Monday, June 12, 2006


Wyatt Blue...
Born on 6/11/06.

Mom and Wyatt are both doing well.
The whole family is happy.


Meredith said...

Congratulations!!!! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Long time lurker here! He's GORGEOUS!! Many many congratulations! How sneaky!! No "Hey she's in labor" to have us all in agony, just beautiful baby pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Look at all the hair that kid has! Everyone looks great. How does Lauren do it?!?


Anonymous said...

What a *beautiful* name! And what a beautiful boy! Congratulations!

jen said...

Congratulations Bill, Lauren, and Max! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Bill! I'm so happy for you guys. All the best to you and your family!

Anonymous said...


The Q said...

Congratulations to your entire family!

Welcome to the world Wyatt!! What a cutie :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's adorable. 2 boys, 2 years apart. Just what I have. You're in for a wild ride!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Both boys are just beautiful!

Susie said...

I'm so happy for you! I have been stalking! I just KNEW it was happening soon. A beautiful new P&B. Health and happiness to your entire family. Enjoy the honeymoon of a new baby. :) :) :) You are truly blessed.

Anonymous said...

Yipppeeee!! Welcome to the world, Wyatt! And what a beautiful freaking family! I mean, seriously.

ieatcrayonz said...



Congratulations to you all!

Anonymous said...

I gasped when I saw! Congratulations! He's a handsome devil!

Rachel said...

Congratulations!!! He's incredibly handsome.

TheStolenOlive said...


Wyatt is beautiful. And I love the "brothers" picture, it's adorable.

Welcome to the world pretty baby.

Anonymous said...

holy crapola, i had no idea he was coming so soon! congratufreakinlations to you all!!! :)

Kami said...

OMG! He's gorgeous! CONGRATS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! I recently came across your blog and I am now hooked. And no wonder.. you have a very beautiful family!! And please tell your gorgeous wife that she's an amazing decorator and also. LOL Congrats once again! =)

Unknown said...

Fantastic! Congrats to you all!

P.S. Not that you give a rat's ass but I LOVED the name Wyatt but Sugar Daddy poo-pooed it...not, as it turns out, that it mattered anyway (since both our offspring are girls)

Anonymous said...

Wow!! How big was he!!! He looks HUGE!!! (sorry Lauren!)
Congratulations, and I'm sure that you must think that he looks tiny, and that I am crazy, but he does look big! (and in that top picture, he looks just like Max).

Bente said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Congratulations!!! Wyatt Blue is a beautiful baby!!

..sigh..too bad he didn't wait a day, today's my


Anonymous said...

That is so weird...this is the second time this has happened to me, but yesterday I checked your blog to see if the baby had been born because I dreamt Sat night that he was being born. I was disappointed that there was no announcement yesterday, but I realize now that you were a little busy. Congratulations!!!

jac said...

Congratulations! Wyatt is perfect! He's beautiful!

The Egel Nest said...


So exciting...mine is coming soon :)

The Egel Nest

Judypatooote said...

Congratulations to the daddy, mommy and big brother....

10 perfect fingers and
10 perfect toes
Mommy's eyes and
Daddy's nose
A wonderful miracle
From Heaven above
Oh, little baby,
How much you are loved!

by: Dana Roberts Clark

Beautiful pictures William.....

Sharpie said...

Congrats!! What a beautiful baby boy!! So glad everyone is doing well. And damn if I wasn't a day early in my prediction!!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Hooray and congratulations! Good job. He looks perfect.

Nature Girl said...

Congratulations to your whole family, he's beautiful! Rest up Lauren! Hugs to all. Stacie

Carolyn said...

Congratulations! He's gorgeous and I love his name. You certainly have a beautiful family. Glad everyone is resting comfortably.

Jaime said...

Wheeeeeeeeeee! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's really cute, and what a great name too!

Anonymous said...

awww, William, Lauren and Max, congratulations!!!!

You were just throwing us off the trail with those new room pictures, weren't you?

Anonymous said...

forgot to mention what a beautiful name the new boy has!

Anonymous said...

Wyatt Blue??!!! AWESOME! SO much better than Big Boy. I will still be calling him that, though. Congratulations you guys! He is so beautiful. You must be on top of the world! Whoopee! Let me know if you guys need anything....

Effie said...

Oh that's so wonderful! He's so precious! CONGRATULATIONS! And Max looks like such a happy big brother!

Meegs said...

Congratulations to the whole Poop & Boogies family!! What a gorgeous baby! Can't wait to hear all about him.

Unknown said...

Woooo! YAY!!!

Welcome to the world WYATT!

Congrats to your whole family!

He looks like such a peaceful and content little fellow. :)

Anonymous said...

Bill, Lauren, & Max,
Congratulations on the newest addition. He's gorgeous like his Dad.

The Cluck Wagon said...

Awww. Congratulations. He's beautiful!

Beth Fish said...

That kid is smiling!

He's beautiful, and Lauren looks entirely too fabulous to have just done that.

Rhonda said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! He is such a cutie. And how does Lauren look so good after just having a baby?

