Friday, November 10, 2006

For the record

Do you know how the tallest person in the room is always asked to get something down, say from a top shelf, or high cabinet. Well I think it is perfectly okay to ask the shortest person in the room to pick up stuff that is dropped on the floor.


Anonymous said...

so you've got the baby crawling around, picking up all the stuff on the floor? That's a new one...


Unknown said...

Isn't that why we had kids? Slave labor?

Effie said...

so did you ask Wyatt to grab the paper you dropped? Cute...

Morning Bill!

Kami said...

OMG. THat is too funny. I never thought of that!

sari said...

A kid at my son's school did a science project last year where they put big socks on the baby's hands and feet and just let it crawl around, cleaning the floor.

Works for me!

Katherine said...

Totally! And, the thinnest person should have to do the cooking...

Anonymous said...

I always clean the mirrors at our house !

kimmyk said...

Y'know, I don't care whose doing what-as long as it's not me.

Spilling Ink said...

Since I am very often the tallest person in the room, I couldn't agree more!

Tami said...

I am totally stumped by anonymous saying that he cleans the mirrors in the house...what does that mean? Hmmmm....something to ponder!

Love the way you're always thinking!

WILLIAM said...

Anonymous, The mirror comment was very clever. I have to assume it is becasue you have the biggest head in the family and it takes up the most space in the reflection.

Mermaid Melanie said...

does age have any relevance to this matter?


Queen Bee said...

I don't agree that the thinnest person should do the cooking. Never trust a skinny cook!

Anonymous said...

Good point there!!!!! My husband will love that idea since he always gets stopped to help with "high up" stuff. He's 6'2" LOL

Teri said...

I think:

the tallest should get the stuff that's high on the shelves

the middle people should clean the counter tops AND

the shortest people should get the stuff off the floor

once again, you're a genius

Effie said...

I'm guessing Anonymous meant s/he is either the best looking or the most vain in the household....teehee

sc@vp said...

I'm laughing my ass off.

(And I even used full words.)

eclectic said...

OK -- I always use the handy-dandy stepstool so I DON'T have to bother the tall ones. So, I'm declaring an exemption from floor eligibility, and I think the dog has it covered in our house, anyway.

Anonymous said...

As the often-tallest person in the office, let me just say WORD.

Platypus said...

Nice one William, I'd never thought of that and must now ensure Stumpy doesn't see this since she's the tall one and would take great delight in dropping things to watch me pick them up...

ewe are here said...

Yes, but after our 18 month old picks up the dropped item, he often won't hand it over. What then?

Judypatooote said...

Some food for thought.......funny but usually most everything on the floor is from the short people anyway......

Anonymous said...

Hey. Leave the vertically-challenged people alone. Unless you were talking about putting the children to work, in which case never mind.

Anonymous said...

(Oh, and thanks so much for commenting on my vid, even though you couldn't care less about Veronica Mars... you ROCK!)

Marit said...


Ortizzle said...

Bwaaaaahhhhh! (Still laughing.)

Anyway, your proposal is not too appealing to me, cuz there ain't no kids in my house, and that would make me... Shorty!

Lynilu said...

So what happens in a household like mine . . . I'm the only one here! Do I have to do EVERYTHING??? Oh, wait, I already do! Well, the dogs do clean up any dropped ford, but beyond that . . . . .

Susie said...

Yay! I laughed out loud. Thank you :)