Monday, March 13, 2006


I think all parents like when they can see some of themselves in their kids. Whether it is looks or personality traits a parent can’t help but be proud when their child shows a reflection of the parent. I thought for sure that Maxfield was going to be left-handed. I was happy and proud thinking that he got that trait from me. Recently he has been showing signs that he is actually right-handed. Being right-handed is not a bad thing, it is just one more trait that he gets he gets from his mother, along with his sense of humor, his smile and his stubbornness. Lauren may argue that his stubbornness gene comes from me but I believe I have two recessive stubborn genes (represented by a little “s, s”) where I think Lauren has two dominant stubborn genes (represented by the big “S, S”) and if my memory of 10th grade Microbiology/Genetics class with Mr. Veit serves me correctly, the dominant gene would be the prevalent gene.

Anyway, last night Maxfield has shown another side of himself that I can take credit for as a parent and I am very proud. You see, Maxfield likes Olives. I love Olives. Always have and always will. I like all types, black, purple, Kalamata, green, pitted, stuffed with garlic, roasted red pepper, jalapenos or citrus peels (my favorite). If I was stranded on an island and I could only have one food it would probably be Olives (I would have said Chicken Pot Pie or Cheetos, but neither of those grow on trees and Olives do. I know that Olives don’t grow in all their pickled-cured-brinery goodness, but they do grow on trees and I am sure if I were on a deserted island there would be more of a chance of an Olive tree growing on the island than a Chicken Pot Pie tree). Lauren on the other hand hates Olives (which is good because then she won’t eat mine.) She won’t even let me kiss her if I have eaten Olives.

Last night Lauren picked up some Olives for me at Whole Foods. I was eating them with dinner, when Max became interested in them. I bit off a few pieces and handed them to him. He devoured them. He could not get enough of them. He ate both the dark ones and the green ones. He did not care for the citrus stuffed at first but after a minute or two you could tell he liked them just as much as the others. I am very proud that he inherited some of my tastes. Lauren on the other hand was grossed out, although she did take kisses from Max.


Redneck Mommy said...

Olives??? Yuck. The only good olive is an olive on a pizza. And that is about as far as my charity towards the little pickle extends.

However, I so understand your excitement. My daughter recently made me proud by developing a love of oysters. It was a good day!

Kami said...

I LOVE olives, too. YUM.

Anonymous said...


Lets be honest, you like Manhattan's not Olives.

Tammy said...

Olives. Blech.

I hate tomatoes, but will still take kisses from The Princess after she's eaten them. She's the ONLY one in our family who likes them. How weird is that?

Lowa said...

Not to burst your bubble, but my son LOVED olives for about a year and now he won't go near them.

I will pray this does not happen with Max:) LOL

Also, no one in our family eats them, he was quite the odd one when he went through his phase. The hubby and I are very picky, so I try to make many choices available to the kids, broaden their horizons in the food area one could say. I can't stand olives, but was thrilled that he is not as picky as his father and I are:)

Maybe Max has more chance at keeping his love of them since at least one of his parents eats the nasty little things:) My son didn't stand much chance for it to last, ya know???

Charlie Blockhead said...

My dad and I are like that with mushrooms. Must be genetic or something.

Ern said...

Blech, I can't stand olives. It's a two-fold dislike; I hate the pickled/cured flavor and I hate the texture. But maybe he'll grow up to be a gourmet chef with wonderful taste and cook you and Lauren (and future sib) with his delicacies. No olives on Lauren's, of course.

c said...

Christopher likes olives but neither Pete nor I do.

Explain *that* one.

lawnwhisperer said...

How about olives and cole slaw. That is some good stuff.

eclectic said...

My only memory of my great-granddad is sitting on his lap with a dish of olives on the table in front of us, and him painstakingly placing one olive on each of my fingertips and thumbs, letting me eat them off, and then painstakingly re-placing new ones. I love him dearly to this day.

Anonymous said...

I have heard it said that olives are considered an aphrodisiac. I love all kinds! My husband recently brought home green olives stuffed with bleu cheese for us to try. Those were not my favorite. Love the jalapeno ones tho.

Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased! That's the one quarter Latino blood that he has that likes the olives.Yo te amo, Max!

kimmyk said...

i loveee olives. all kinds. cept i've never heard of citrus stuffed olives. sound interesting and tasty.

Anonymous said...

Vive le olive!!!

Kalamartas are my favorite...

Nature Girl said...

I must be live under a toad..I've only ever heard of green olives stuffed with pimentos and plain black olives. I must try these others you speak of! And if it makes you feel any better...minus the blonde hair, Maxfield looks JUST like you in every picture I have seen of him! Stacie

Jennifer said...

Just found your blog and I love it. You definitely need to find another church -- I suggest Unitarian Universalist, but I'm biased. ;-) As for your gorgeous little guy, he made me smile for a lot of reasons tonight, but the best one is that he was born the day after a friend of mine died. How cheering it was for me to think that at the same time I was experiencing grief you were feeling so joyful and grateful, welcoming a new life. I'll be back. You make me smile. And I love olives, too.

Misty said...

I've been reading for a little while. Your title intrigued me and your posts have kept me coming back. It's nice to see a dad's perspective on the whole parenting thing. Oh and I love olives! I must live the sheltered life though, because I too have only heard of the green and the ripe.

Unknown said...

I wish I liked Olives, I really do. But I don't.

Lois Lane said...

I've never had anything but black and green olives. We always put the black ones on our finger tips and pretended to be the wicked witch or Freddie. Growing up, we also used to suck the pimentos out and spit them at each other. Good times. :D
Lois Lane

Anonymous said...

Max likes olives the same way that you like to deliver the mail. I miss Rocky.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

I love olives but I get a little worried when I love them too much - case in point, I craved black olives with my daughter and green olives with my son - so when I want olives....I get a little worried...

Michelle said...

Another olive lover here - and all 3 of my kids love them too. Supersurgeon Dad might vomit if one accidentally touched his plate. More for me! Glad Max has joined the olive-lovers-club. Off to the fridge to find some olives...

The Egel Nest said...

I can't believe I missed the OLIVE post!


I even blogged about that a while back!

Nice post William!

The Egel Nest

Suzy-Q said...

Mommies ALWAYS take kisses from their babies!!

I only like olives on pizza. My daughters love to eat large black olives off their fingers.