When the the first anniversary of my dad's death came around last year I was a little preoccupied with the pending arrival of our newest baby. Part of me was hoping that the new baby would be born on the anniversary of Dad's passing, to kind of make January 2nd a happy day (I also thought the same thing a few weeks earlier on the anniversary of Lauren's father's death but she would have had to go into labor early for that). I figured if my kid was born on the 1st year anniversary of his grandfather's death it would be a sign, of some kind, that everything is okay. When 1/2/09 came and went with no baby, I pulled out one of my dad's funeral mass cards, read the prayer on the back and chalked it up to "not meant to be" type of thing.
Four days later Lauren gave birth to our new baby boy. While in the hospital I was looking for signs. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it was because I remember my dad sitting in the waiting room when Maxfield was born in the same hospital 5 years earlier. Maybe it is because I remember sitting in a waiting room in another wing of the same hospital as my dad slowly drifted away from life. I think that births and deaths make people look for signs. I looked at every name tag of every person that entered the birthing suite looking for a sign from dad. I noted every room number and significant digit. A nurse was named Violet, wait a minute, my dad used to sell products to nurse-eries that grew Violets. The serial number on this contraction/heart rate monitor thing-a-ma-bob is 4E077W5237, wait a minute 4077 is the army hospital in the show M*A*S*H and my dad loved that show, and my dad knew someone named Bob.
I know, stretches.
Sometimes those signs are figments of an overactive imagination. Sometimes those signs are just coincidence. And sometimes there are just no signs.
Lauren and I were very protective of the baby's name. Everyone knew it would most likely be inspired by an artist but no one knew the inspiration would be Jackson Pollock. We brought Jackson home a couple of days later and went about our busy lives of raising, now, three kids. At one point during those first couple of weeks of having a newborn in the house, and maybe due to a lack of sleep or some strange melancholy, I said something to Lauren about Jackson never meeting either of his grandfathers. We discussed it briefly, talking about looking for signs and chalked it up to "not meant to be" and moved on.
A day or two after that conversation I was dusting the living room (I am sexy that way) and I pulled out a bunch of books and magazines from under the coffee table. I saw the photo album of my dad and still feeling a bit melancholy decided to look through it. I smiled at the images of my dad. I closed the album on my lap and noticed there was a collage of pictures on the back cover. I never saw them before. My eyes immediately zeroed in on this photo of my dad in the army.

I took it as a sign. A literal sign.
pretty cool
That is so fabulous! The sign you were looking for--like your dad was speaking right to you!
I'm all verklempt. That is amazing. Now you have your dad smiling beside Jackson.
very cool.
So very cool.
So speechless right now!
It's Communication! He knew you needed a sign. So he sent you a message. Jackson may never know his grandfathers, but they sure know him.
chills. So, what say you of signs now? Your sentimentality is as cool as your humility.
eclectic posted EXACTLY what I was going to say....
Very moving.....Thank you for sharing ;)
That truly is a sign.
(Also, is it wrong that the revelation that your son was named for Jackson Pollack and not Michael Jackson was a relief?)
Actually, there are always signs,
we just don't see them until we are ready for them, or they are ready for us. Many blessings to you and your family.
That's really really neat. My first born and I traveled to Ft. Jackson when my husband graduated from Basic four years ago. It's a very impressive base.
I love this post, Bill. You were spot on about people looking for signs.
Dude. NO words.
I am sorry for your loss. At the same time I am cheering for the sign, and the peace, you finally came upon.
The boys know their Grandfathers...I am positive you make sure of that.
I completely understand what you're talking about with wanting to find signs. I do the same thing. This is a great one. Yes, a literal sign! LOL
Hi William! I hope you will stop by for a response to your comment about my pink blog! Do you know I was thinking today about the post you wrote that was an exercise in your writing class. It was so horrible! It was not at all you. Today's post William is magical. I literally was smiling from the inside out by the last line. You have the "gift" my hero writer, and I am thankful to know of you. Elizabeth
This is my first time to your blog....I came over after reading about you at Creative Breathing. Elizabeth is never wrong! What a fantastic post! I lost my folks way too early, I was in my early 20's and it changed who I became. I really believe that this was a sign!!!!! No doubt at all! Your Dad is a happy man! I have had many of these "signs" through out the years. And every time it makes me smile. Thank you for this post!
always wondered about the choice of names....it all makes sense now. cool.
Great story, I really like this.
Oh wow.. that is really amazing. What a thing to show Jackson when he's older!
Tears in my eyes
Such an amazing post! I totally believe in signs. There are too many of them to be coincidence every time.
Every one of your posts is a gem to me. This one is the gem of the gems.
That's the best story ever.
Lots of love.
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