Thursday, October 19, 2006

New Camera

We finally got a new digital camera, since Max puked on the last one. We decided to get a camera a step or two above the normal point and shoot types. I am just fuguring it out, but so far it seems to be working.


Anonymous said...

There is a huge difference in the size of your pupils and the size of Max's pupils. Max must teach an older grade than you.

Teri said...

too cute! you have the cutest family. and I love Wyatt's outfit, it cracked me up.

Effie said...

self portrait maybe?

nice clarity!

G'mornin' Bill!

Kami said...

Looks good!

Email me whatcha got. I'm nosey like that.

Unknown said...

Hee! Happy new camera! :)

ToadyJoe said...

I'm loving it so far! Keep up with the picture posts, you know I'm a sucker for 'em.

And thanks for your congratulatory comment, it made my day. *smoosh*

sc@vp said...


Nature Girl said...

Great pix! What kind of camera did you get? Wanna play You Tuebsday? (take short 1-3 min vids of anything to do with your life, post on tuesdays, leave comment at my place saying you played) can be done if your new camera takes vids...

I LOVE Wyatt Blue's shirt...too cute.

Karen said...

Wow... those are some blue eyes.. Yeah, what did you get? I'm constantly shopping for a camera, and one day I just might actually purchase one.

Anonymous said...

I love the camera's blue eye technology.

Anonymous said...

Cool. What kind of camera is it?

Queen Bee said...

Wow, those are some blue eyes! Love your baby's shirt, too cute.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Mom, Beautiful Boys, but what a Mean Lookin' Dad!!!

Anonymous said... you look just like my Uncle you have any family in Oklahoma? that's weird...

anyway, love new cameras! Great looking family you got there!

Random and Odd said...

THOSE EYES! What a beautiful family.
I wish I could shoot you.

Wait, that didn't sound right.

You know what I mean right?

Platypus said...

Lovely pics!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Great pictures. You and Max have incredible eyes!

Sharpie said...

My goodness - you all have such beautiful eyes.

Anonymous said...

I love blue eyes!! Someones blue peepers look like they are fully caffienated!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm a geek. What camera did you get. run the photos through Photoshop and the photos will be even better.

Nice weekend


Just Jan said...

Love the photos...and I love new cameras...I'm jealous!!

The Q said...

You all are too freaking nice looking. Seriously.

What kind of camera did you get? You know I'm totally into cameras, right? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures taken with looks like a pretty awesome camera. lol Feel free to post more. *hint hint*

Anonymous said...

You are all adorable!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have amazing eyes.

Susie said...

My heart just melted. (Well, for two of them at least ;)

Judypatooote said...

Those camera's that are a step above are really a step can see every just purchased one too, and even my grandsons face I can see the hairs and he's only 9...I bought a another lens too for when the kids have ball games you can get up close and personal......well up close anyway.
I do share mine with my daughter because she has the kids....You also have the most adorable kids, who will probably be playing sports soon.....and don't knock it if Max wants to play soccer, because 3 and 4 year old kids are the funnest age to watch......
Happy Halloween.....and snap those pictures.....