Thursday, March 01, 2007

Why the world is a better place

Maxfield was born three years ago today. Max coming into the world has had an influence on more than just Lauren and myself. There is a rippling effect on the world around.

Max has given his grandparents (both sides) one more person to love, and there is nothing wrong with more love being spread around.

Maxfield has made me a more caring and aware person. I am not as quick to judge other people, due to the fact that Max could turn out like them. Piercings, tattoos, or even cross dressing is really not that big of a deal.

His arrival has caused Lauren and I to become more spiritual and from that we have done some good deeds that we hope have helped other people. Hopefully those people pay it forward.

Max being born into this world has helped some people deal with cancer.

There are Broccoli farmers that owe their livelihood to Max. The money they make from what Maxfield eats can support a small nation. The economic impact spreads across the world.

I started blogging as a way to keep family members updated about Max's (and mine) life. Without Max I probably would not have started blogging. Through blogging, I have "met" a great many people that have taught me many lessons that I will take with me through life. They have affected me and I hope I have affected them. I am sure some of the parents that read this blog now go to books stores prepared with extra diapers.

I realized that there is a whole new level to the word "cranky". Max, when he first wakes up, is by far the crankiest person I have met. How does that make the world better? People all over the globe now can get along better with their significant others, roommates or siblings knowing that they are not living with the crankiest person in the world.

He has taught me patience, which has come in handy, when I am stuck in traffic and I want to strangle the person in front of me, and I don't. And that person in front of me is probably one of the scientists that is working on the Bird flu vaccine. So I know by Max teaching me to be a more patient person most likely just saved thousands of lives.

They say that a butterfly flapping it's wings on the other side of the world can cause a tidal wave. I believe that Max's smile is the cause of all this "global warming" stuff we hear in the news. It's not a bad thing.

Happy Birthday Maxfield.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Max!

Anonymous said...

THREE cheers for Maxfield!

Maxfied is THREE today!!

Happy are loved by many (some even know you).

Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Maxfield! Have a great day!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Max.

I totally agree with you, William, all of us cause a rippling effect with wonderful results!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Max! You're growing so fast! You and your family make my world a little brighter on a daily basis... thank you for that.

Effie said...

He's 3 already?? Wow!!!


Have you told him that he has to say everything 3 times when he's three?
Have you told him that he has to say everything 3 times when he's three?
Have you told him that he has to say everything 3 times when he's three?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Max! May you be blessed with many, many more.

Your mom made your shirt, didn't she? Nice job!

Patience said...

Oh to be Three again!

How beautiful the world must be

When you're Three!!

Anonymous said...

Happy number 3, Maxfield. Cha, cha, cha!

Annie said...

Happy Birthday, Buddy Boy! You certainly have made our world better!!!

SciFi Dad said...

Happy Third Birthday Max! Enjoy that broccoli cake!

Annie said...

PS - I love the shirt, Lauren! What I wouldn't give to be that creative - or to plan that far ahead!!! You're an amazing mom. Happy Your-first-born-is-three-years-old Day! Bill can't fool us -we know who does the dirty work... and deserves all the glory!

Michelle said...

Happy birthday to a special 3 year old boy. And may his family be blessed as well.

Meegs said...

Aww, so sweet.

Happy Birthday Max!

Denise B. said...

Happy Birthday Max!

And what an adorable t-shirt!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Max!

jen said...

Happy Birthday, Max!

Kari said...

The title and the very first line...enough said.

Happy Birthday Max!

Scottsdale Girl said...

Gawd that kid is CAHUTE!

HAppy Birthday Mr Max!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Max! You're lucky to have such a great dad who loves you so much! Now, go eat some cake!

ThePapaDog said...

Sir Max-A-Lot...

Have a Great Birthday...

Anonymous said...

The happiest of birthday wishes to Maxfield! May you one day blog about changing your dad's diapers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Max, you look like a monkey...

Kami said...

Great post.


Unknown said...

What an adorable kid, and a great post.

Michelle said...

I didn't know Max shared a birthday with Frick and Frack??!! Hope Max (and your whole family) have a wonderful day.

Happy Birthday Max!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Max! Have a brilliant day!

William, that was a beautiful tribute to Max. Make sure you keep it because one day that post will mean so much to him. You're a great dad.

~aj~ said...

Wonderful post!

Happy Birthday Max!

Dani said...

Happy Birthday Max!
Beautiful post.

Anonymous said...

Just when I think I couldn't possibly adore you any more, you go and write this post. My new favorite.

Happy birthday, Maxfield! You're one lucky little dude, and clearly a blessing to the world. :)

Anonymous said...

awwww happy birthday to the little cutie patootie. Adorable smile, irresistible eyes. Lots of birthday wishes to Maxfield. He certainly does make the world a better place.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Happy Birthday, Maxfield!

Susie said...

Max's smile has made many days brighter for me :)

Happy Birthday, Max.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Maxfield! Missing you and cant wait till you are back North!

Anonymous said...

Aww . . . I just love the little 3 on his shirt. Happy birthday, Max!

Lois Lane said...

That was a wonderful tribute to a wonderful little boy! Happy brithday late, Max! And thank you for coming into this crazy world and making it a better place. :)

Nichole said...

Happy (belated) birthday Max!

This is one of the sweetest birthday posts I've read.

Anonymous said...

3 is a magic number

sari said...

Happy birthday to a cute and sweet boy!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Max!

ladybug said...

there are a few reasons why i know Maxfield has such a wonderful impact on our world:

(1) he has the name of my future son [Lauren & Bill, i forgive you for using it first and hope you forgive me for naming my boy Maxfield when i finally have kids in a few years!]

(2) Max shares his birthday with my sister, and as such, he is part of the COOLEST PEOPLE ARE BORN ON MARCH 1ST CLUB! ;)

william, thanks for sharing your family with us. not only the funny stories, but your love for each member of your family. it is a constant reminder for me to enjoy my loved ones and appreciate those in my life who make this journey easier :}