Tuesday, May 23, 2006

tick tock tick tock....

Nothing will give you that "holy crap they grow up so fast where in the hell has the time gone" feeling like sorting through all of you toddler's old baby clothes in preparation for the new baby.

Seriously, I read the size on a one-sie that said, "12 to 18 lbs." and I can't remember Max ever being that size.


Unknown said...

Aww, William. I know. As Buddy outgrew the last of the non-gender specific baby clothes that I'd had since Punkin was just a wee one, I got a little wistful.

Then, I got a little happy that Punkin, Sweet Pea, and Buddy no longer spits up on me and the feeling passed.

Anonymous said...

They really do grow up so quickly.

Jewl said...

Yes, it is scary/sad... I actually put some of Em's old baby clothes on her dolls last night. A DOLL!! If I ever have another I won't wish the milestones to come so quickly.... Hang on to them being so small for such a short time!!

Anonymous said...

Just think, when the new baby arrives, you won't be able to imagine that Max was E.V.E.R. that small....

Greta Adams said...

yeah it's a scary thought...mine was born at 8 1/2 and 9 pounds...uggghhhhh that hurt

Lowa said...

Wait until the baby arrives and Max holds him (with help of course!) then you will notice something scary. Max, small as he is, will seem like a GIANT. It is truly freaky.

Michelle said...

My twins were 3lbs 4oz and 3lbs 14oz at birth, so when I had my "baby" 18 months ago she was nearly 7 lbs and I couldn't get over how small she was - until I came home and saw her next to the preemie clothes the other two had worn. Enjoy the little stuff while it lasts!

Sharpie said...

Watch the old movies and see how much you REALLY don't remember.

Andrea said...

And the truth is, unless Max was a 12-pound chunk when he was born, he was actually *smaller* than that at one time!

My second was a tiny 6 pounds even (and two weeks early) when she was born. She is still just a little pipsqueak, but I will never remember what that looked like without checking those early pictures.

I've lost a few blog-reads lately, and have popped in here from time to time...you probably have a new regular reader. Don't know why I was never regular before now (er, I mean, well, you know what I mean.)

Anonymous said...

Uh huh. Did the same thing here recently. My almost 10-pounder seems so small, even though his big brother was a puny 8 pounds at birth. How easy it is to forget...

Nature Girl said...

it goes by so very fast! *sniff sniff* enjoy it while you can...pretty soon they're off driving and working, and proms,...sigh..
ugh..word verification round 2

kimmyk said...

Yeah well...I have jeans that say I was a size 6.

I don't remember me ever being that size either.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

They grow so fast!

Anonymous said...

Uh yeah. It's heart-wrenching to think how fast the time goes...even worse is when you have to put away the clothes for the last time because you know you're not going to need them ever again. (sigh)

eclectic said...

Our daughter at 2 and 1/2 seemed suddenly adult when our son was born. We had no idea how capable she had become by comparison to a newborn!

kittenpie said...

Do I hear you. We were sorting through our baby clothes in preparation for our friends' baby - same deal. Even looking through the racks at a kids' clothing store, I grab a size, look at the tag - 6-12 months? WTF? Wasn't she just this size last night? But then the 3-6 months look so impossibly wee...