After we met with the doctor, Maxfield and I went back to waiting room with our new rubber glove balloons, while Lauren went to the appointment desk. Brianna was excited to play with the five-finger balloons and told why she was there. Her mom was going to have a baby. She was going to be a big sister. She liked to dance and wanted to be a ballerina. I said hello to her mom who is only a few months pregnant.
Lauren entered the room, 39 weeks pregnant belly first, Brianna’s eyes widened and she said, “Ohhh look.” Pointing at Lauren’s belly, “She is going to have LOTS of babies.”

wow, I wish I looked like that first thing in the morning, everything except the pregnant part. can't wait for the new baby to get hear and hear all the stories you're gonna tell.
the Obi-Gyn Kenobi? that cracked me up!
She looks beautiful. And secretly I hate her - because I was huge all over. I bet from the back you can't even tell she's pregnant. I kept asking the dr. if it was possible that I was carrying the baby in my ass since that's what seemed to get bigger every time I turned around....LOL.
Lauren, you look gorgeous!
She looks amazing! Some women look like their belly is wearing them during pregnancy, but Lauren looks amazing. Definitely looks like she's getting close!
Oh my god! She is all belly! If not for that belly, she wouldn't look pregnant at all! I am soooo jealous!! Lauren, you look awesome!!!
Kids! That is too funny and Lauren looks fabulous!
Lauren is gorgeous!
LOL, lots of babies!
Lauren you look beautiful!
She looks FAB! Lauren, you look FAB! and I had to crack up at this : Maxfield & I went into the waiting room with OUR new rubber glove balloons.
That Dr. sure knows how to entertain you boys!
Oh--and Lauren looks FAB!
Yeah I could only wish I looked that good in the morning...
She looks beautiful!..though I have to admit, I am slightly jealous....I looked like a marooned whale when I was that
Can't wait to hear all about the new little one!
tell Lauren this, I do not know if I have ever seen a sexier or more beautiful woman in my life. You are a lucky man.
P.S. I'm pregnant.
She looks fantastic.
I had a litter. I was not cute, or thin except for my belly. Hell, I didn't make it anywhere near 39 weeks. She looks beautiful and she will realize it when you new baby is two years old and sleeps through the night and she only has to pee like a regular person.
She looks amazing. All belly. And first thing in the morning? Extra credit!
Holy crap I wish I looked that good THIS morning, never mind when I was 9 months prego.
She is one of those stunning pregnant women.
Lauren looks awesome! What a big baby that's in there! Thanks for the pic, it makes it all real, for those of us at a distance. God bless you all! Can't wait for the call. Love you guys! Lauren you are a trooper! You look fantastic! How do you do it?
Wow she looks awesome! My goodness she is so thin all she has is a belly!
May Lauren have many healthy puppies. She looks very nice - particularly for first thing in the morning.
Oh, and I have officially given Blogger the finger. I have imported my entire site to WordPress, comments and all. I will be posting there from now on. It was easy, it was clean, it was free, and best of all... it WORKS!!!!
Oh my gosh, she DOES look great! I wish I looked that great at 9 months (or whatever she is). Her arms! They're thin! All she's got is that adorable little basketball in front! :)
Awesome story. And how timely is this? Because I just posted about my infatuation with pregnant bellies. I promise not to stalk your wife, though. Maybe.
Lauren, you are dropdead gorgeous - always.
She does look great! Definitely has that pregnant lady glow.
I'll be waiting for an announcement. and I bet it'll be soon.
Wow, she is beautiful!! Can't wait to see the pictures of the baby!! I am so excited for you all!
That is a funny story William...
my 2 year old cousin pointed to my wife's breasts and asked "Who drinks out of those?"
This is funny because she has not had our baby quite yet :)
The Egel Nest
I could only wish I would loiok that good just getting out of bed. She's beautiful and Im sure you already know That's an awesome picture. How much longer till the baby arrives?
Lauren seems to just get more and more beautiful. Hope that baby gets here soon!
Boy does she look great...i look like the shamu at 39 weeks....she is so tiny everywhere except her beautiful pregnant belly. I am jealous. Are ya'll having a boy?
The thing I love best is how YOU think she looks great! (Which, objectively, she absolutely DOES.) It's just so endearing that you aren't afraid to tell her, and us, that you think so even when she doesn't feel like it.
OK, I'm extremely impressed! She didn't gain anything anywhere except for that baby. Unlike some OTHER people we know - :::casting eyes downward in shame:::
She DOES look great. I should look so good. She is stunning. Lovin the belly. Cuuutte
She's a babe! (How'd you snag her?)
(Just kidding! She is a babe, but...oh, you know what I mean.)
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