Friday, March 03, 2006


Just say there was something that you did on a regular basis for your significant other like for instance, maybe put his/her contact lens stuff away everyday. One day you mention to your significant other that maybe he/she should start doing it him/herself because you are tired of doing it. Then your significant other starts putting away his/her contact solution and stuff away but maybe he/she forgets one day and then the other significant other says something like, “I put your contact stuff away today. I put that stuff away all the time.” And maybe you say something like ”No you don’t because I have been keeping track of it, and I have put the stuff away everyday for the past 16 days. So don’t say you do it all the time.” And maybe she/he responds “Well I did it today. So what’s your point?” And then there is a discussion about the point being that one person put the stuff away for 16 days and so the other person can’t say they do it all the time and then there is talk about if one person wasn’t so busy tracking the days which he/she actually did put the stuff away and actually put it away there would be no need for the conversation in the first place and that someone shouldn’t be tracking things like that anyway.

Which then the person who was tracking the 16 days says something to the effect of “Well I just wanted to prove that you don’t do it everyday.” Which then the other person says, “Again what’s your point?” and then the other person says, “My point is that I can actually put the stuff away.” And then the other person says, “That’s my point.”

Who won?


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the / slash mark.

He / She. Usually it only takes me one slash mark to know who the he or she is. Congratulations on 16. That is huge. By the way my socks and underwear have made it to the hamper for 8 straight days.

Peanutt said...

Wow, my head is spinning just from reading this!

Lowa said...

Good question.

You somehow keeping tabs on what goes on here? Almost creepy how accurate that is!!!

How is the friend who is sick??

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Umm I would bet SHE won!

Love the he/she action going on!

ToadyJoe said...

SHE won, of course. We ALWAYS DO.

But the BEST part is making up. Natch.

Michelle said...

I'd have to say Lauren. We women always win. It's one of the perks of being a woman (especially one who is carrying YOUR child.) She gets to win. All the time. Regardless of the actual winner.

Tonia said...

I have to agree, especially in arguments like this. Women always win these :)

Lois Lane said...

No winners this time. Bill clean up after yourself.
Have a great weekend!
Lois Lane

ieatcrayonz said...

It doesn't matter. The woman is always right.

Surely, you must know this by now. It's part of our world domination husband at a time.

Anonymous said...

i'd say that MAX actually won, since he scored two awesome parents like ya'll who only "argue" about sixteen days of putting-away-contact-solution-stuff. ya'll are too cute.

Anonymous said...

i wrote that comment above this one. it didn't take my name, darnit!!!

Anonymous said...

Bill, I didn't know that you wear contacts. :P

You should start tracking the number of times you clean up your toenail clippings. It always comes back to that for me, doesn't it? I don't know why.

that girl said...

well, if it were me and my husband (the contact wearer/not putting away-er), i would say it was me that won.

but i'm a girl, so you can't trust my opinion... :)

Unknown said...

Oh, William. She did. She won ALL OVER YOU.

Beth Fish said...

I won. I hope that teaches you a valuable lesson.

Anonymous said...

people, clean up after yourself....period...EVERYDAY..

- Jon
- Daddy Detective

Nature Girl said...

Lauren won of course! Bill, really, you should just put your contact stuff away when your done with it, how hard is that really? If she's been doing in all this time, and you've only done it for 16 days, then, well, she does indeed get to say she always puts it away for you. It just the rule! Sorry. :) Stacie

Effie said...

I think the not-yet-born child won--they have reasons for making the she part always right, you know--and you'd better understand that right about now! (Hi btw!)

Susie said...

God do you live in one of my cabinets? How dare you post my personal inane conversations with my husband.

And I'm right by the way.

eclectic said...


Kari said...

You had me at hello...

Unknown said...

OMG...this is like those f*&^in' math problems with the two trains that leave stations A and B at the same time at varying speeds...

I pick C...the answer is, by the law of averages, more often than not C.

kimmyk said...

If you put it away for 16 days you won.

Sort of.

People fall off the wagon everyday--pick yourself up and dust yourself off..and start fresh tomorrow.

Just don't make it a habit of falling off the wagon cause we're forgiving, but we're not stupid. Ya feel me?

Tammy said...

Tie. It's a TIE!

Meow (aka Connie) said...

I'm guessing you lost, William !!! That's just the way of the world !!! LOL
Have fun, take care, Meow

Anonymous said...

you lost the minute you blogged it! you made it an issue!

get over it and be glad!

but just in case - go clean the kitchen floor and wipe down the toilets for good measure - lord knows what the count is on those!

Kami said...

Lauren. I'm almost sure of it. Because she's the woman, and because she's pregnant.

Just Jan said...

Are you serious????.....that was a good laugh. There is no winner. For there to be a "winner" there would be a "game". Life and Love and being together and the "occasional" picking up after the other is no just IS. I'm sure there are bigger issues than the contact stuff to keep count of. I found this humoruos and had to reflect back on why my marriage failed so long ago.....I was too bent on how much I always did in "picking up" after him and it was so bad I lost count and lost sight of what mattered.

I know you aren't serious so I'll hush now....sheesh...I think I need more sleep..LOL ( I need to stop by more often...I seem to be missig out on some fun reading)

Sharpie said...

LOL! LOL! LOL! Wait, how did you get that conversation out of my house - is there a tape recorder here? Actually, if there is - we need to play it back - because I am SURE it would prove I was right!!!!

Ern said...

I have found that when everyone is trying to place blame, neither he/she nor he/she wins. Of course, that doesn't stop us.

t_cole said...

lauren won
she always wins

Susie said...

Oh, shut up. If I wanted to hear this crap, I'd stay home :p

Anonymous said...

the woman always wins but if she's really smart, lets the guy think he does just often enough to keep his fragile ego from breaking. :)

That said, omgosh if this convo ever happened in my house cause I left my stuff on the counter, his crap would so be on the front lawn. You both have a much better sense of humor than me!! Or my hub. It just... wouldn't be said in our house. :)

And thanks for the laugh... much needed as I check out the load of laundry on the chair and dishes on the stove. Grr. Wah? Sigh...


Unknown said...

She wins. No matter who did what, she wins.

Suzy-Q said...

Ummmm she?