Not only has he figured out how to crawl he has also figured out how to crawl over to Maxfield and bother him. So he has reached another milestone.
Also one of his top teeth finally broke through. Sure he has had two teeth on the bottom for a month or so, but now with a top tooth to go with them he can now bite. Another milestone.
Another milestone for Wyatt is his cross dressing. Lauren has started an Ebay business selling cutomized T-shirts. She needed a model for her more girly shirts.
Lauren's stuff is pretty cool, as you can see form the pictures. Go check out what else she has done. Click here.
Your boys are such cutie pies!
those are great shirts. I wish I had kids to put in them.
Heres another milestone...
You have become Martha Stewart
As far as Wyatt crawiling...
The Florida Geological Society recorded some activity in the Orlando area yesterday.
They're great! Try listing them on . Etsy is the place people go for cool stuff like this.
loving the pics--and who says boys can't wear pink? so cute...I'll keep Lauren in mind for future gifts!
What does 1 MAMS mean?
Tell her to check out, the fees are way lower and its a site dedicated to strictly hand made items. Those are pretty cute!
So awesome! Lauren rocks the hizzouse, yo?
I added a link to Lauren's site on my blog.
Tomorrow, I will make SPF about LETTERS and let everyone know about her site.
If I could remember my stupid password to paypal I would get one for Jeremiah!! I guess I better figure that out soon huh? lol!!
They're adorable!
Of course Lauren does a fab job on the shirts! Is there anything she CAN'T do?! ;)
Wyatt and Max are gorgeous! Lauren-I love the shirts!
Very cool shirts!
Cool shirts! Even cooler models! Bo loves his! He was wearing it last night, and told me exactly who made it for him. Way to go Lauren! They are special. Keep up the good work.
No "W" shirt? :)
I love that he's crawling right over Max, the crawling stage was my favorite, which I can now look back on and laugh---now that my kids are walking up right and talking in slightly incomplete sentences.
Good luck to Lauren with the Tshirt sales. I'm going to pass the link along to friends of mine with kids this age.
And she might want to make some tshirts for guys that their wives can order when they get ticked off at 'em. Such as "I" for idiot...
oh i'm in a mood...(g)
Those are some pretty nifty shirts.
As soon as I saw Max's birthday shirt, I knew Lauren had been busy! Really nice job on those shirts.....fantastic job on those models!
Watch out. As Wyatt gets too big to appear convincingly "girly", Lauren's gonna need to conceive a new model. Too cute!! (Bothe the boys AND the shirts!)
Cute shirts. I often *think* about selling crafty stuff on eBay and then realize that I also *have* to make it. :)
You forgot to mention the milestone of Wyatt grinding his now-three teeth together. Gah . . . makes my skin crawl just thinking about it, but they all seem to do it.
The shirts are awesome! Now who do I know that has a single-digit birthday in the near future?
Those shirts are incredible.
those are really cool shirts...I'm going to check out the website..I'm sure I can find a few I like for my grandkids.
**laughing at the comment that you have become Martha Stewart**
Super cute shirts...I will be looking for a "J" I like.
love those shirts..
milestones are nice, but suck ass all at the same time..
Lauren is so clever - I always envy anyone creative since I'm just not. Oh, and yay on the milestones. They're sad and happy at the same time.
I've never commented before but have been a blog stalker of yours for close to a year now...
Does your beautiful wife have an email address? I have another AWESOME and INCREDIBLE site that she can sell her stuff is all handmade stuff. Let me know!
Those shirts are AWESOME. I will have to buy soon as I know a name for the wee one.
I tried clicking on the ebay link and couldn't. Could you send it to me, or if she goes over to etsy let me know? I for SURE want one for my niece, and we are going to start trying this summer so I'll need our for our future babe as well!
I LOVE THEM! *swoon*
I love the shirts! Is she still selling them? The e-bay link didn't work! Thanks.
Ms. Crafty Wanna-Be
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