My wife
Lauren has been busy making stuff for her
Etsy shop. Every now and then she makes something that requires a model.
Now that Jackson is standing, walking and toddling he makes the perfect model. Although now that Jackson is standing, walking and toddling he will not hold still long enough to get a decent shot. He constantly runs away. For every 100 pictures we take only one will turn out usable. Thank God for
digital cameras and the delete button.

Since Lauren makes a lot of
girly things, Jackson is often modeling dresses and other "sugar and spice and everything nice" types of clothes.

September Jackson went to
New York as part of a
Huggies promotion. The great people at
Huggies were nice enough to send us a pack of their new designer diapers, Little Movers Jeans. Diapers that look like Jeans, very cool idea.
So now here is a beefcake shot of Jackson modeling jeans.

Not really "snakes and snails and puppy dog tails" but I will take it.
Hilarious! I luv that he's pulling off the dress just as well as anything else! Get that boy a bow! =) Too cute!
Poor Jackson! He's so cute though!
I assume you have the same savings fund I have for my son: I am saving each month for him. How he uses it, for college tuition or therapy sessions, is his call.
He is SO CUTE! I love the dress and hat, but I gotta say, he has a little boy face. If I saw him out in that, I'd think, "That poor little girl; she has a boy face." :D
I don't know which photo will bring him more embarrassment in the long run, the dress or the "oops are you looking at my bum" pseudo-cheesecake shot.
Cheeky monkey! (Sorry, it's an old SNL reference. I couldn't resist.)
I have to hand it to you for even allowing a dress to grace your son. My husband wouldn't hear of that, for sure! When are those jean diapers coming out?
I hear you. Yes, thank god for digital cameras.
Nice dress. Poor Jackson.
Naked and big ears... I thought it was Cam Neely.
just channeling your children's future whines...i know I've seen Wyatt in girl's clothing on Jackson...the torch has been passed!
he such a cutie...he's a wonderful model...and the diapers are a cool idea!
he has that distant, far-away look in his eyes...clearly the next Zoolander.
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