Monday, March 26, 2007

Educational Programming

Hey, all of those parents of toddlers out there, did you see the episode of Diego, they just showed, where Diego finsihes all of his dinner before he goes out and helps the tree frogs? Or that one show, of Dora, where she actually cleans up all of her toys before her and Boots go out and find the giant chicken, even though the troll bridge troll tells that riddle that is difficult to figure out? Although my kid knows the answer?

Did you catch the Jack's Big Music Show where Laurie Berkner explains that you don't have to repeat a song 100 times in 5 minutes to have it be heard? Did you?

How about the one snippet of the Upside Down Show, when Shane and David actually listen to their parents without whining about it? Did you see it? Huh? Huh?

No I didn't think so.

Sure my kid knows what a marching band is, or that a Penguin only lives in the Antartic...but basic life skills, like not irritating his parents, that will ensure he lives until his fourth birthday????

Educational TV? Yeah!? Fuck that.


eclectic said...

Inhale, exhale, repeat. Maxfield won't be three forever! Although, Wyatt will be ready to pick up the slack... ;)

Jody said...

Just laughing... So totally with you...

Anonymous said...

No dude! I was too busy watching Buzz Lightyear and Woody talk about how awesome it was to use the potty and stop crapping in their pants. And then Mickey Mouse was on and did something (or stopped doing something) the first friggin time he was asked instead of after being threatened with a time out or something being taken away.

Start a revolution, Bill. (And thanks for the new post.)

SciFi Dad said...

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays...

Anonymous said...

Wish I had an answer for you, but all I've got is Spongebob's voice ricocheting around my head....

Jake Silver said...

All i know is Tathan better know how to save a Jaguar if it ever comes down to it.

Just Jan said...

I agree with will pass!! Hope blogging about it made the day better. (even though it's kind of funny how you related the story).

Anonymous said...

Relax he will be 13 before you know it, then its a whole new song and dance!yep it just keeps on getting better!

Anonymous said...

Every year... same song...different verse...

until they're 18 and you can threaten them with making them leave....

Kami said...

Amen, brother William. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I find it hard to believe that little boy with those big beautiful eyes could possibly be the one you refer begs the question, what did he do?

Anonymous said...

I love when you use the Lawnwhisperer's vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

Well, these things will happen as long as people use the television to train their kids.

Teach him what YOU know William. Get in his face, on his level, and show him what is acceptable human behavior and don't leave it up to penguins, sponges and cartoons.

And don't give up hope, he will be what you are. He's watching you, you know.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I guess we missed all those shows because my toddlers keep asking if we can move and live in a pineapple under the sea.

My chillins are also forboten from ever watching Elmo. He just doesn't model a good example for using an appropriate 'indoor' voice.

Michelle said...

What about the Dora episode where she actually instructs her viewers to say it louder?? Seriously - like my kids don't say everything loud enough already?

I think eclectic got it right - inhale, exhale. This too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

Caliou the other day had a bad dream and when his dad asked him what was the matter, he said, "I had a bad dream." What kind of freaked out half awake kid can tell his father why he's upset.

Platypus said...

Ah yes, three - so much worse than 2 but so much better than 13! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Saturday Night Live this weekend had a hilarious 'Saturday TV Funhouse' parody of Dora. You'd like it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait..I thought I was the only one out there that memorized the tv lineup of Noggin. Geez. LMAO!!

Amie Adams said...

A fine point indeed!

Get Elmo on the phone!

Crunchy Carpets said...

I love the upside down show..but about shows that teach their kids that parents are NOT indentured slavery.