What we learned:
-Max screaming at the top of his lungs, because Wyatt stole his lollipop, is louder than the sirens on the fire trucks.
-I can say "Don't touch that." 37 times in the span of two minutes as the kids were inside the truck. I hope fire department does a check of all switches and valves and buttons before they start up the trucks.
-Teaching a four year old Stop, Drop and Roll is very difficult if they can't get past the fact that they may be on fire. The thought of that was very scary.
-Fire stations DO have bathrooms. Before we left for the event Lauren and I tried to convince Max to go the potty. Max refused. Lauren said something like, "Max you should go now, before you leave, in case they don't have a potty there." Max's response. "Where do the fire fighters go?" Good Point. The first question Max asked the fire fighter. "Where is your potty?"
The kids did enjoy themselves.

LOL your kids crack me up!!! I'm sure my son will be doing the same thing right down to pushing all the buttons!
SO cute, standing there together like angel-brothers on the front of a firetruck! Only we know better, now, don't we?
Beep your Horn !!!!!
Ring the Bell !!!!!
Damn those kids are CUTE! I always hated practicing Stop Drop and Roll because they stuck a balloon to us that we had to pop and I hated that part. Heck, I still hate popping balloons, probably thanks to that.
That is the first question I ask anywhere I go...you always want to be prepared.
Even in Mexico..."Donde esta el bano? El queso es muy malo."
What kid doesn't like fire engines?
You must know by now that at age 3 or 4, checking out the bathroom everywhere you go has nothing at all to do with whether the kid actually has to GO. (Apparently we're all too old to remember why/what the fascination is, but our kids demonstrate it to us at that age.) Sounds like a fun trip to the fire station!
That's pretty funny. I love the picture.
When my six year old was in preschool, the fire trucks came to visit. I have a really cute picture of all the little boys sitting on the front bumper like that, swinging their legs and talking to each other. It's nice because he's still friends with some of those kids and they just look so different now that they're older.
PS The lollipop part cracked me up.
I wish they'd do that here. That looks like fun.
They look like Johnny and Roy from Squad 51
Yeah you found the bathroom, but did they let you go down the fireman's pole?
OK, that comment didn't come off well. I meant to say, "firehouse pole" yeah, that's the ticket.
What fun! We have done that a few times with our Home Schooling group and we have shots of me in our yearbook-the only mother who put on a firefighter suit! The kids love those photos of me racing the firefighter to see who would be able to put all the gear fastest. I almost beat him, but I think he was going easy on me:)
Great memories for those boys. Our younger ones were a bit scared of the amount of water they sprayed out of the biggest hose! Yes, those buttons, etc are so tempting, there is no way kids can't touch them!
Your kids are adorable! Love reading about them.
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