I do not remember at what point the eye color of my kids became obvious. Max has super blue eyes. Wyatt has real dark brown, almost black, eyes. I think with Max it was around the one year mark where we were convinced his eyes would stay blue. Wyatt's eyes gradually became muddier and muddier and then one day he woke up and his eyes were completely dark. We are still waiting to see how Jackson's turn out. They look different every day.
If that isn't like an opening scene from Lost, I don't know what is.
My mom's eyes changed from blue to brown at the age of 3. At the age of 40 they started turning back blue, from the outside in. It started out as a blue ring around brown eyes and the ring is getting bigger.
Mine were so dark brown they were almost black. I am now 34 and they have turned hazel/green.
I don't believe your eyes stay the same color your entire life.
That is an awesome picture!
Eyes are beautiful and fascinating, aren't they?
My dad and both my brothers have brown eyes; my mom, my sister, and I have blue eyes. My mother & I both started life with VERY blue eyes, but in our 20's we each began changing to a blue-green mix (it depends what we are wearing as to what color they appear). I married a man with denim-blue eyes. He says my eye color looks like Husky-dog eyes. Our kids have all shades from gray to blue.
But when I read the title, I thought, Oh, NO! I was afraid Jackson had pink eye or a blocked tear duct. What relief to see that beautiful photo!
Wow...that is crazy! This shoots down my entire theory of him looking a lot like Max and having his colouring...wow...I am totally shocked.
My oldest son has light caramel brown and his changed from blue to hazel to the shade they are now gradually starting when he was about 7 months. Our second son's were a bright blue until he was about 3... then they slowly faded and now at almost 14 years old they are a light green/blue. The third guy has eyes almost as dark as mine (Like Wyatt's, brown but so dark they are pretty much black. Can't really even see our pupil) and his were brown by the time he was about a month old. The baby's were an intense ocean blue until she was about 3 when they changed to green pretty much overnight. Now at 8 years old, they look kinda like Jackson's...getting some hazel or brownish near the pupil.
This stuff fascinates me but I am still just amazed that Jackson shot my theory down like that! WOW!
We're in that stage with my son. We think they will turn out blue, but we're going to wait to proclaim it, just like we did with our daughter (also blue).
I keep joking with my wife that if he does have bright blue eyes like his sister that I'm going to have to ask for a paternity test (mine are the same dark brown you described for Wyatt).
I spy with my little eye..
A Dork.. now let me go back to sleep.
I love eyes.
Love his little blond lashes too.
Man I wish I had a better looking Dad. My Mom is Hot though.
he's a blond or redhead, eh? My daughters both have really dark eyelashes...
looks like he's going to have hazel eyes..just to mix it up a bit!
Our 4 year old's eyes turned green during year 3. We thought they were going to be super blue but then they started changing. His eyes are a very cool mix of green with some blue flecks.
Our 5 year old has brown eyes that changed early on in the first year.
Our 17 month old has super blue eyes now but have no idea what to expect since they could change again in another year and a half.
Eyes are so fascinating!
They're looking a bit green.
Nice website.
I believe eyes are of same color
Good information about eyes
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