A few years ago I learned that my brother Anonymous loves getting Christmas cards. He critiques each card on his own system of merits, like message, layout, cuteness factor, cleverness, and other random criteria. He rates the cards every year. He shares his favorites with his extended family.
This year I wanted to make his list of the top cards. We took Maxfield, Wyatt and Jackson to the portrait studio place to have their annual photos done, they offered us six free Christmas cards. I asked if we could use the six free cards as one that we would send to my brother Anonymous and I told her my idea for the card. She told me I was a dork and that she did not want to waste the free cards on (she may have said "lame") my idea that was not funny. I insisted that Anonymous would "get" the card and that I may actually get a high rating this year.
After arguing for 10 minutes in front of the photographer Lauren finally let me have my way. Due to an error I ended up getting 12 free cards. I sent the above card to each of my siblings. None of them "got" it. Lauren was right, but it was still a victory for me. Right?
i don't think i "get" it either - but i LOVE the card. the boys are adorable. merry christmas.
I GOT IT! Damn, I'm brilliant! I feel so much more confident about facing the day, today! Thanks, Bi!
Oh, and in addition to me being brilliant, I think the card idea is quite clever. :)
I think it's awesome. I got it immediatey, and it is quite cever! The boys are adorabe too :)
I don't think I get it... hmm.
On another note, I gave you the Happy 101 Award. Check out my blog post here: http://meegs1982.blogspot.com/2009/12/christmas-cards-and-award.html to see what its all about.
Oh, bloody ( ). Took me forever.
I get it, I get it! But mostly because of the hint that CK mentioned on Twitter.
Merry Christmas, P&B gang!
Heh, I get it, but I admit, it took me a little while! Cute! And your boys are adorable!
I totally got it! Hysterical!
No hint needed here, and you might have just given me an idea...
It took me a while to figured it out. At first, I just thought you were announcing to your brother that you were bisexual...which I kinda thought was weird in a Christmas card. (Yeah, I'm a little slow.)
However, great picture.
Ok, sorry I called you at work to ask you what the f**k was the cutesy little thing I couldn't figure out. Thank you for telling me. Even though when you told me, I still didn't get it. Then you explained it. Now I get it. I do think my being Jewish is a valid excuse for not being able to figure it out. It could also be that I am dumb. But I'll play the religion card over the dumb card this time.
I don't get it either. Could you give us a clue?
Um, should I be embarrassed that I got it??? No, I'm just kidding. That's totally something my husband would do, too.
Took me a minute but I got it :)
Dammit, now Steve has made me feel uneasy about the Christmas cards I just mailed, announcing my bisexuality. Faux pas?
The rating system is intact and you have been nominated for the Hall of Fame.
Hall of Fame Members include "Cole in your Stocking"
Hall of Shame members include Geekum with his shirt off.
I think I just found my guest post concept
still not funny...
I have three interpretations, but I don't want to "spoil" it for anyone, so if you want to know what my twisted mind produced, email me.
(Also, my captcha was "nitrag".)
how could they NOT get it...LOL
i love it!
great card Bill...i give you a 10!
This family is the best! There is a Hall of Fame for Christmas cards? Wow! You guys are funny!
I don't get it AT ALL *feeling stupid*. Can someone please give a hint? Or better still, just explain it!
I didn't get it. Sharkey had to explain it to me... I'm going to go quietly scream in my pillow now.
Ok, all I've got is that you are Bi and I'm sure that is not it. I'm obviously the lam one..
I spent the entire day trying to figure this out. When my husband came home, I explained the card to him, and of course he got it immediately!
Yeah, I got nothin. I am pun impaired, so if a pun is involved, I will not ever get it. Please let me in on the joke.
I really don't get it. Showed it around, no one I know gets it. I don't personally know you, is that why I don't get it?
haha. After two days i came back, really stared at the photo for a few minutes. and now i get it. i actually just snorted when i figured it out. good one. you're funny. i'm slow.
Will you and Lauren forever be known as
Bi and Auren?
I think you should win this bet, hands down.
OMG... okay, I just got it. LOL, now I feel silly for not getting it before. And I definitely snorted when it finally hit me.
Good one!
On behaf of a the peope who are st scratching their heads trying to figure out your card, et me say "NOEL" to you too!
Wiam is Gay
Ohhh, I totally don't get it! A clue?
Random Thinker: THANK YOU!!!!!
Bill: You are a genius! Definitely deserves a place in Anonymous' Hall of Fame.
Too Funny! Ha of Fame, here you come!
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