We had a blast. The people at Edelman, Huggies PR company, did a great job with the event.
Jackson and I took the train from Philly to NY on Monday night and we had dinner with some other bloggers that were also invited. I was familiar with some of the blogs but not all of them. We did the whole "go around the table and introduce yourself" kind of thing. When it came around to me I made my intros and told everyone that I had Poop and Boogies business cards to hand out and exchange with the other blogger's business cards. Guess who was the only dork to bring business cards? Yup. Me. Either I really am a nerd for copying and pasting my P&B header, along with my contact info, and printing them on Avery 8879 size biz cards, or none of the other bloggers wanted to trade with me. Either way, dorkish.
Tuesday morning, prior to the auction, Jackson and I took some time to walk around Manhattan.

Jackson was not so much the "little mover" at the Little Mover Adventure Zone as he was a "little sitter". Either way though, he was really cute. Jackson was a great travel companion and I really enjoyed spending time with him.
Except changing his diaper on the floor, of the bathroom, on the Amtrak train. I do not think there is enough Purell in this world to get rid of the heebie jeebie skeeviness I feel.

I know that Sci Fi Dad made fun of me in his comment on yesterday's post. He called me a mommy blogger. But he is just jealous because, you see, I also got to meet Angie Harmon.
I asked her if we could work out an arranged marriage between Jackson and her youngest daughter (who is only a few weeks older than Jackson). She kind of chuckled.

I then handed her my Poop and Boogies business card. She put the card in her purse. I make very good first impressions on people.
Blogger business cards? = NOT GEEKY. Just good networking skillz...duh. You're just that much smarter than the other bloggers. And how awesome do you feel knowing Angie Harmon has your card in her purse? If I were her I'd be scoping out your blog as soon as she/I got home.
The photos are priceless, especially of Jackson in the Huggies display.
Excellent :) I love Angie Harmon! And I love the idea of P&B business cards. Jackson is adorable, and will always remember his first business trip. Except not the Amtrak change. Too skeevy.
Sounds like you both had a great time! I think it's funny that you took the time to take Jackson's photo on the floor of the bathroom--I guess as long as you've broken the five-second rule, there's no harm in leaving him there while you take the picture.
Business cards? Totally not geeky. But I still like your trading card idea ("Hey look at this--I got a Dooce!").
I think that photo of you and the Law and Order chick might just be the most envy-inducing image I have ever seen on a blog anywhere.
(For the record, I wasn't making fun of you so much as recognizing that you're the first dad blogger I've heard of to get sent somewhere on a marketing dime; it's always been the moms that get that sort of treatment.)
Amtrak doesn't have changing tables? Wow, even the airlines afford that luxury. Not that you can actually pull out the changing table and still have room to change a diaper in an airplane bathroom. Really, it's kind of a cruel joke.
Angie Harmon's shoulders are hairier than I thought they would be.
Angie thought you were hitting on her, didn't she?
It was great meeting you! And don't worry, I said the words "tampons" and "assholes" to the PR people.
Here are my pictures from the event, there are a bunch of Jackson: http://www.flickr.com/photos/torrie/sets/72157622314303707/
Angie Harmon's cool. Mark Harmon is cooler. Make it a point to meet Mark Harmon.
Eeeew!! Amtrak diaper changing. Or anywhere else like that. Blech.
On the other hand, I think you are a very cool nerd for making up business cards. And giving one to your son's future MIL? Awesome.
Who did you call a ho? Or were you just ho-ing out your blog? LOL
When I see comments or photos about this event, I can't help but think of Lauren, and how ... "complex" it must have been for her to be separated from that sweet baby all that time. Lauren is a very brave and generous woman. (Um, and of course, it was hard for her to be separated from you, too. Probably.)
Dear Jackson,
Your dad is actually a great guy and did not mean to humiliate you. Or at least, he honestly thought you were too young to be affected by the humiliation. Please cut him some slack even though you're going to want to kill him someday, because underneath all his great first impressions, he has a big heart and a hilarious sense of humor. Even if it's at your expense, it's funny stuff. ;)
love, Auntie Eclectic
Thanks for taking us along on your trip to New York with Jackson. Too funny. I really enjoy reading your blog.
Ok, so not having television, I looked her up on IMBD. There was one thing that jumped out at me right off:
"STARmeter: Down 6% in popularity this week."
Just kidding, of course. Very cool.
Can I get invited to the wedding?
You are so Hollywood! Are you sure you don't want to move to the West Coast? Just think of the celebs out there that you could snuggle up to. Don't get me wrong. I love Angie Harmon. Now I have a picture with she and my grandson. How awesome is that!? Not too many grandmoms can say that! I can tell you had fun! That makes me happy. :)
It was so nice to meet you, Bill!
You're a mommy blogger! You're a mommy blogger!
And who the hell caaa-res! Angie Harmon is HOT!
Awesome. For you. For Jackson.
It may even make me try Huggies...
Well, not me... oh, you know.
I agree with Sharkey... trading cards? Now you're talking.
A great idea = blogger cards. Sometimes I grow tired of explaining that my blog is open reading for anybody, so becoming a friend on FcBk won't give anything overly interesting.
I don't have babies at home, nor do I get a chance to meet a celebrity, and I don't set aside enough time to tell a story very well.
Meanwhile, a dad changing a diaper in the Amtrak train stall, Wow!
Thank You for this whole saga.... and give Jackson a little extra razzberry on his tummy.
How did "Little Willy" handle being that close to Angie Harmon. I bet "Big Willy" didn't care at all about Art at that time.
"I make very good first impressions on people" is cracking me UP. Also? I have seen the floors of train restrooms, and they are indeed nasty. I guess it's hard for you men to aim on a shaking train.
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