I may be missing in action for a bit. There is some "
Begatting" going on.
Look at the following pictures. Tell me, at what point do you think, that I thought, I was in over my head?

Our Kitchen (note the old looking floor)

Lauren has been working on the new floor.

Begats a remodel. Plumbing and stove top removed.

Umm...This was....uuhhh..

Then...I ...removed the....the...uhhmm....

Then...all the...ummm..... floor cabinets. They....uhhh.. they fell.
I'm thinking you were in over your head EVEN BEFORE YOU STARTED mate!!!! Have fun now !
I am guessing...but was it the last picture? I hope you didn't disturb Lauren's floor. I've had 2 houses of begats. You'll be bagating for years!
At least Lauren is more useful than I was!
Oh, eck. I'm thinking that when there started to be gaping holes you knew it wasn't headed right.
the cupboards were ugly. they... uhhh... they deserved to fall. I think the counter top pushed them....
Ohlord. Don't hate me for laughing at you. And thank you for confirming what I have suspected -- we're gonna hire someone. (Preparing to do new floors and countertops here, too.)
Oh William... good luck with that.
sounds like my house -
we took ONE screw out of the door frame for the front door - and the entire door, JAM AND ALL just fell forward out of the house. 2 weeks before our wedding. :) (thankfully the contractors were already there to replace the door.)
Good luck!
I think you're quite talented to handle a bigass countertop, power tools AND a camera ... simultaneously.
Bravest man in the world.
A perfect excuse for eating out every night!
go ahead and have lauren tile under the cabinets now that they are out. this will save time during future begats, when you decide to rearrange the kitchen.
Oh dear. I don't even want to think about how happy you just made Home Depot.
I thought you learned your lesson about begetting in the bathroom projects!
The Egel Nest
you know, it all looks SO easy on those designing shows, eh?! so--is it any better now? BTW--Lauren did an amazing job on the tile floor!
Know any good daycare places? Not in Pennsylvania, though, up here, in Canada? Hmmm? Nowhere seems to take anyone under 18 months...
Call Dan
I think you should smoke some of what is growing on the window sill so you feel better.
I say send Lauren in there. She will fix it. :) Nice try, though.
They fell? I can't wait to see what that begot! Besides tears and take out meals, I mean.
maybe your wife should have helped you with that.
I'm great at demolition. It's the putting back together I stink at.
Looks like we both break out the beer at about the same stage of the project, lol.
Gracious me. To start all over again makes me cringe. Really, it will be all worth it in the end. I'll be posting before and after pics for you for encouragement so check back soon...
Hm...looks like the same people designed my kitchen!! I cannot wait to tear them out! Good luck!
Hell son, you got 30 years of begatting your bagettes or some shit. I hope it all came out in the wash.
BTW, are you asking Santa for a handyman or an ear hair trimmer from Christmas? I was just wonderin'. Maybe you been such a good boy, you can get both?! Nah!
Have a great weekend!
You guys are either brave or crazy ;)
And she didn't dump your butt for that??? *shakes head*
OMG you are SCARING me man!! I am fixing to do the same exact thing (and omg our floors are so similar) Good luck to you!
I'm afraid to paint in our new house, because I fear the begats.
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