Thursday, February 09, 2006

Can I get a lick?

My dad, who goes by Pa to his grandkids, started a tradition about 15 years ago of teaching his grandkids, instead of giving kisses, to give licks. For years, each grandkid has learned this trick, much to his delight and much to my mom’s disgust. I am happy to report that Maxfield has learned the art of the Lick.

Also sibling rivalry never dies. The LawnWhisperer, the middle child, the Keystone, one of my guest bloggers, has decided (with the help of me) to start his own blog. He was tired of me getting attention and feels as though he needs his own space to tell his version of parenting. I am not sure how often he will post, but please check it out because he is funny. The title of his blog is Dad Vs. Dad (click to see his first post). He wants to show the flip side of parenting.


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Oh my that is so gross the licking! We always tried to do that to my mom she used to freak out!

I will go and check out his site tonight!

jen said...

Hooray! The Lawn Whisperer! Finally! How much fun is that?

Unknown said...

That is funny, yet "ooky" at the same time! Great picture!

Woo-hoo for the Lawn Whisperer!

Anonymous said...

Ummm.... Bill..... just was curious, trying to keep this clean, and trying not to piss the Mrs. off, but just wondering if you have the art of licking down?

Tammy said...

Ewww. Your dad kills me! :)

Will have to check out the new blog.

Unknown said...

(slapping forehead)

It's almost like having a dog but with a cleaner tongue...

The Egel Nest said...

My family were not lickers thank god... :)

It does make for a cute pic though! :)

The Egel Nest

Nature Girl said...

Love the look on Lauren's face. Too funny! Yay for Lawn Whisperer! It's about time he got his own blog! I'm off to check it out right now! Stacie

Susie said...

Hmmmmm. OK, first, Lauren is adorable here. Second, and I mean this in the purest possible way, it's NICE that Max can learn so early to um, show his affection so enthusiastically. Yea, that's it :)

LizzieDaisy said...

Better her than me? :) Adorable picture though!

Random and Odd said...

You will have created a monster mr. bill.

Jessica (the little red head in all my pictures) wouldn't talk guys and Shaun is her uncle and wanted so much to just be able to talk to her.

The first time I met her, her mother said "Go tell Kristine Bye." and she came over and gave me a hug. I told her to go give Uncle Shaun a hug and she wouldn't do it. I said, "Go over there and pretend you're going to hug him and then lick his face!"

She did it and her and Shaun have been best friends since.

(he's good at pretending that the lick was so gross and if I remember correctly he did this whole dramatic, "EWWWWWWWWWW" and fall to the ground thing that made her laugh)

Lois Lane said...

OH my gosh! My dad taught the grandkids the very same thing! Nothing like half chewed "Skabetty Os" left on the side of the face.