Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Should I be worried?

I received a phone call today at work from Lauren.

"Hello. This is Bill."

"Hi. It's me. I gave Wyatt a haircut today."

"Oh yeah? How does he look?"

"Do you know Jim Carrey in the movie Dumb and Dumber..."


Stepping Over the Junk said...

AAAH! I cant stop laughing. I can picture it. I cut my girls' hair all the time and it looks great, except for this last time...my older daughter looks a little lopsided, but no matter what I do, it doesnt fix. So I just leave it. At least girls can dress up a bad haircut with barrettes and headbands and stuff.

Unknown said...

I'm too much of a wuss to try to cut my kid's hair.

Nancy said...

lol, I hope there will be pictures posted soon!

kimmyk said...

Oh lord.

Anonymous said...

You'll definitely have to post a picture!

ThePapaDog said...

Oh No! Did she put a bowl on his head?

Not everyone can pull off the Lloyd Christmas look. Gotta see the pic...

Anonymous said...


Be worried, be very worried!

Patience said...

There's a reason she called you on the phone at work to tell you this. So you have time to ... prepare.

Just Jan said...

Yikes!!! Looking for that picture to be posted soon.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry (snicker, snicker) it'll grow out (snicker, snicker).

Aly said...

Worried? Lloyd Christmas has great hair!

sari said...

When my eight year old was about 2, I cut his hair.

He looked like Randy Johnson.

I've paid for haircuts (for both boys) ever since. It's worth it, for them.

Kami said...

UH OH. That's why we go to Cool Cuts.

Chris Cactus said...

Huh. Well, that can't be good.

Unknown said...


Multi-tasking Mommy said...

Wow! Your wife is so brave. I will only cut our bunny's hair with hubby right by our side :)

If I had a boy, I think I would just take the electric trimmers to his head and go all one short length :) That's what we do with the hubby's hair too! I tried to taper it up the back, yeah, that didn't work out so much! I huge step...oops!

BIYF said...
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BIYF said...

Hey, just count your lucky chickens it wasn't a call that referenced the Jeff Bridges scene...

Anonymous said...


Judypatooote said...

Hurry, Hurry, I want to see pictures......