This is a picture from my first Christmas Eve/Christmas. This was in 1970.

Apparently my dad read to all the kids before they went to bed. Six kids, plus my parents, equals eight people in my parent's house the night before Christmas. (My brother the
Lawnwhisperer in yellow far left and my
brother Anonymous in green far right. )

This is picture from Christmas Eve 1971. My younger brother Pat (not seen) was two months old when this picture was taken; total number of people in the house was seven. (Brother Anonymous is the middle boy,
LW is the one in blue and I am the one without pants.
Today we celebrated Christmas Eve in that very same house where these pictures were taken. There was a total of 43 people celebrating Christmas Eve in that house. 43 people comprised of children, spouses, grandchildren (and a fiance of one grandchild) and my mom.
No dad telling stories (I miss him) but it was fun. Probably not as fun as the year I did not wear pants but it was still fun.
I don't think I am going to wear pants next year.
Not going to wear pants next year? You are neither young enough nor old enough to get away with that :-) Merry Christmas to you and your family.
(p.s.-your first Christmas picture looks just like Jackson in his first Christmas picture. That's neat.)
your dad looks like the dad on medium, and you looked the same at that age as you do now. both of these things are kind of strange, but true.
Have a holly, jolly, pantsless Christmas!! Or something. I don't know.
Merry Christmas to you guys!
It was never a real party until William took his pants off.
Wow--your boys look JUST like you did in that first picture!
Merry Christmas!
Sounds a lot like our Christmas Eves of past. No pants and all.
Hope you are having a great day.
Merry Christmas, Meaks.
Is the viper still telling his stories?
Now I've got tears in my eyes William. Parents don't stay in their "same houses" any more. Truly a gift to you! You look exactly the same as you did as a little boy - sweet underneath your funny words! Merry Christmas my favorite writer! E
I think your kids look so much like you!
I really enjoy your stories about your family life as a kid. Man, what fun you all had!! Makes me wish I had a big family too.
Thanks for always making me smile.
This was a truly wonderful and heartwarming post.
And then you started talking about not wearing pants.
Fun times it appears! We had a very small christmas this year. Just the 4 of us. My extended family is scattered around the country, and we have very little connection with each other. It's refreshing to see people who still have big christmas' :-)
Ok, I was initially drawn to your blog because your name is William, the same as our 3 year old who we call Will. Then was your comment about hemorrhagic fever. Clever chest thumped post and heartwarming holiday post. Yay William(s)
I envy your large and close family. If I were any less PC, I would mention how my own family is rather small and very unwarm. I might even call them assholes. But only if I were super un-PC.
I think a Christmas party without someone losing their pants is not a Christmas party I want to be a part of. It warms my heart that you are that guy.
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