Friday, October 03, 2008

Knowing where I stand

Wyatt has some type of ear infection. Trying to put him to bed was a disaster. He only wanted his mother. Lauren eventually brought him into our bed and he settled down and quickly fell asleep snuggled up to her.

In the middle of the night I tried to move him to his bed. At first he seemed happy with having his own space but after a minute or so he started fussing. Since Lauren is sleeping for two, and I was already awake, I figured I would do my best to soothe him. I carried him downstairs, gave him some medicine and tried my best to snuggle with him and rock him to sleep until the meds kicked in.

He was miserable. He tried to cuddle with me as we were laying on the couch but he kept waking up every 15 minutes and he would start to cry. I thought maybe I was crowding Wyatt and so I nudged Luna, the dog, out of the way and I laid on the floor and I reached up to the couch and I rubbed his back and held his hand. He would calm down for a few minutes but then he would start to cry again. This went one between 12:30 and 3 AM. I was at a loss. Bewtween the dog's snoring and Wyatt's sobs I barely got a wink of sleep. I was exhausted and I felt so bad for Wyatt. I just wanted him to feel better and get some rest.

At some point I must have drifted off. I woke up to Wyatt climbing off the couch and trying to nudge me. I thought he was still feeling bad and wanted some comfort. I tried to hug him but he wanted none of it. He was nudging me away from where I was laying. He cleary did not want me to be where I was. I stood up and Wyatt quickly laid down on the floor in my space.

Wyatt then took a deep breath, rolled over, put his arm around the dog and quickly fell asleep for the rest of the night.

Wyatt would rather cuddle with the dog than with me.


Anonymous said...

And Is this the dog with the flatulence problem? Fartdog outranks you?

Bogart said...


You have to wonder where he learned such behavior...does giggle-p snuggle with the dog when you are gone? Or when you are there?

Dr Zibbs said...

ear infections were the worst.

eclectic said...

Y'know, I saw a bumper sticker once about that very thing: "The more I know about men, the more I like my dog." Maybe Wyatt's just been reading too many bumper stickers. ;)

Unknown said...

Fear not... once you catch on how to play by Wyatt's rules for this stage...he'll move into a new stage, with new rules to learn...and so it goes!
It all passes much to soon!

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...

Mindie said...

Awww...if you were about 100 pounds lighter and softer, I'm sure he would have preferred you.
And for ear infections, just ask the doc for the drops. They take away the pain so your kid can sleep and they work like a charm.

Anonymous said...

Cole's comment made me laugh. Heh.

I'm sure it was nothing personal.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, brings back memories. Sometimes I wish my kids were still at that age where mom could give them comfort........then I snap out of it and remember the advantages of having college aged kids that drive and do their own laundry!

Aliisa said...

From Sundy:
Awww...I remember my youngest's earaches...horrible. He liked to cuddle with the cat. She would purr into his ear, and I don't know why, but it helped him relax enough to sleep.

By the way, I've tagged you at ;)

Unknown said...

LOL - It's tough when you don't know whether to be hurt that he did that, or happy that he was finally sleeping... ;)

I hope he's feeling better soon.

JP said...

Hum, I didn't realize the Man's Best Friend genetics kicked in so early... Good to know.

Anonymous said...

I did hear that a dogs ear is more sensitive to a humans. They can actually hear and understand when a middle aged man is whining about getting no sleep which also means he is getting no anything else.

tricki_nicki said...

Oh man, this one had me howling! And then Cole's comment...hooo! I need a tissue.

Good grief, you crack me UP!

James (SeattleDad) said...

Has to be that he has more fur. Doesn't he??

Anonymous said...

you're a dog, bill. i'm unsure about wyatt's preference for the actual canine species, but i'll speculate and say that he hasn't yet realized your doggedness.

::hugs!:: (not from me, but from my neighbor's chihuahua)

Anonymous said...

This is unrelated to your recent post! (which was very funny, by the way).
I don't have your e-mail address anymore, but I wanted to share a link with you. I know that Lauren can probably make these, but I thought you might like them for your boys:


Anonymous said...

I've heard of your willingness to be of service to your country. Good man. I'll take you up on that. My people will be in touch.

Anonymous said...

sucks to be you.

Anonymous said...

Hee. Too cute.

Anonymous said...

YUK! momo9

Unknown said...

My kids are the same way, but the dog wants nothing to do with either of them.

Charity Donovan said...

One of the quads has an earache in each you think I could borrow Fartdog for the next few days?