The conversation that takes place right before the fight, as Inigo who is just waiting around to kill the man in black meanwhile assisting him is a wonderful display of honesty and mutual respect. The dialog during the battle is the same, each dueler complimenting the other while attacking with blades.
The man in black bested the Spaniard. Why? He was better. He wore down his opponent. He knew when to strike and when to sit back.
Lauren and the kids have bested me. They wore me down. They knew when to strike and when to sit back. I waited at the top of the Cliff's of Insanity to shoot down their requests to get a new dog. Our conversations were honest and showed mutual respect.
"I promise to take her for walks." Max would say smiling his semi-toothed smile.
I used Bonetti's defense. No, was my answer.
"I will feed the dog." Wyatt would say and bat his long brown eyelashes.
I have studdied my Agrippa. No.
Lauren called me last week. She was at the SPCA. She wanted to tell me about Lilly, the Spaniel mix, she had just found and fell in love with.
"No." I said.
"I have known too many Spaniels."
Lauren sent me a picture, which was equivalent to admitting she was not left handed.
We picked her up on Saturday. This is Lily.

Lauren and I want to change her name. Lily is one of my favorite names. We know a few Lilys. And each of them is beautiful and radiant. But they are people. Lily the dog is a beaut and radiant and full of life. But she is a dog. I don't want to, I don't know, disrespect or confuse the two. We are thinking of name for our new dog.
Any suggestions?
Does she have 6 claws on her left paw?
Valerie - after Miracle Max's wife.
Get to know her personality, then name her....she looks like she has Calalier in her but is much too is that spaniel thing....LOL :):) I think she looks like a sweet soul, myself....
my rescue dog is an incredible intuitive animal, I would never want to have her gone....enjoy her!
Yea!!!! I'm so happy for you! Now Lauren will have another female in the house... always a plus. What a great surprise. Enjoy, I know you will. Can't wait to meet her.
She has lovely eye-browns! I am very partial to the name Greta.
Whatever you do, don't name her Humperdink. You could always call her Mandy (after Mandy Patinkin) which is a great doggy name! She's gorgeous, I'm glad you lost the duel. Another doggy finds a good home...great HEA if I ever heard one!
She is absolutely adorable. What about the name Stella? (means star in Italian). Just think of the possibilities when she won't come inside...
She kinda has a Fraggle Rock quality about her...I would check out those names!
Name her Joe
You are so beautiful to me
Luna means Moon. Call this one Sunshine...Sunny for short...Did you say Lauren fell in LOVE with her? Call her Lovey...What am I doing? Naming A DOG? I am afraid of dogs! Guess my visits will be few and far between now....did you do this on purpose?
Quatro....four eyes....
Stella as in Stellaluna- the fruit bat from one of my favorite children's books by Janell Cannon.
Plus it is paired with of my favorite dogs i have ever met.
I don't know why but when I saw her pic I thought of food. Smores in specific. I say go w/ Smores or Snickers. I'm going to get a snack now...
let her keep her name.... She already lost her last master and is in a new place.
Aww, she has beautiful eyes. Maybe you can name her something that rhymes with Lily so she doesn't get too confused. No, not Silly! (You can't fool me. I have boys.)
Great post, and congratulations.
Milly. Its close enough to Lily that she'll answer to it, but very much a doggie name.
You could always call her Billie...
Well Indigo Montoya, of course. Maybe just Indie for short?
How about Elia? Or Lee/Leigh? Or Lee-Lee? as to keep a similar sound and not confuse the dog too much...
There's always Illy, which is also the name of a delicious dark coffee, which does seem to be her colors (both with and without cream) as well...
And God bless you guys for saving a life. <3 <3 <3
Don't rename her! Lily is lovely. I think dogs should have people names. (My word verification is flahroo. Name her that. Because it's fun to say.)
Don't rename her! Lily is lovely. I think dogs should have people names. (My word verification is flahroo. Name her that. Because it's fun to say.)
no Phillie. Pat's dog is Phillie
I second the vote for Joe.
I second Buttercup. Perfection!
Lucky. She is lucky because you saved her and it's kind of close to Lily so it won't be hard for her to get used to it.
She kind of looks like our dog, Lou, who is also a Springer mix. So my vote is for Lucy.
Ellie-close to Lilly.She is adorable.
This is an amazing post.
How about Peanut?
(You know why.)
It would make Claire very happy if you used Cornucopia...that way she has an easy excuse to nix it off our baby name list.
This won't really have success, I feel like this.
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