Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Maxfield has learned to spit.
This is definitely a milestone in a little boy’s life. I am not talking about saliva or hocking loogies just yet, but it is the actual art of spitting that he has figured out.

A few months ago, while he was drinking water, he discovered that if he opened his mouth, the water would spill out onto his face and chest. Since then he has been working on forcing it out of his mouth and he perfected the raspberry-lips-vibrating-fine-mist-spray-spit-take technique.

Yesterday, he figured out how to actually project the water in a stream away from his body. His accuracy sucks, but his distance is a foot or so, which is a good start. I figure we could practice after watching Outlaw Josey Wales a few times because no one has spit-accuracy like Clint Eastwood does in that film.

We need to work on his spit etiquette though. Last night he took a swig of juice, walked over to Lauren as if he was going to give her kiss, and as she leaned in she said, “Ahhh are you giving mommy a ….blech.”

He spit the juice into her mouth.


Anonymous said...

Ewww. Poor Lauren.

Melanie said...

Yuck. I'm learning a lot from you. Keep posting all this good stuff about boys. Mine has started the water dribbling out of his mouth. I had no idea that would turn into real spitting!

Susie said...

William you make me laugh! Santa doesn't need to bring me anything else! ;-) And keep up the good work with Max, Liam is doing the "drop the drool over the dogs head." Same effect, but much slooooooooower.

The Egel Nest said...

That is hilarious...

Disgustingly hilarious :)

I don't even like sharing drinks with my wife...I am going to have to get over my germ phobia before we have

The Egel Nest

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Yuck! Spit juice!

My nephew is just two and he learned to spit last summer and loved it! Too bad he was spitting on his friends and other things. That had to be curbed really quick. Now he only spits in the sink when he brushes his teeth!

eclectic said...

Eeeeesh! Get that boy some tobacco, quick! At least then Mommy could see it coming and get out of the way....!

NO, NO... sheesh people, I'm just kidding!!! But spitting in Mommy's face is just nasty, Mr. Maxfield. But cute... unless I'm the target mommy.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Ah, spitting juice into face ... I remember it well !!! Isn't it fun when they develop new skills, especially skills such as those !! Enjoy, Meow

Judypatooote said...

What a cute little trick, did he learn that from daddy? LOL

Tammy said...

Such a right of passage. Wait until he figures out he can make fart noises with his hands. Good times.

Anonymous said...

There is something not right with a mother and son swapping spit.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha!!! I do that to my wife all the time!

kimmyk said...


Wait til he starts peeing .... you can show him how to pee off a porch and arch his back so it makes a big arce.

Sorry we're rednecks..that's how we do in these parts.

Unknown said...

The things dads teach their kids and moms have to suffer through.

Anonymous said...

Nice. My daughter has just learned the art of "see food" which drives me insane.

islandarts said...

Good times. Good times.

Unknown said...

Eww, poor Lauren.

You totally have to take a picture of that milestone -- don't get too close with the camera, though...

Denise B. said...

uh huh...and you are still encouraging the spitting, eh?

Effie said...

hahahahahahaha--oh, I can't stop laughing....