I spent the weekend
Begatting. When we moved into our house a year ago we had a white birch tree removed form the front yard. The tree was about two feet from our front walkway and was infested with ants. After the stump was ground out we had a rather large bare area directly in front of our house. This empty space begat some shrub removal in the same area.
I think I have dug up and removed about 15 bushes and shrubs from our front yard in the past year. The shrub removal has begat a new garden project.

I used a Mantis rototiller to dig a rather large area for our walk way garden.

Of course the kids helped with sifting the dirt. Notice their brown shirts that help hide the dirt for our many trips to Lowes. The only thing of interest we found sifting was a about a dozen worms and rusty quarter.

The new garden begat a "cosmetic fence" to the front of our house. Lauren took pictures to document the progress. It was right at this point that she said, "Wow. The first two posts went in so easy. That wasn't bad at all.", which then cursed me to have the last post take twice as long to set.

We are half way done our landscaping project and now I feel comfortable that if we have any visitors to our house that ride a horse, they will have a place to tie up reins.
Looking good ;)
That sounds like a lot of hard work!
Thank goodness! It pisses me off to ride up to a house with no hitching post. :)
William, you are going have to get yourself a nice pair of chaps to protect those legs! Oh, and start calling one of the kids 'cookie'.
Giddy Up
I love the picture where Max has his hands on his hips (looking so NOT impressed with Wyatt). So cute!
Looks good
I'll take a rye whisky and no lip from the bartender.
First off, that is one great looking fence, I usually put off yard work until I see an eviction notice on the door. Also, good luck with the Dorito diet. After reading a ton of green mommy blogs, I really enjoyed the insights and angles your blog has to offer (not to mention the humor). Your attention to the green movement and the environment leads me to believe we may have a common interest/audience. My name is Lauren, I’m an intern with Rev currently working on a social media program involving parenting blogs and I believe this may be of some interest to you and your readers. My group is coordinating a community-outreach effort for the REV Spokesperson Contest. This contest is aimed towards mothers, but I feel that your audience would be interested in knowing about this opportunity. The idea is simple: we’re looking for healthy, active moms who can tell their story, give advice and empower moms who aspire to “do it all” without neglecting themselves.
REV. product features 3 varieties of Epsom Salt (for Moms, for Athletes, and for Families), but rev-life.com is an online community centered on health, going green, and finding the energy to get it all done! For our members, it offers blogging, social networking, and tools, such as calendars and photo-sharing.
We'd love to do a link-exchange, but right now we're in the process of setting up our blog-roll.
In addition to $1,000.00 cash and a 6-month supply of REV., there are quite a few perks and although only 5 moms throughout the U.S. will receive the Spokesperson honor, everyone who enters will be contributing to an online community that has been created to support, inspire and equip them with resources.
Can you reply and let me know if that sparks your interest and if you would be willing to post information or otherwise help us spread the message? We can offer 50, 100, 150 word write-ups if you are willing to tell your community about us.
Check out this link for more information http://www.rev-life.com/
Please let me know if you have any questions.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Rev Outreach
So... I have ta huge landscaping project that needs done and none of the landscaping companies around here want to do it. They come out, look at what needs done and never call back. Seriously, it's a big $$ project. Interested?
you also need a place for them to put their cowboy boots.
A hitchin'-rail! Ooooh, I'm looking forward to the many, many stories that such a prop could generate in a house of three growing boys.
What a wonderful family project.
I hope you're servin' whiskey at that saloon. I'll park my pony.
Saddle up...lock and load...
WOW you've been busy! It's looking great!
A trough would be good for catching all your tears because I beat you in fantasy football.
It must take you hours to cut that grass with that lawn mower
where are the swinging doors? You need to replace your front door with the swinging half-shutter doors.
Did you install the breakaway glass in the windows? People are going to have to be flying out of them from the inside if you're really going to be doing this right.
Or maybe small pets, I don't know.
I'll bet weekend projects are very hard for you when the kids around... what with all of the opportunities for jokes regarding the words "nailed," "drilled," "screw," "hole," etc. I'm the baby in my family and my sisters tell me that my parents were so much more relaxed with me - didn't watch their language as much, didn't worry that I was going to hurt myself, etc. Taking that theory into account, the new kid's first phrase will probably be, "That's what she said."
Now I know who to call to help finish build our house. Nice work, big daddy. And the hitchin' post was hilarious. Of course, it may not be so funny if we can't afford to fuel our cars in the future. You may just be a trendsetter.
I'll be right over! "Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses" momo9
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