It was a good game. A pitcher's duel which made it somewhat boring for the kids. Not too many plays presented themselves for me to impart my wisdom of the game onto the kids.
We had a good time. We left after the 6th inning when Max and Wyatt took the phrase Fightin' Phils quite literally and started to beat the crap out of each other.
On the way out of the game we stopped to use the restroom and finally a ball park teachable moment presented itself. I had to explain to Max that it was socially unacceptable to talk to the people standing on either side of him, while peeing, at the urinals in the men's room. It is a nuance of the game.
On the way out of the game we stopped to use the restroom and finally a ball park teachable moment presented itself. I had to explain to Max that it was socially unacceptable to talk to the people standing on either side of him, while peeing, at the urinals in the men's room. It is a nuance of the game.
The pictures are great! Love the one of Jackson. Did they get their certificates? Always thought watching baseball was like watching grass grow. Couldn't tolerate it while Dad was alive. Now I like it! Dad is channeling. I think I witnessed too many Little League games over a lifetime to give baseball a fair chance. Never played it myself. Basketball is my favorite!!
Hey creepy lady in picture three. Stop looking over William's shoulder.
You're ahead of me. My whole life, I couldn't stand to watch baseball until my kid started playing and became an all-star catcher in his league. Since then, I've watched more baseball -- WILLINGLY -- than I ever would have thought possible. And now that I've learned more about this thinking man's game, I find it fascinating to watch. Who knew?!
As for the pros... well, we've been to two M's games already this season and despite my eagerness to impart my newfound enthusiasm, the cotton candy remains hands-down Carter's favorite aspect.
I took my daughter to a baseball game once.
She still has nightmares about "the big blue jay".
I will happily leave the game of baseball to you, where you can impart those nuggets of wisdom to your adorable sons.
But football? Oh, I love football. 'Tis the season! :)
that picture of wyatt devouring the cotton candy is priceless. i hope he always makes that face.
we have that creepy Raymond for the Rays's mascot. I still don't know what he is, rays aren't blue nor are they fuzzy...
Jackson...growing like a weed.
Wyatt...oh that boy, there is something about him...he melts my heart...and lovin' him some cotton candy.
Max...OH. MY. GOODNESS. he has grown up so much...he just looks...well...not like a "little" boy anymore...slow down Max!
If that was one of the games where your Phillies beat my Giants, then boo. If my Giants won, then Yay! Actually, love the photos and I'm so glad all three of my kids love baseball (even the two girls).
Looks like you have yourself an outfield there. One more and it's an infield.
Citizen's Park is awesome! I love that place. Bring them up right!
Looks like you guys had a great time! I'm sure you will have many years with those adorable little boys to enjoy the game of baseball and make new chatty memories.
I didn't know you weren't suppose to talk to the peeps on each side of you though. That must be a guy thing. But an awkward moment too to just stand there and pee....the silence would kill me.
Ha ha. Loved the teaching moment at the end.
You said,
"Wyatt and Jackson attended their first Phillies Game."
I think Max was there, too.
(sorry... I am a teacher... always proofreading....)
love your stories!!
i kept trying to find myself in the background of the pictures. my cousins were the cutest phillies fans there that night.
Love, love, love this post! It's the time with Dad that will be remembered. Great Dad, you so "get it." I hope you will check out my husbands photos of his special day at the ball park. Happy Labor Day to the Poop and Boogies Family! E
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