It rained all weekend. We played inside all weekend. We played seek and find all weekend.
In the below photo see if you can find:
1.-Juice cup
2.- Spiderman guy (There may be more that one)
3.-Baby Jaguar
4.-A Little Peoples Sheep.
5.- An Elephant
6.- A soccer ball
7.- A Croc like shoe
8.-My patience
9.-Lauren's Sanity
10.-Wyatt's feet.

i LOVE seek-n-find pictures! i found everything but the Croc.
your patience and Lauren's sanity...out the door...hard to see since it is dark!
You will survive!
I see you also found your fantasy football dignity. Congrats on breaking the 0-3 drought.
I think they should make sippy cups in the shapes of like guns or something. Then they'd be easy to find.
Looks like my place back in college!
What? I liked superheros and sippy-cups...don't you judge me!
I think I just found myself dreading winter even more than I EVER thought possible! =)
That photo makes me feel right at home.
I also found Jimmies and Sprinkles.
I think I found everything except patience and sanity. The croc shoe is camo?
Did you come to my house to take this picture? This looks too familiar.
Looks familiar! I hope you find your sanity in there somewhere.
Dude... my eyesight isn't good enough to play that game, but I am seriously considering sending Buddy over there for a playdate...
Oh man that's a big mess. *laughs*
Enjoyable game!
I hope he had just as much fun cleaning it up as getting it that way. *grins*
Note- older kids make just as much of a mess!
*looks for my own patience and sanity that I think took a trip with both of yours*
Ok so are you saying that your living room doesn't always look like this? Cause I swear that's my house. Down to the sanity under the couch... I can see it but my arm doesn't reach that far.
Totally saw the sippy cup before I even enlarged the picture ... check under the windmill! I'm constantly searching for the balls that go with the wee one's ball popper toy (the cat chases them all over the house).
And I know where Lauren's sanity is ... in the bubble bath with a mug of hot chocolate (since wine is out of the picture) and a good book/trashy mag. :)
It looks like a massive toy collision at high speeds. You should submit this picture to CERN for further studies...
I would love to have one of those days *baby* is 19 years old and is in the USAF... my days of hide-n-seek are a cherished memory! Enjoy!
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
Do I get extra points for finding the little tykes vacuum cleaner?
That was fun. What are we gonna do tomorrow?
How did you get a picture of our living room floor? :D
Maybe I should invent a sippy cup with a remote activated strobe light...or maybe GPS tracking. Now that would be technology put to good use. :D
lol you should really submit that to the ISPY book series.
Ah, under the windmill. The man or woman that designs a "clapper" for sippy cups will be a rich person indeed.
Sorry couldn't find your patience of Lauren's sanity! My son is obsessed with Wyatt's vacuum. He has two of his own but is enthralled with your son's.
wow---sanity will return, maybe, say twenty years from now...
happy tuesday!
I found the cup and the feet but that's it... It seems to me they should make sippy cups a color that will stand out from all the other bright colors. Solid black, maybe? Or else have flashing LEDs.
How in the world did you get into my house to take that picture?! Our boys, it seems, would very much enjoy getting their Geo Trains together for a play date. Until they got thirsty and couldn't find their sippy cups.
Cool! Kind of like "Where's Waldo" -- only better! :)
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