The kite I was trying to use was a stunt kite that I tried to modify to work as a regular kite but due to all the various strings and rods and supports I could not get it to fly. I used to be a very decent kite flyer.
In the past, I would go and fly a kite to relax and unwind. It is just like fishing. But instead of throwing a line into the water, you throw it into the sky. You let the wind be the current, like water, and you work the line to keep the kite in the air, like one would work a line to catch a fish. It is very zen-like.

Just look at that sky. Amazing.

Maxfield is still having issues with the big boy underwear.
Your description of kite-flying like fishing, the sky like the water, is perfect.
Also...cute matching outfits. :)
I LOVE that shot of Max with the wedgie. Poor little guy! I also noted his bandaide on the right elbow. Ah...that brings back memories! I remember all my kids going through a phase where they were COVERED in those things. If anyone wanted to send a little package and asked what the kids were into, I just had to ask them to send as many boxes of cutsey bandaides as they could, and the toddler/preschooler in our home at that point in time would be thrilled!
Weather looked nice, but likely too much sun for me. I don't like bright light, gives me migraines. That is why the Pac NW is the best place for me:) Although there is still too much sun for my liking sometimes!
I was almost afraid to read this blog. My thought, "William, how could you post something like that?" Had me going there for a second. You Devil, you! Funny man! Never saw a kite like that one. You need a cool evening Jersey Shore breeze to get that to fly sky high. How 'bout this summer? That baby will soar!!
Or someone who flies kites didn't WIPE him properly...hmmmm?
Those stunt kites are SO fun to fly! As long as you don't crack it down into someone's head. ;)
great analogy! When I was about 14, my brother and I really got into flying kites. Never did the stunt kites, but had a custom string holder that let you feed out the line with just a slight flick of the wrist. We used to get our kites sooooo high!
Great memories!
i see your problem---there's no wind...although, who has seen the wind?
Uh, don't you guys always dig in your butts? No, then you start checking to make sure your man parts are still there, right?
Gorgeous pics!
So did you catch any birds?
I thought the number 1 reason people lived in Florida was that no one else wanted them
i keep checking for a new post and re-reading the title "I couldn't get it up." C'mon, a Sat post does not get you out of a Monday post.
I want fresh poop and boogies!
Wait a minute...that didn't sound right...
You shouldn't worry about it too much William, it happens to all men sooner or later. Let your wife have a go at it, I bet she can get it up for you.
This isn't related in any way to your post of 3/31/05 is it? *last line* JUST KIDDING!
It's not you, William.... don't feel bad. The humidity weighs 'em down in Florida. Scientific fact. At least, that'd be my story. ;)
Excellent pictures. Hope you got it up eventually.
What Kalki said.
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