Thursday, March 22, 2007

What is the next year called?

Okay, I get the whole "terrible two-s" thing.

But the next year, is that the "Defiant Threes"? Or maybe the "I will have a screaming fit over every thing, big or small, and I don't care, you can go fuck off Threes."?

I think it may be easier just to start giving Max "Time-INs."


Anonymous said...

Ed Asner said it best: Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare.

Amen, brother. AMEN.

Charlotte in Pa said...

Please reference this photo for my answer to this query:

Unknown said... this what I have to look forward to?

Unknown said...

Oooohhhh... surely that cute widdle face with the big blue eyes can't be giving you all that much trouble...

(and yeah, I have a four year old, and a three year old... I firmly believe the Troublesome Threes are way worse than the Terrible Twos.)

amelia said...

Something happened when my 2 year old turned 3. He became MUCH more defiant and willful. I started polling my friends who had 3 year olds and we all agree that the "terrible 2s" aren't bad at all. It is a misnomer--but the 3s will give you a run for your patience!

Michelle said...

I had a 2 year old and a 3 year old at the same time. I made it through and so did they. You will too Bill.

Anonymous said...

oh brother..are you ever in for it.

I have a 8 1/2 year old girl, a 6 year old girl, and a 2 1/2 year old boy...and honestly I don't know what's worse...the dramatic sighs, the stomping of the feet followed by much screaming, or the full blown body fits...And that's just me, you should see what my kids can do.

Sharpie said...

Wait until they are old enough to ask you, "Are you REALLY going to wear that?" as you are walking out the door.

Yeah. Good times.

Denise B. said...

Good grief, it gets worse?? I always thought Isaac turned into Satan Spawn at 18 months. It gets worse?? We don't have a closet sufficient to lock him in....

sari said...

I had to laugh out loud. I've so been there with my five year old.

Slinger said...

yeah, that phrase is not true. 2's were not bad, but the day opur son turned 3, it was like turning on a light switch. 3's are worse, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I have heard the Legend of the Troublesome 3s...I fear them.

Anonymous said...

Oh you don't know? It's called the "Terrible twos, part III."

It'll be OK. At least they won't be 17....

a survivor

OhTheJoys said...

I am terrified. The Mayor turns three in June.

Nancy said...

Gives more understanding to why some species eat their young *gasp*

The Cluck Wagon said...

I have a 10-year-old and a 7-year-old and I'm still waiting for it to get better!

Darren said...

Compared to the terrible twos, the threes are just called "worse" or "I miss the relavtive calm of the terrible twos."

Anonymous said...

Fun, huh?

See why it's smart to get knocked up with the second one before the first one turns two? Otherwise the whole damn world would be full of only-child families.

Kami said...

Actually, terrible twos is a lie. It's terrible threes.


eclectic said...

See, I thought I must be the absolute best mother in the world, as my two year old was unfailingly compliant, sweet and charming. "Wow", I thought, "if this is the 'terrible twos', I'm an Ace at this mothering thing!!" And then? She turned three. Gah! Don't worry, three times now, age three has faded into the lovely age four. Ahhhh. Four!! Your sweet child returns to you, and you realize how much you've missed them. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Uh-oh. Sounds like Max is wearing the varnish off the naughty step.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

I'm in the midst of "terrible four and a halfer" at the moment. MUCH worse than two. More frustrating because she can actually communicate now and tries to negotiate in the midst of screaming. In the twos, it is merely just screaming. And then they turn six. And they think they know it all. Like, ALL. and they tell you so.

Melanie said...

Everyone keeps telling me that three is way worse than two. I am starting to get scared.

Anonymous said...

Mine are 25, 21 and 18 now... all boys.... 2 & 3 are CUTE compared to 7 (yes, 7! seven was the worst ever, all 3 times)... or better yet... 17!!! Hang in there....

Anonymous said...

Grin and Bear It! No sympathy from me!!!! I had a six year old, five year old, four year old, three year old, two year old, when you were the one year old!!!!! I survived, so did you! It's grand! I loved it all! The teen years are the toughest! So you have time! I failed to mention, I was pregnant when you were the one year old! So there! Don't mean to toot my own horn, but know, it's only as good or bad as you make it! Take control! Love you!

Judypatooote said...

You need to contact Nanny Jo from consistant she daughter said after putting Anna in the time out chair 40 time, she finally gave up.... and she was don't expect to much for a few years.....LOL