Somewhere around middle school I became very vain about how my hair looked. I was lucky enough that by the time I reached high school my sister was getting her cosmetology license. I was also lucky enough that my sister smoked. For a quick bicycle ride to the 7-11 and a pack of Marlboro I could get my haircut any time I wanted.
My sister had a pack a day habit. I had really nice hair in high school. Besides my eyes I always thought my hair was my best feature.
I still have nice hair although I no longer have my sister cut it. Now I either go see my cousin Jeannean, who is a Master Stylist which is like the Yoda of Hair Cuttery, or I go to the local Supercuts.
It has been a while since I have had my hair cut and it is getting bit unruly. The other day I received an email from the Supercuts people offering me a free haircut if I would tell the people who read here about their Hunt For Houston Promotion. If you go to Supercuts Facebook Page you can enter to for a chance to win a trip for 2 to Houston from April 1 – 5, 2011 for March Madness Basketball action. The package includes airfare, 4 nights’ hotel accommodations and $500 of spending money to help enjoy the on-court action. Follow the instructions on the Hunt For Houston promotion to enter a chance to win. Their contest ends on Saturday March 12th. I have nothing to do with how they will choose their winner for the free trip. I am merely passing along information.
A free haircut for me to post a couple of links is easier than riding my bike to the 7/11 for a pack of smokes.
Supercuts also offered me one prize pack (which includes $20. gift card to Supercuts, a $20. gift card to Sports Authority and a desktop basketball game) to give away to one of my readers. For a chance to win the prize pack just leave me a comment telling me what you consider is your best feature. I will pick one comment at random to win the gift card prize pack. I will take comments up until 11 PM Saturday March 12th. I will notify the winner via email so please leave a valid way to contact you.
you were smoking hot in high school, Bill and yes, you had nice hair. I think our hair does strange things as we get older.
Wow, Bill. We now know your price. You've already sent a picture of yourself collating papers to Jenny, haven't you? ("But... but... I'M A WILLIAM, TOO!!1")
Word verification: runts
What does it mean?
And I don't even need to buy you a pack of smokes to enter the contest ;)
Eyes? I know my husband has a love/hate affair with getting his hair cut. Although for some reason, there are some girls at Supercuts that seem to get it right!
My best feature? Hmmm... Well, honestly? I think it's my ass... y'know, my SMART-ass. ;)
I've seen Eclectic's ass (clothed, of course) and it IS awesome. Wowza! I want my ass to look like that someday.
My best feature, or so I've been told, is my smile. Although strangers (men primarily so maybe it's just strange men?) have told me that I have great legs too. So in the winter it's my smile and the summer it's my legs, I guess.
DEFINITELY not my hair no matter the season.
Not to imply that you have no idea what you looked like, but, if you asked me, I'd say that CHIN and that MOUTH are also smoking hot too.
I hate contests because I NEVER win. But the thought of me sitting at my desk playing desktop basketball is certainly intriguing. And I already have a desktop bowling game and it's amazing how talented I am at it.
So my best feature... Hmmm... Honestly, I think it's my feet. I have amazingly pretty feet. Like, I should do carpet commercials. My feet would be the Megan Fox of fetish videos if I was into that. Which I am not.
So yeah. My feet.
I would say my best feature is my smile. Sounds cheesy but other than a whitening now and then, I like my teeth and smile. LOL. My hair could use some help. When it is taken care of it would be my number two feature.
My best feature has to be my snaggle tooth.
You do have great hair in those photos and for such a great price.
I say my eyes, my boyfriend would tell you my chest (because of the boobs and the heart, both he claims he adores - he's a charmer) and my best friend says my laugh.
great pics .. sooo lovin the 70's ..miss them.
my best feature - is my belly
after 4 kids and being skinner now .....then before i had them .. my stomache is HOT .. hot I tell ya
My best feature is probably this comment.
my eyes! They can tell you when I'm happy, sad, angry, confused, etc. They are the window of the soul....so you can tell if I'm bad or good....Eyes speak volumnes,without the mouth even opening.
My lovely lady lumps?
my nose hair
How about that little dent on my upper lip right below my nose?
nevermind. My nipple hair, definitely my nipple hair.
I too have been plauged with bad hair cuts. Soooo now I have dreadlocks. Great transition right!!
My best feature has always been my johnson.
I had a mohawk my senior year of high school. I was a bad ass.
jeez. really sorry if you lost your sis to smokes...but you look like castle. you know. from the tv show. uncanny.
best feature? definitely not the hair. had a fro back in middle school and neil anderson called me "mata hairy." so, not the hair.
i think it's my free and adventurous spirit, which i feel is my dad's (fault). he worked third shift and, whenever he wanted to rock-n-roll with mom, he'd tell me to get lost. i walked until i turned 42.
You know, "this is what my haircuts look like", then showing those photos, then endorsing a haircut place?
Not so bright.
my son Max is a sweetheart. He's 15 months old with fluffy blond hair. One of my daughters decided it was time to put clips in Max's hair. The instant it happened, I looked at him and he looked 'pretty'. I knew it was time for him to get his hair cut. Well, I cut the girls' bangs, and on occasion I do a light trim of my husband's hair and I thought "I can do this--no problem--it should be simple". I started with the scissors and realized it wouldn't be that easy. Snip, snip, snip, ok I'll get out the clippers. I put on a longer guide and finished up, and it looks OK, but I was scared that I was going to completely botch his hair. My husband came home and very politically said, "Hmmm. When we get a family photo done, maybe we'll go to the hairdresser's then"
supercuts might be a better option for us....
Loved seeing photos of you through the years! Adorable. Hope things are great in your neck of the woods. :)
Pretty effective data, thanks so much for your article.
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