O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring.
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red!
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
Walt Whitman
It's sad. I have been around the world of super heroes enough to know that most main characters that die will eventually be resurrected, but Captain America? C’mon. He is an icon. He was even the Best Man at my wedding.
Okay, actually my best man was Bob, but he dressed up as Captain America for the toast.
Ummmm, Bill, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news. But He is a comic book character, he is not real. Super Heros are just made up. They are fictional beings. Sorry to be the one to have to tell you.
Your wife is one understanding woman, isn't she?
I still want to see the video from your wedding.
I just heard about this earlier. I'm sorry for your loss and offer condolences.
Bill, don't listen to LW. As usual, he's FOS.
Bob, do you still have those red footless booties you're wearing in that picture and can you wear them next time I'm in town? I'll buy you as many beers as you like if you do so.
So, why wasn't I invited to that reception?! ;)
Captain America was my favorite! I subscribed to that comic and everything.
One of these things is not like the others, one of these things is not the same... Batman, Robin, Captain America, CHEWBACCA, Spiderman, Superman....
I know, it's very sad. They've done the unthinkable by doing him in.
What next, Aquaman drowns?
We had a LONG talk about this to our kids who are HUGE comic book/super hero fans.
My husband said the same thing - we'll come back.
It IS sad - it's Captain AMERICA!
1. Is that Magneto or Spiderman in the background behind Chewbacca?
2. Who's standing between Chewie and Robin (hidden by Capt America)?
The Joy of Comic Book Life! The heroes return! In the movies, look how many times Batman returned! And Superman! There was a Spiderman 2, also. "Oh ye of little faith", New Testament. Captain America will return with greater powers. Make Believe is such a great world! I plan on returning myself, as a thinner, prettier, smarter me! I also believe in miracles! Think happy thoughts, William! He will return!
That better not be real.
Although not in this picture, I have clear memories of one of those brothers of yours dressed as a teletubby during this portion of your wedding...Are you going to be upset if they kill off Tinky Winky too?
i am very glad you blacked out chewbacca's eyes in that photo because otherwise i surely would have recognized exactly who that was underneath. ;)
Hey, they killed superman too. You never know with these superhero types.
"Poetry rolling from your tongue like honey." Those dead poets make me want to stand on a chair!
Mrs Bob wanted a little captain on your wedding day
I wish I was there.
I saw pictures of it though
Williams Brother
Rush Limbaugh and the other right wingers warned us that there would be dire consequences if the Democrats took back the House. We are all to blame for Captain America's death. Shame on us.
Captain America is my brother's very most favorite superhero. I'm sure he's in mourning today. I should probably send a card.
I'm sorry for your loss... ;)
It looks like a little bit to much fun was had by all.....you are a crazy group.....i say that with affection.....LOL
Oh my god, wait, what? Captain America is dead? Did this happen during the Civil War saga? Oh man, I'm so behind. My husband and I didn't read the Civil War much at all (because they were everywhere and it would have been so expensive to purchase all of them...we're waiting for the bound version) so I'm behind a LOT.
I had a great chuckle reading through your comments, especially the one from dadontrainingwheels - "aquaman drowns." Hilarious.
Lauren is a Saint!
Saint Lauren.
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