There is a statue of William Penn on top of city hall in the center of Philadelphia. William Penn was the planner and developer of the City of Brotherly Love. If you approach the city hall building from a certain angle the scroll in the Bill's hand appears as if it is something else. Lauren and I took Max and Wyatt down to the city to see a play. The twelve year old boy inside me could not resist taking a picture.

Max and Wyatt loved being in the city and were impressed with the skyscrapers, soft pretzels and the smell of urine that excapes from the subway tunnel grates.
Ohhh, look at the big boys they've turned into.
Ooo Ooo I've been there!!! And right after I walked there, I had scrapple with you. A good day.
i'm so glad your boys have a dad with a 12 year old inside of him to be their role model...LOL
I'm willing to bet that this picture is deceiving and the boys did have a good time.
Sorry, Max looks so unhappy. Did Wyatt take his pretzel? AHH! The City. A wonderful, amazing place, So much to see and do. Glad they got a taste of it.Having been raised in the city in the good ol' days, I have an affection for it, that a suburbanite may not.In the good ol' days, it was safe and fun and adventurous. Today not as safe. However,The Art Museum, the Water Works, Boathouse Row,Fairmount Park, The Wissahickon, The Parkway, The Library, The Franklin Institute all beautiful historic places that make the city. Not to mention all the people. Even the homeless can teach a lesson. The City, I love it! Glad you took the kids to the birthplace of their grandmother
There's this statue of Walt Disney and Mickey mouse over at Disneyland that does the same thing.
Every time we pass by, my wife gives me "the look" as if saying "don't tell me this again.."
Is the 12yo stuff getting worse (um, becoming more common)with age? My husband is becoming progressively worse as the boys grow older. You might call it perpetually 12.
Love that "impressed" look on Max's face. :)
Even unimpressed and in the middle of pee smell - they are sure damn cute.
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