Thursday, October 23, 2008

Best Team Ever Phillies

The Fighting Phils.


Gwen said...

Longtime lurker coming out of the woodwork to say that, while I don't have a dog in this fight, this video has me now rooting for the Phillies. What a doll. I'm linking to this so expect some odd company.

Anonymous said...

Yo Gabba Phillies !!!!

Anonymous said...

That's my boy-- what a proud moment :)

Rachel said...

Go Phillies!!!

Anonymous said...

Go rays!!!!

eclectic said...

You're going to be so sad when he grows up and becomes a Red Sox fan. ;) He's SO stinkin' cute!!! Almost enough to make me like the Phillies, a little.

Anonymous said...

Go Phils! Already Max makes a better argument than most people who call into WIP.

Falwless said...

hahahaha! I'm here via Gwen, thanks for the laugh.

I'm pretty sure that kid could be arguing for a revitalization of mass genocide and after about a minute and a half he'd wear down my defenses with his ridiculous adorablenessity. Go genocide!

This comment took a weird turn, sorry.

Mindie said...

I love that kid, but this time, he's wrong. Go Rays!

Scope said...

Part of Gwen's posse -

Ever since Tampa exorcised the devil out of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, it's like I don't even know them any more.

And speaking of the Phillies and the "Rays", while a Reds fan (sorry) Tim should be referred to as "Tug's son". Tug isn't Billy RAY Cyrus, a father defined by the child's music career.

Plus who wouldn't want to be the Phillie Phanatic for all Hallows Eve?

Dr Zibbs said...

Go Phillies.

Gwen said...

I warned you that you'd have "odd" company. I hope they behave themselves!

Go Phillies!

Anonymous said...

Amen Wyatt! Couldn't have said it better!

Anonymous said...

As a very long suffering cleveland indians...cleveland browns...okay...cleveland cavs fan...I say GO PHILLIES! I shall live vicariously through you! lol

BTW, first time at your blog. It's really a good blog. Love the pregnant shadow! Great idea!

Mine are all older now...teens, God help me...but your site brings back some great memories.

Kristy said...

Makes me weep for him because the Ray's are gonna be the "best team ever". Sorry kiddo.

Bogart said...

You are depositing poison in his brain...poison I say!

Make him a Padres fan and I will forever be indebted to you. There are not many of us around and I want more in the club!

Lowa said...

Again absolutely ADORABLE!!!

I am telling you...your third is gonna look a lot like him. At least if what happens to us happens to you.

Our third son is almost a clone of the first. As in sometimes when we see pictures of them when they were about 2 and under, neither of them knows who is who. Sometimes hubby and I need to take a second close up look.

The first and second are day and night. Oldest is dark eyes, dark skin, dark hair, scholarly type. Second was very fair, blonde, blue eyes (now dirty blonde and green)and a total jock. Thus his name on my blog:) LOL The third one enjoys sports and is interested in them like Jock, but is scholarly also.

I can't wait to see if the same thing happens in your family. Enjoy three boys, it is SO FUN! But I guess you know that, considering you grew up with even more:)

Lowa said...

Wait a minute...did someone say Amen Wyatt??

This one is Max:)

Wyatt is darker like his mother and wanted Yo Gabba Gabba on the previous post.

JP said...

Goba Phillies!!! You are bringing them boys up right!

James (SeattleDad) said...

Moyer is one of my all time favorites so I am for the Phils!

Anonymous said...

Go Phillies! This year they have two angels in the backfield. One of them named Skip, the other named "Ray". Hope that is not significant. We are cheering for the Phillies all the way. Skip was a diehard fan. He would be loving all this hoopla. I'm sure he is right there with Richie Ashburn discussing every play. Go Phillies, beat the Rays!!!! Way to go Max! I love you, mommo9

Anonymous said...

Smart boy. :)

Anonymous said...

somebody loves his boys (all three!)! and his best girl, of course.

Dollymama said...

Dude! Your team won! Congrats!