My Pugs Blogger said...

Congrats! What a beautiful family!

Susie said...

Oh, William. SO very happy for you all. Happy tears. God bless you and your beautiful family.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

He is beautiful! Congrats! Lauren looks fabulous!

Unknown said...

AWESOME!!! What a fabulous name too. He is SO beautiful. So is Lauren. OMG I'm giddy.

ToadyJoe said...

So precious, and so very loved already! Congratulations on your very handsome little man. Go get some sleep while you can, Mom & Dad! ((hugs))

Michele in Michigan said...

Conratulations to all! Welcome, little Wyatt!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby! He looks like a super mellow love muffin. I love his name too. Welcome, Wyatt! Congratulations Bill and Lauren and big brother Max!

eclectic said...

No way!! Awww, that's wonderful! Love and blessings to you all. Truly!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME. Congratulations to Lauren... and to you too, Bill.

Andrea said...

OH MY GOSH! He's...he's...a baby! A smooshy, squeezy, adorable baby. And all wrapped up like a burrito, too (I have never mastered that swaddling thing).

Congrats to all of you. Those pictures make me even more anxious to meet the little person I'm growing...

Greta Adams said...

Congrats to you both...he is gorgeous....Lauren looks so great for just giving birth....

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations!

kimmyk said...

Oh Congrats!!!

What a beautiful baby!!!!

Did I win?

Anonymous said...

He's just beautiful.

Rob said...

Congratulations! Great name!

Kari said...

How does she do it? I have never seen a woman look so beautiful after giving birth! You are a luck man.

The boy is gorgeous!...well all 3 of them.

Lauren's sure got her hands full now.

Love the name! Congratulations to all! Great job Lauren!

Brian said...


I love how that first shot is always of baby with antibiotic eye smear in one of those ubiquitious new baby hospital blankets.

Anonymous said...

Just realized this means I didn't win the Guess-The-Date contest. Crap.

But, considering you named your son after my fish (Blue), I think I deserve some sort of prize.

Seriously, though, I LOVE the name Wyatt Blue. It just sounds perfect.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!! He's awesome!

Michelle said...

Congratulations!!!! Adorable addition to the family!

Just Jan said...

Congratulations on your new arrival. Everyone looks great and those eyes Wyatt has!! Maxwell looks like a proud big brother. Thanks for sharing the photos. I love the one of Lauren kissing Wyatt. A great choice for his name too!!

Cheryl said...

Awww, he's absolutely precious!! I'm so happy for you and your beautiful family.

Melanie said...

zCongratulations! I love the name. What a beautiful baby and family.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATZ!! Long time reader, first time commenter.... :) But I had to say something! Beautiful new baby, as well as the rest of your family! I love your blog!!

Nilbo said...

Congratulations to both of you - that's very happy news. And what an adorable family, with the exception of William, who - according to the Code of Guys - I cannot think of as anything other than a "cool guy".

Best to impress this stuff on young Wyatt early on.

Katy Barzedor said...

Welcome, Wyatt! The citizens of the Internet are waiting to be your eccentric aunts and uncles.

Alli's Mom said...

He is so precious and perfect. What a head full of hair! Glad everyone is healthy and happy. Congrats to all you, including the new big brother!

Leska McCall said...

And what an awesome name.

You are all lovely.

Dollymama said...

What a gorgeous baby. Congratulations to all of you!

Kat said...

What a gorgeous baby boy!!!! Congratulations!

Lowa said...


Love the name! How big was he?? Looks like quite a large guy, but hard to tell by pictures.

Now I am all the more excited to go meet my new nephew next week! YAHOO!!!

Not only does Lauren look awesome now, after the birth. But that photo of her in the kitchen shortly before he was born was just...unreal.

When I am pregnant, I swell up ALL OVER. My face, feet, arms, etc etc. I am always skinny as a rail again a few weeks later, but she was all skinny and then there is just a baby sticking out in front!?!?!? MUST BE NICE!!!

islandarts said...

Congratulations!! He's absolutely beautiful. Damn, your making me want another one!!

Anonymous said...


Wyatt is a beautiful name. Almost as beautiful as he is.

G-Side Pride said...

your my boy blue

Tammy said...

CONGRATULATIONS! He's beautiful. Looks just like his big brother. Lucky, lucky boy.

Cheryl said...

He is beautiful. And so is your wife! How does she DO that?

Jewl said...

Congrats!! He is beautiful!! Look at all that hair!

LizzieDaisy said...

Wow... if I could only look half as good as your wife just after she had a baby. Oh, and the baby is a cutie too. :)

kittenpie said...

Wow, that's pretty damn cute! Generally I'm not one for newborns, but - very well done, Lauren. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

i keep pulling up these photos... that picture of lauren kissing the new baby is one of the most beautiful pics i think i have ever seen... its so sweet and intimate, its like you captured this little piece of time between mom and baby that no one usually gets to see...

welcome baby wyatt! you and your family have a whole fan club out there!


Milliner's Dream, a woman of many "hats"... said...

I way behind, but congrats, belatedly!
