Wednesday, March 15, 2006


This past Saturday some of our neighbors had a multi-family yard sale. They asked us if we would like to participate and having the opportunity to get rid of some our stuff, spend the morning chatting with our neighbors and make some money while doing it, we agreed. Lauren and I decided we would split the shift over at Linda’s (the house that was hosting the sale) she would take the first few hours while I watched Max and then we would switch. Lauren would help set up and I would be in charge of the breakdown.

While Lauren was setting up she realized that we did not have any cash to be able to make change for people who may buy our stuff. It was 8 AM on a Saturday so no banks were open. I figured I would take Max to the grocery store and buy a few needed supplies, use the debit card to get cash back and we would have change.

Whenever we checkout at a store Max likes to hand the credit/debit card to the people working there. He also likes to take the receipt. Max handed the lady behind the register the debit card. “What’s this?” She said very curtly. “ You need to slide this yourself.” She handed the card back to me without a smile.

I swiped the card. I entered my p.i.n. and keyed in $15.00 for cash back. Max was getting antsy in the cart. The lady behind the registered handed me a ten and a five.

“I’m sorry.” I said handing her back the cash. “Can I have this in all ones?”

She looked a little miffed because I was probably depleting her change so early in the morning. “I don’t know if I have it.” She snipped. “What do you need the ones for?”

I did a double take. Why was she asking what the singles were for? She was not being polite but kind of bitchy.

“What do I need ‘em for? What difference does it make? If you don’t have all 15 can I at least get 10 in singles?”

The lady sighed and huffed loudly. “I have the 15.”

She counted them out and rolled her eyes and handed me the 15 singles. I cannot stand rude people. Especially when they are working in a place like a grocery store and are supposed to be nice.

“Thank you.” I said. “It’s Father/Son day at the Nudie bar.” And I left.


Unknown said...

Bwahahahaha! Classic!

Rude people suck.

Anonymous said...

You should have stuck a dollar bill down her blouse as you were leaving.

Anonymous said...

You are my hero.

Meegs said...

Oh man, I would have loved to see her face when you said that!!!!!!

lawnwhisperer said...


How can you do a nudie bar with only 15 bucks? You're a better man than I.

Kami said...

OMG. That is a GREAT answer. I cannot STAND people like that! UGH!!!!

AND I KID YOU NOT - my word verification:


Anonymous said...

Wow, Hey any chance I get relocated down there too? damn...I'll have to work on my boss...
$15 bucks for father/son day at the nudie bar... I'm In!!!! must of been that retirement bar that you live near huh?

-somehow related-

Odd Mix said...

Awesome response. I think I might have gone back through her line three or four more times; buying one item each time and getting another $15 in singles each time through - and asked her to get more when she ran out. But I am vile and pernicious that way.

Anonymous said...

Un-lurking to say you made me snort-laugh.

Kristie said...

Good job, i think you handled yourself wonderfully in that situation. I hate that there are so many assholes out there working in the customer service industry that give those of us who ARE nice and actually do a good job a bad rep. (i'm a waitress)... Rude people are probably my biggest pet peeve. Maybe--its tied with Stupid people.

Michelle said...

Hope you and Max had fun at the Nudie Bar. Haven't taken my kids to see the Chippendales yet, but that's on our list.

Rude people should have warning labels on their foreheads.

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh! That woman is still talking about you! Say! Does Lucy's Dilemma know about your tatoo? How bout that!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a biooooooooooootch.

Good for you!

Anonymous said...

FABULOUS comeback!

I can NEVER think of great lines like that until I am at least as far away as the parking lot!

Anonymous said...

grrr. people suck.

- Jon
- Daddy Detective

LizzieDaisy said...

lmao... too bad Lauren wasn't there for that one, though I'm sure she properly appreciated it when you told her. :)

third try now on word veri... and I can't swear. so not fair.

Nature Girl said...

That was awesome! You just made up for thinking about blocking HGTV...I was thinking about not speaking to you for a week or so on Laurens behalf...but you have just redeemed yourself! ;) Stacie

eclectic said...

OK, I haven't gotten over her being dismissive to Max handing her the debit card. What kind of coldstone heart can overlook the infinite, uber-cuteness of that 2-year-old "helping" at the store?? She's on my list now. I'm taking her down.

Anonymous said...

22 people so far have approved of Nudie Bar. What ever happened to a good old go- go joint? Max is a gentleman. How about a Gentlemen's Club? Jiggly Wiggly?

Anonymous said...

Hey was Bridget Fonda in this post?

kimmyk said...

Great answer !

I hope it made her smile at least the cold heartless bitch handing back the card to Max. I don't care how she treated you, but she pissed me off handing the card back to Max.

Just Jan said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!....she deserved that answer. I'm right with you on rude people. They need jobs where they can be alone if they can't be nice.

The Egel Nest said...

I love your mind William...the whole time I was reading that...from the title on..I was thinking it would end with dollar bills and strippers...excellent stuff :)

The Egel Nest

Porq said...

Hatboro,PA... close to Jersey. It seems the JOISEY attitude rubbed off with your answer to the cash register jerk.

I LOVE IT!! Maybe they'll use it on the SOPRANOS!!


Anonymous said...

Yes rude people suck. And I love that you call it "Nudie bar." So much more toddler friendly than "strip joint."

SuzanH said...

That is awesome.

I hate that. I think if you hit the point where you are being rude to the people you are encountering at work, you need to get into another line of business. Like being a mime.

Anonymous said...

I just recently stumbled across your blog, and I have to say that was one of the greatest comebacks I have ever heard of...EVER!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Wish I could've seen the look on that cashier's face as you left. :)

Tammy said...

What a terrible biotch.

Suzy-Q said...

EXCELLENT response!! :o) I wonder if she laughed??

ieatcrayonz said...

That's always my reply, too.

Lois Lane said...

Hahahahaha! You're right, rude people do suck.
Lois Lane

Shannon Nelson said...

This is why I love your blog!!!

MrsDoF said...

During Yard Sale season, I go to the bank and get cash in smalls like ones and fives, plus a roll of quarters.
That way when I am at a sale, I can look shyly at the host and say "Would you take a $5 for this?" while holding out a wrinkled bill.
My best purchase was a Revere Ware stainless steel 3 quart pan worth about $45 new. A niece from another state should not have been allowed run an estate sale for a retired Home Ec teacher.

I'll bet Max's blue eyes got him a table dance at the Nudie Bar.

Random and Odd said...

holy shit! you are the best dad in the whole damn world!

Unknown said...

OMG Classic. I was totally thinking that you were gonna say that.