it was sitting right next to the rear bumper of MY car.
I discovered it at 6:30 AM. It was not there the night before at 8:30pm when I ran out to my car to get something.

I asked Lauren, if it was her doing, and she denies it. I called the LawnWhisperer to see if he had arranged it and he denies it. I called my brother Kevin to see if maybe he had some connection to it. Nope. Both Kevin and LawnWhisperer both said they wished they had thought of it.

Now I have to ask;
1. Is it a coincidence? Maybe a random prank by some neighborhood kid?
2. Are Lauren, LawnWhisperer and Kevin in cahoots and are trying to play tricks on my mind?
3. Is there someone in my neighborhood who reads my blog and I do not know it?
3. Do I have some type of blog stalker trying to leave me a message?

I have to admit it is kind of freaky.


Melanie said...

I would definately be freaked out about it! Unless your wife is secretly trying to drive you crazy...

The Q said...

Ooh, I would have tinkled if that happened to me.

VERY freaky!!

Anonymous said...

if all three of them triple-dog swear pinky swear cross-their-hearts swear that they didn't do it...then i would seriously be totally freaked out. number one, they put a cone out on your driveway by the rear bumper of your car. number two, it is very much not easy to just randomly come by an orange cone out of the blue. number three, therefore, it's stalker-ish. ooogies!!!

Anonymous said...

Were there any other cones in the area, like down the street? And maybe wind sent one close to your house, so someone picked it up and put it in your driveway, so it wasn't a road hazard?
I don't know, but I would be freaked, too!

Michelle said...

Yeah, I'd be freaked out. It could be a random prank, but maybe it was from an overnight repair or something - cable or phone. It's been pretty windy, so lines could've needed repair.

I'd give Lauren some Sodium Pentathol just to be sure it wasn't her.

Anonymous said...

There must be a logical explanation. (Although I supposed a stalker could be a logical explanation.) Certainly seems too timely to be coincidental...

If I were you, I'd take it as a compliment but lock my doors at night.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Oooooh, that is freaky !!! Too scary for me. Take care, Meow

lawnwhisperer said...

I did not do it, and I am retiring from blogging. Cause I am afraid of stalkers and don't want one.

Anonymous said...

I think it may be one of those coincidences where you hear something for the first time and then keep hearing it. Like when you are pregnant and you start noticing everything baby etc. Or you are thinking about getting a certain car and then you keep seeing them. William.... William... are you there? Oh I couldn't see you there behind your stalker !

Odd Mix said...

I think they are pulling a "gas light" on you.

Anonymous said...

Hmm....I shall not speak up...I do not want to give any details away....

- Jon
- Daddy Detective
- www.daddydetective.com

Shannon Nelson said...

Yes I would be freaked out.

soozieq just made me seriously laugh very loudly and scare my kids.

rzdrms has a good point with all that swearing.

Secretly set up a videocamera outside your house and see if you catch any of your family...or your personal stalker...in the act. lol.

Shannon Nelson said...

Ps. Yesterday I posted on my blog that I thought you and one other man blogger were the best...I hope that didn't send any sickos your way...

which I'm not saying people who read my blog are sickos...but one never knows!

Unknown said...

Definately a blog stalker.

Tammy said...

Wow. That is freaky. I am a total conspiracy therorist, so yea. They are all conspiring against you!! :)

Susie said...

Oh I would have definitely screamed like a little girl, choked on the cookie I was eating and tinkled a little.

You never know Bill, you may have a #1 fan waiting to kidnap you, break your ankles and force you to blog from bed.

DCK said...

I would go with either options 3 or 3. They could be one and the same. But whatever you do, don't freak out...

Lowa said...


Lois Lane said...

It is very freaky but I'd bank on the fam being behind that one.
I have to admit, although I am no stalker, I can not wash silverware without thinking about properly fanning it out and now every time I see an orange construction cone, I think of Lauren's gift to you. And in a way, book stores make me have to poop. :P
Lois Lane

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should write about your love of gold coins or Google stock and see if any of that appears by your car.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was the Orange Parking Cone Fairy who came to visit?

I always hope that the One Hundred Dollar Bill Fairy will come visit me, but to date...has not.

Anonymous said...

Try writing something about about a Porsche Cayenne and see if one of those ends up parked in your driveway.

Unknown said...

That is totally freaky... I'll confess that I thought about sending you an orange construction cone, but I didn't do it.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I would think they are trying to trick ya and freak ya out. If not I would be freaked that someone reading my blog knows exactly where I live!

Anonymous said...

hi...long time reader, first time commenter. Maybe you're looking at this the wrong way. I think you may have a secret admirer not a stalker. Cones=love. You should be flattered, not freaked. Although, putting it behind the car so you can't get away is a little strange.

Anonymous said...

Nice new car you have?


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Someone or some people are playing with your mind. HA

Kari said...


Anonymous said...

How much for the cone?

Kami said...

I think that it's Lauren's other personality doing it.

that girl said...

i vote 'gaslight,' too.

or you could have a creepy stalker.

or you could be in that awful new commercial where the little SUV is chased by an army of cones all over the city? that would be weird.

Shannon Nelson said...

William, after reading this yesterday, do you know that I passed about 6 orange cones down my rural road to town? Orange Cones are not commonplace here...and I immediately thought of you. Very strange indeed.

Ps. Maybe I will post about a funny (yet completely fabricated) story about someone giving me a money tree and how it was so romantic. I would love to find a money tree by my car bumper tomorrow. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah... i'm going out on a limb here in saying that 'All you People' Need to get the Hello away from your computers!!! Give them a Break!! Its' A Beautiful World Outside... So Go out, Take a deep breathe, enjoy it!!!

Hey Poopie Boy... Don't go all Sissy on us!! Its a coincidence.

Hard to believe that you Have A Stalker!!! Listen, Movie Stars, Pro-Athletes.. yeah if they wrote this story.. i'd say, they may have a stalker? maybe....

But a Blogger? dude you stuff is good, funny, and entertaining... but NOT worth anyone stalking...

Besides most of the people I see comment to you are women!! so damn.. maybe you have a female running around after you? hmmmm doubt it.. but thats not a bad thing....

So, lighten up Francis....

-somehow related-

Anonymous said...

Yeah... i'm going out on a limb here in saying that 'All you People' Need to get the Hell away from your computers!!!
Give them a Break!!
Its' A Beautiful World Outside... So Go out, Take a deep breathe, enjoy it!!!

Hey Poopie Boy... Don't go all Sissy on us!! Its a coincidence.

Hard to believe that you Have A Stalker!!! Listen, Movie Stars, Pro-Athletes.. yeah if they wrote this story.. i'd say, they may have a stalker? maybe....

But a Blogger? dude you stuff is good, funny, and entertaining... but NOT worth anyone stalking...

Besides most of the people I see comment to you are women!! so damn.. maybe you have a female running around after you? hmmmm doubt it.. but thats not a bad thing....

So, lighten up Francis....

-somehow related-

LizzieDaisy said...

lmao... swear I don't know where you live but if I did, I woulda put it there had I thought of it. That was great! :)

LizzieDaisy said...

and yeah... cones=love, I don't see stalker here, I think you need to look closer to home. :)

Shannon Nelson said...

William. I dedicated a post entirely to you today. I hope you get a good laugh.

And Ps. to anonymous--another blogger I know was totally stalked by a reader and the person actually showed up at his front door--so whatever.