Lauren and I became quick friends with Ken and Eve. They were the first "couple" friends we made as a couple. We hung out often. Ken was into theater and I was into theater. Eve wanted to be a writer and I wanted to be a writer. They were lovers of art and Lauren was a lover of art. They had a dog, we had a dog. Ken liked to drink and I loved to drink. We were a couples match made in heaven. We spent many nights drinking and eating and discussing ideas for plays, movie scripts, novels and films. We would exchange each others writings and offer ideas. We played Cranium and cards while drinking margarita's and drunkenly expressing our creative hopes and dreams.
Lauren and I eventually got married and started to raise a family. Ken went back to school and Eve took on a full time job. We started to grow up. We drifted apart as "couples" friends. Lauren and I moved to Florida and pretty much lost contact with Ken and Eve. When we moved back to PA in 2007 and I kept meaning to call them but by then we had two kids and life would get in the way.
In the spring of 2008, I was in the grocery store parking lot when I saw Ken get out of his car. I was so excited to see him that I ran up to him and hugged him while jumping up and down, like he was Bob Barker and I was just told I won the Show Case Show Down. I pretty much dry humped him in the Acme parking lot. We exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch.
That hasn't really happened, because, well, life gets in the way. But through the magic of computers and social networking I have been able to keep tabs on my cool Bohemian friends. I was very excited to find out that Eve, who used to dream about being a writer, has had her first book published. It was just released on Tuesday. I immediately ran out and picked up a copy and I think you should too.
Free to a Good Home by Eve Marie Mont.

I have not started reading it but I know it must be awesome. It is some one's dream realized and that, well, that is awesome.
thanks for the book tip. Will check it out.
you always have to make time for friends just like you make time for family. Some people are priceless and should be in our lives for a long time, so glad you met up again and "dry humped" your friend. Too funny!
Excellent! I'm thrilled for Eve, whom I don't know at all. Both you and she became writers, Lauren is an artist, no doubt . . . I hope Ken has faired as well :)
And you as well are a fine writer Bill. I enjoy reading your blog posts when "life doesn't get in the way".
Bill, thanks so much for this post. It is so nice to reconnect with old friends (and I mean 'old' in the best sense). Very cool to remember our bohemian youth and see where it's taken us. Thanks so much for the lovely plug!
I hink writers sound more credible with 3 names but so do killers.
Awesome. True dat.
you are a good guy!
Congrats to Eva Marie! I'm still dreaming!
Sorry, Eve!
Eve's book is on Amazon, so I just ordered it. Thanks for the tip. I might read it aloud to my Lhasapoo, Bailey.
Congratulations to Eve on her book, and to you for scoring with her husband.
I think you should write a song called Bohemian Rap Sody.
Did Ken feel anything (physically or emotionally) when you were dry humping him. Also did you hump first or talk first?
Also, One hump or two?
Congratulations Eve!
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