We took Max to see his first movie in a movie theater this weekend. We went to go see Over the Hedge at the 10 AM show on Saturday morning. We arrived a few minutes early to make sure we could get situated with good seats and snacks and drinks. When we walked into the theater there was no one else in there. We picked a row about half way up and sat dead center to the screen. Max was in awe of the vast room, the many seats and the giant pictures on the screen. A few other families entered the theater and sat in various rows in front of us.
Here is my review of the movie Over The Hedge.
Spoiler Alert.
I may be revealing some of the plot and twists in the movie so if you do not want to know what happens you should stop reading.
The movie opens with a cute raccoon (voiced by Bruce Willis) foraging for food at night. The scene is dark and so is the theater. Maxfield decides that the he would like to explore the seats behind us. His fascination with the lighted stairs distracts him from what is happening on screen.
Since there is no one sitting behind us I let him walk up and down back and forth through all the rows. I follow him to make sure he does not hurt himself. He tests each seat in last three rows to make sure that each one of them bounces back into the upright position the same way the seat before did. He returns to our row with the assistance of chocolate covered raisins from Lauren.
The cute little woodland creatures that were now invading the new development for food did not hold Maxfield’s attention. He wanted to explore the front part of the theater and ran down the steps to be closer to the screen. Here he discovered the handicapped accessible ramp and decided that running up and down it was more fun than the popcorn and the film. The enjoyment, from the effects of gravity while running down a ramp, was voiced with giggles and squeals of delight. He worked up quite a thirst and returned to his seat for some juice.
With the animals on screen now planning a great caper, Max decided that he had not explored the actual area directly in front of the screen. He scared me because he disappeared into the darkness behind the ramp and darted towards the emergency exit door. By the time my eyes adjusted to the darkened area I caught him trying to pull down a curtain that went behind the screen.
The highlight of the movie was when Lauren decided to take Max with her to the bathroom where I am sure he amused himself with the automatic hand dryers. Once he returned he needed to see which of the hundred empty seats or so was the most comfortable for him. As the credits rolled to Ben Folds’ Rocking the Suburbs, he finally sat down on a step to take in the sounds. He likes Ben Folds and he recognized the song.
All in all he gave the experience one thumb up and one pointer finger sideways and then waved "Bye-Bye" to the screen.
Well, I didn't read because I want to see this.
But I love the photo!!
Oh my what an interesting experience! Toddlers and movie theaters dont sound like fun!
Excellent review! Two thumbs up to Max!
ROFL. You just perfectly recounted my son's first experience at the movies, except his flick was A Bug's Life. ;)
I wonder if you can just let the theater to let you guys run around and use the bathroom and save on the admission price? What a great picture of Max!
Great. Now I know how the movie ends. Well, at least you saved me 9 bucks. Thanks Max!
That is exactly why my 4 year olds haven't been to the movies yet. I still can't make myself go in two different directions at the same time.
All in all, it sounds like a positive movie experience for Max - and yum on the chocolate raisins!
This was an awesome movie. I saw it twice this weekend in fact. Long story.
YOu didn't give away any plot points, so if anyone wants to read the entire post, go ahead:)
Max sounds like the opposite of my oldest son. His first experience at the movies was when he was 2 months short of his 2nd birthday. He exclaimed loudly "Oooooo BIG-UN, Geen Teeefeeee!!!" when he saw the green screen before anything started. Then he sat for the duration of "The Lion King" and never took his eyes off the screen.
My second son sounds like Max. He did not see his first theatre movie until he was about 5:) We just knew there was no way anything could hold his attention. At almost 11 years old, he can just now sit for movies!
Makes me think of the times I bought large Birthday or Christmas presents, and they played with the boxes...... While you were following Max up and down the seats and isles, I hope Lauren got to enjoy her popcorn, and maybe a few clips of the movie.....
Sounds like a fun time. I can't believe Maxfield didn't have more interest in the movie...Good on Lauren for bringing treats! Stacie
LOL, that post basically summed up why I stopped going to Movies for Moms (alright, Brenna's antics in the theater and the fact that the theater went out of business)! And Rockin the Suburbs would have gotten Brenna's attention, too! Good song, Max!
You are more patient than I.
I am the type of parent who, if I take my young child to a theater, will make sure they sit (even if it's on my lap- I've done that before for my wiggly youngest). It lets me watch the movie, teaches them to behave and follow the rules of politeness and keeps the other people in the theater from being annoyed.
I'm glad he had fun though. *smile*
Sounds like he had a good time [??]
Hope you and Lauren got to watch the movie....
I bet he'll be asking to go back again soon
Nikkirae sounds like me... Max on the other hand, sounds like YOU, William!
LOL -- Great story, William! I've taken the girls to the movies when they were each about 2-1/2 years old. I learned my lesson. :)
That "Cars" movie though is tempting me to take Buddy... and yes, he's 2-1/2.
I gotta agree with nikkirae and eclectic. I would have not allowed my children to disrupt the other people's movie going experience with all of that. I am not trying to be a downer, but what is this teaching him? That he can explore anything? Is anything off limits?
They do have booster seats so he can sit higher up next time. And you might want to wait a few years for him to really appreciate the movie going thing.
OK, listen up. Here's what should irritate you at a movie theater:
1) people on cell phones
2) people who bring their toddler to a 10 PM (that's PM, people) show
3) people who bring their toddler to totally inappropriate movies. X-Men 3, for example. (I'm actually completely surprised Bill isn't taking Max to see Wolverine kick some booty.)
4) people who get annoyed at a toddler at a 10 AM (that's 10 AM, people)show
5) people who leave their toddler home alone and just bring the baby monitor to the theater
Sounds like Max thought the movie felt a little too much like church.
I can't believe you took Max to a movie! Brave souls. I know Nathan would never be able to sit still and watch a whole movie. Unless it was nothing but music and only lasted about an hour.
Misty's previous comment read
"Is tori spelling really william?
I have to agree with the other side. I didn't read it all since I want to see the movie, but I believe your rights end where someone else's begin. And if I paid the $$$$ bucks to watch the movie....I wanna watch the movie.
I also do love the pic, and I plan to take my lil'un soon, possily even the same movie."
You admitted in your comment you did not read the whole post yet you still passed judgment? That was the offense.
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