Knowing that my brothers, who all consider me the non-athlete of the family, would never believe that I met and spoke to a professional football player I asked Torrie, another blogger attending the event, to take our picture. As Jackson, Jason and I struck our pose, Jackson got all squirmy and turned away from the camera. Instead of forcing Jackson around and having him look all ticked off for the photo, I simply turned my body the other way. Jason put his hand on my shoulder and we waited for Torrie to take the picture. Torrie asked that we hold the pose so she could take another with a different camera setting. Then someone from the Edelman group,the people who hosted the whole thing, asked us to stay in the pose so they too could snap a shot. We stood there for seem like a really long time.
The end result kind of reminds me of my prom picture.

A bigger picture can be found at Torrie's Flickr site here. And check out this pic of Jackson. He is so cute and should be the spokesbaby for Huggies. Thanks Torrie.
Very nice. Don't you just love a man who can make you feel tiny and protected?
Such a sweet little family, you make. (And of course Jackson could be the spokesbaby!)
You look like you are showing off Sehorn's and your lovechild.
BTW: F The Giants.
First Harmon, then Dr. Phil, now Sehorn?
Next thing you're going to tell us is that they all think breastfeeding should never occur in public.
I HATE Jason Sehorn!!!! After that damn unbelievable-falling-down-laying-on-his-back catch that he made against the eagles in the playoffs! UGH! I hate him!!!
Also I LOVED Angie Harmon on Law & Order but I now HATE her too! All I can think of when I see her on tv now is her sitting up in the nice comfy booth cheering Sehorn on as we again lost to the damn giants!
But, as a side note, Jackson is adorable! I can't believe how big he is!
When did they legalize same sex marriage in New York?
This photo clearly indicates why you two - three - were voted cutest couple!
Are you trying to tell us something with all that pink in the background? ;)
I told Mike about your trip and you meeting with Jason Sehorn and Angie Harmon. His comment was, whatever happened to Sehorn? He certainly isn't famous for his football, he's only famous b/c he's great looking and lives in NY and therefore got a ton of endorsements and now he's simply Mr. Angie Harmon.
I think he's still REALLY great looking. I think Mike was just jealous LOL.
Well, all the obvious hilarity from the prom-pose pictures aside, it's pretty great that you got to meet and talk with Jason Sehorn, thanks for sharing the humorous twist to the story with us! :)
And he didn't even have the courtesy to buy you a corsage?!?!?
Man Crush?
I'm just tuning in to your blog and had to comment on your precious little family. What a handsome couple and a beautiful baby.
P.S. Ha!
P.P.S. Um, so it occurs to me that the "Ha!" on my last comment needs a teensy bit of clarification. The baby really is precious and you and your hot date are both independently handsome but not "as a couple" handsome.
Nevermind :-)
You make cute date(s).
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