Saturday, June 24, 2006

Proud Father Moment

Introducing my kid to peanut butter and Fluff sandwiches.


Anonymous said...

you did a good thing by passing down the traditions. Who would have thought that Fluff would have lasted this long.

It's amazing though because there was a Fluff discussion over here not that long ago:

Kami said...



The Q said...

I don't know what "fluff" is...but on him, it looks good!

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter and fluffer nutter
mmmm mmmm good

Anonymous said...

Fluffernutter. So... damn... good. I asked the kids recently if they had ever had this and they had not, maybe on our upcoming vacation. I remember this as some sort of heaven here on earth from childhood. Good for you, Bill!

Michelle said...

Wow, that looks awfully good! 've got one with a nut allergy, so fluffer nutter sandwiches are a no go here. I miss them. But, I guess I can live vicariously thru Max!

kimmyk said...

OMG...My honey eats those all the time!!!

I thought he was the ONLY weirdo who did that....but I gotta say it is good. Especially with honey peanut butter. You know if ya ever feel froggy and wanna church it up a bit. Try that.

Sharpie said...

MY GOD - I haven't had one in YEARS. Sounds SO GOOD right now too.

Anonymous said...

I'm too busy looking at his eyes. I'm sorry, did you say something?

Chixulub said...

Peanut butter and banana was my favorite at that age.

Now, peanut butter and pickle is about the only way I can do peanut butter at all.

MrsDoF said...

Way to go, Max! Learning the yummy, one sandwich at a time.

Here's a link about a legislator in Massachusetts who wants to forbid Fluffernutters in school lunch offerings. Sad, so sad.

Although peanut butter makes my eczema flare up. I like sunflower seed butter with my Fluff.

Nature Girl said...

You Da MAN! Good Dad! Love the look on Maxfield's face! Stacie

Anonymous said...

you and Lauren make such pretty babies...such sweetness makes me smile!


karla said...

There is nothing cuter than that kid. NOTHING.

I'm coming over now to pick him up. Pack his jammies.

Anonymous said...


No really. Ewwie.

My dad did that to me with peanut butter and mayonaise sandwiches which I thought were a good idea until I was old enough to reach the breadbox on my own.

eclectic said...

I'd never heard of fluffernutter until I married my native of Massachussets. Still can't stand the combination! Just the idea of eating whipped polymers flavored with sugar grosses me out. Bleh! Fortunately for me, you can't get fluff out here so my kids are only poluted with it at Grandma's house. Now, don't go hatin' on me fo not liking fluff... my beloved eats the stuff like it's going out of style and he's perfectly healthy, so I KNOW it's just my hang-up. Y'all can eat as much of it as you want! In fact, you can have my share! ;)

Anonymous said...

Fluffernutter sandwiches are the best and a childhood staple! Yum!

As a side note: While reading your blog, my 2 year old was hanging from my chair babbling about this and that, when she suddenly stopped as I scrolled down and came to this picture. She said "Ohhhh Cute!!!" She likey the Max Man.

Jewl said...

OMG!! I haven't had one in forever, now I am going to be craving one! Thanks...LOL

Unknown said...

LOL -- He sorta looks like "Dad? What the heck is this?"

Leska McCall said...

I could swim in those eyes...

um, what's fluff? marshmallow creme maybe?

Amanda said...

I love your Blog. You have the best sense of humor.

I just told my husband about those sandwiches.We looked at me like I had 6 heads.

I remember them with Tang to drink.

What a memory!!!!

Amanda said...


He looked at me like I had 6 heads.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm....those are delicious marshmallow cream peanut butter sandwiches. So delicious :-)

Also fluff is quite tasty in a cup of hot chocolate.

I am so lost in those eyes....I'll take him home with me if you like. He and Keenan can play for awhile :-)

Anonymous said...

I just had a moment of revelation. Because I have never had one of these sandwiches - never even heard of them, even! - but holy cow does that sound freaking good!! I'm totally buying some Fluff tomorrow. Rock.

Anonymous said...

NYTimes has an article today about these sandwiches. What a small internet world.

Judypatooote said...

That picture should be on an advertisement.....soooooo cute... Oh those eyes....beautiful.....