Friday, January 27, 2006

Note to self....

...when speaking with a pregnant person, and that person is talking about the weight they have gained during their pregnancy, don’t say “Oh you look like you gained more than that.”


Rhonda said...

I hope you are now missing an appendage of some sort. When will men learn?

I told my husband once when I was pregnant that he was supposed to tell me that I didn't look fat. His response, "Well, let's not kid ourselves here."

Nature Girl said...

Maybe you better record that one on your little mini recorder to play back over and over...
oh and ps...
don't ask to borrow her shirt for camping cuz it's big as a tent...I almost ended up in prison because a guy said that to me:)

Susie said...

Oh no you di'nt....

Unknown said...

Again, you would have thought this to be common sense, but if not, I'm glad you made note of it after offending, what I hope to be, only one victim.

Tammy said...

Please tell me you didn't say that. And still breathing.

Anonymous said...

Wives are constantly begging husbands to be honest with them. They want to know if you are going golfing before you go golfing. They want to know for real, "what time are you coming home from work." They want to know your intermost thoughts on senseless topics.

Then you make an honest assesment of a touchy subject, and you are forever sexless. It is very unfair situation. Double standard or something.

Unknown said...

Oh, come on, Bill... you've been through this before... you should know better. :)

Michelle said...

Well one more male bites the dust. You know I thought this was going to be a good blog to read, but now I am having second she hurt you?

Kami said...

I hope that wasn't her baby daddy who said that stupid crap to her.

eclectic said...

When I read this out loud, my husband asked which baby this would be for you, and when I told him, he said, "Guess there won't be a third..." Bwahahahaha! Dude, that was such a rookie mistake! Wha, were you absent during Maxfield's gestation?? Did you retain nothing of what you learned?? *sigh*

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

You did not!

I hope her pregnant ass kicked your non pregnant ass!

The Egel Nest said...


I can't believe you have not figured out that honesty only extends to where her ass further :)

Made me laugh though!

The Egel Nest

Lowa said...

Please visit my blog and look under "MEN". I just posted about how they do not think.

This is a prime example.


Lowa said...

WHOA. I just read what lawnwhisperer said.

Wait a minute. So she gets sperm poisoning and goes through this FOR HIM, and gets to be insulted?? This is her reward??

I think not! LOL Sheesh! MEN!

Kari said...

Oh, how could you!

kimmyk said...

Lauren...all I can say is...don't stick up for him...he hurt even my feelings with this one.

If you don't kick his behind I'll have Tammy come do it for ya..being in your condition and all.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like one of those responses that went from spinal cord to mouth and bypassed the brain altogether.

My recommendation: go for the home run next time. "BEEP BEEP BEEP Wide load coming through!" The RIGHT people will laugh at that. The wrong people will gut you.

Ern said...

Oh, no you DIDN'T!

Melanie said...

We had that same problem here. Every time I would get on the scale he would say "Wow! I can't believe it's not more than that!". I'm not sure how he lived to see the birth of our child.

Chixulub said...

It's about impossible to help the situation. You can say she hasn't gained an ounce even when she looks like she'd wobble but not fall down. She won't believe you, and the punishment will be as bad as if you'd been honest.

And reverse psychology and double-reverse psychology won't work either. You have a Y chromosome and can't get pregnant, you've already lost.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Ooops !!!

Drama Mama said...

Yeah. Dude. NOT. SMART.

Can you still father children? Did you make her cry? Not I'm sad crying, but "I can't believe you said that, you are so dead, and why do I have to cry at everything" kind of crying.

Note: Pregnant women are crazy. They don't think they are, but they are. They are allowed. There is a little alien in there messing with stuff. future no sudden movements and all lovey dovey stuff til that little curtain climber comes on out of there.

Trust me on this...divorce is not pretty.

The Egel Nest said...

I told my wife this little story...her mouth just hung open..I assume that she was swearing in her head...and could not form the

The Egel Nest

Lois Lane said...

I love the grandma comment a few posts below. LOL!
Also, shame on you for saying what you did about her weight. Maybe you were trying to get back at her for the Biggest Loser comment? Which by the way was WAY funnier than your comment.
Another thing I forgot to mention in the name the baby post, the best way to get a good name is to open your window and yell the name. If it feels good, go with it. You are going to be yelling that kid's name for many years to come. It is by far the best indicator. "Maaaaax!" See, that just sounds good. Now try the new kid's name, add a hearty
"Maaaaax," since they will be partners in crime and see how it feels.
I love the photos below too.
Lois Lane

Milliner's Dream, a woman of many "hats"... said...

Oh, dear. I coulda told you that!

Hh :)

DCK said...

all i have to say is... sorry dude. I feel for ya.

Random and Odd said...

Sorry, I just caught up with you.

and I was walking through the living room looking for a movie and bust out...LOUDLY with,


and I yell, "I AM GOING TO KILL BILL!"

Renee said...

Do you have a death wish?lol

Cat said...
