Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Inner Shame

The other day, during dinner I received a phone call from my brother Dennis. I took the call, while Lauren and Maxfield finished eating. After speaking with Dennis for a few minutes I looked over at Lauren who had her eyes closed and her head down and was shaking it from side to side. I thought she was mad that I took a call during dinner. Much to my relief she was not mad but, saddened and embarrassed and somewhat shamed by the conversation I was having. She could only hear one side, but this is what she heard.

“Yea. Are you going to see it? (Pause). Yeah I want to but I don’t know if I will be able to. (Pause) You kidding me, I am definitely looking forward to it. I just hope they don’t mess it up. (Pause). No. No. (Pause) Oh you mean Peter Rasputin. Colossus. He wore the red and yellow top with the blue boots. He was Kitty Pryde’s boyfriend. Ariel or also know as Shadowcat. She could walk through walls. I think she was called Phase at one point. (Pause) His body turns into an organic steel and he is super strong. Him and Wolverine were known for the Fast Ball Special where he would throw Wolverine at the enemy. (Pause) He is playing Beast. He was normal but tried to fix his mutation and ended up making it worse. So he is all blue and hairy now. (Pause). Well Nightcrawler was always my favorite. I loved the first two X-Men films.”

It was at this point that I looked up and saw Lauren’s shamed look. I kind of raised my eyebrows to silently ask her what was wrong.

She shook her head and said, “I can’t believe I married such a dork.”


Michelle said...

Well, I don't know what's worse, a dork or a dork-lover??

In any case, we're a bunch of dorks over here. I knew each and every reference! Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

For the first time ever you've embellished. A phone conversation with your brother Dennis could never have been so short... Unless you got disconnected. I'm a huge NightCrawler fan as well.

ieatcrayonz said...

Could you make me love Lauren any more than I already do?

lawnwhisperer said...

Pez has it right here Bill, no call with Dennis is that short. And he's a nightcrawler fan, that's funny shit.

kimmyk said...

Dude I sooo saw previews on 24 last night and I'm telling you-I am so there on opening night.

I love me some X-Men.

I just don't know that I'd have a phone conversation you great detail about it. Ya dork.

Closet Metro said...

Comic book movies rock.

Kami said...

Well, don't tell her, but I can't wait to see the movie.

Odd Mix said...

I bet she goes to see it with you :whisper: and likes it, too :/whisper:

Unknown said...

Hee! You guys rock!

Denise B. said...

YES!! I love X-Men!!! Nightcrawler is one of my favorites too, but I think Phoenix will be pretty cool. I can't wait for the new movie!!

Kat said...

I'm so excited for it to come out! I guess if you're a dork for that conversation than so am I. :)

Redneck Mommy said...

Count me in, for I am not only a dork lover, but also a dork princess. Yes, it is true. My secret is out. Thanks for outing me!

Lois Lane said...

At least you are a funny dork. LOL!
Lois Lane

LizzieDaisy said...

I have a bumper sticker that says "I <3 DORKS," and a pin on my jeans backpack that says "DORK" as well. Ya know? It's okay... we're cool dorks. :)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh once again you have proved that Comic Books and Blogging are oh so very closely related!!!!

I can tell by the comments below.

Sorry but i'm gonna have to agree with Lauren on this... the word 'Dork' is very very appropriate in this case!!!

Thank god Max has Lauren.... there is hope......

-somehow related-

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh once again you have proved that Comic Books and Blogging are oh so very closely related!!!!

I can tell by the comments below.

Sorry but i'm gonna have to agree with Lauren on this... the word 'Dork' is very very appropriate in this case!!!

Thank god Max has Lauren.... there is hope......

-somehow related-

Anonymous said...

i agree with lauren you and dennis are both dorks!!

Nature Girl said...

I know that look well my friend. My DH gives it to me everyday....sigh...Stacie

Unknown said...

Dorks need love too.

Suzy-Q said...

I totally understood the conversation! I am married to a dork and I am a dork too. My hubby is Batman, who are you?

Anonymous said...

Not only am I a dork, married to a dork, but appears to be genetic as well, as our 18 month old daughter's newest word (and obsession) is "Spiderman".

Jen said...

Hahahaha....I've said this to my other half more than once, usually about Star Wars, World of Warcraft, Babylon 5, or Lord of the Rings.

Anonymous said...

William, I always thought you were alone in your world of comic books and super heroes. After reading these comments, I'm delighted you have company in that fantasy world. I wouldn't call you a Dork. You are a lover of ART and INTRIGUE. You are a DREAMER! A BELIEVER in the impossible! You are UNIQUE,as are all your heroes in that world of make believe. You make me laugh! Laughing is a good feeling. Laughter is the best medicine. You are a doctor! D=doctorO=of R=reason K=knowledge! How's that?

Anonymous said...

Um, my 3 year old's name is Logan. When my husband came up with it, I was seriously surprised, 'cause it was a GREAT name. Then - after the birth certificate came - my husband informed me our son is named after Wolverine, as Logan is his given name. He was serious.