Jackson has been keeping us all busy. Lauren and Jackson came home on Thursday. I am amazed that after giving birth Lauren has been up and around cleaning and doing other chores. I have been trying my best pitch in and keep up with my domestic responsibilities all the while keeping Maxfield and Wyatt occupied. Jackson was not home for 5 minutes when Wyatt realized the pecking order has changed and shifted. I am now his favorite and he does not like Lauren very much at this time. I decided the best way to keep the boys busy and to get the chores done was to make the boys part of the chores.

oh geez. I've not read here in a long long time. (and my url changed since the last time I think....same blog, different url). And my gosh, your wife has a blog now...gah, been a while. Congrats! Precious family.
Ah, pancakes and PJs. That's the best.
And what's this about her doing chores? That's what kids over age 2 are for.
Ahhhhh.... when I had my second, my almost 2 year old did not like me very much either and clung to my husband in despair. He got over it, as I expect Wyatt will, fairly quickly.
I'm sure I'll go through same with my second one this June. ;-)
Aww, poor Wyatt. It's tough to go from the baby to the middle child. I'm sure he will eventually adore him. Congrats again.
oh Jackson is so cute
and my sweet, sweet Wyatt...poor baby...he'll bounce back in no time.
and wow, Max...he seems REALLY grown up now...he'll have to teach Wyatt about annoying little brothers...LOL
Lauren, take it easy girl...Bill's there to save the day...oh yeah, i see why you are up and about now...LOL
Sweet family...thanks for sharing
I can't even make pancakes by myself, let alone supervise two toddlers doing it. You get props from me.
Also? My daughter knew the pecking order changed, but she still prefers my wife to me. I don't want to think about what that says about me as parent.
Wonderful. Thanks for letting us have a peek at the My Three Sons life. :)
Awwww...he is just too sweet for words! Smart, smart dad/husband...keepin' them busy. They will be fighting over who can make Jackson laugh first before you know it! Have fun & enjoy this time. Congratulations daddy!
you totally need to give those boys spray cleaning bottles and paper towels and let 'em have at it.
my kids use to love "cleaning".
enjoy your new addition and tell lauren to sit down for five mins.
Hugs to Lauren. Can't wait to hear more about said pecking order!
Before you know it, you can pass down the time honored tradition from father to son of "lawn mowing."
Good for you for stepping in. Tell Lauren to rest and take care of herself and the baby. Poor Wyatt, he will get over this soon. But eat up all his loving now!
Nice job getting the boys involved in the chores around the house. I say let 'em do their part. That is, until those jobs are outsourced to India.
Congrats William! Jackson is a handsome boy. Wow, three. I don't expect you'll be posting much for a while. One runs me ragged.
If Wyatt ever wears an afro wig (a la Jan Brady), you must post a pic.
Cooking with the girls is one of my biggest joys. Sure, they tend to be messy.. But it's so fun!
As if I can't say it enough, Jackson is beautiful and I think that he looks like you!
I think that it is amazing that Lauren is up and around! She's an amazing woman!
Sweet Wyatt, he'll figure it out soon!
Your boys are so precious!
Cute pictures, the kitchen actually looks good!
SO CUTE! Pancakes are the BEST especially when they are made with love! Congrats on the new addition!
love, Cathy & the quads
Jackson is precious!
Is it just me, or does Jackson look almost exactly like Wyatt in that photo? Gosh, you two make pretty babies!!
Pancakes are worth all messes sustained in making them. This is a law. I should know. I'm a lawyer.
Chores and pancakes, keep those boys working hard (of course, having fun as well knowing you).
Dude ... Handsome kids!
You really know how to make'm.
Are you growing the beard until you have sex again?
Just wondering.
Santa called. He wants his beard back.
Someday when you are napping, they will be making pancakes. You have been warned! ;)
Way to go, Daddy Bill! Keep those boys busy and they will get back into their "groove" with their new brother. It sounds like Lauren is a CHAMP. I'm glad she's up and about.
I remember going from youngest to middle child of 3. In preparation for the new sister to arrive, my mom kept reading me this book about a little boy who was getting a new sibling and he felt left out. I was like, "Why are you reading this to me? I'm not upset." But then again, I had prayed for the new baby. Much to my parents' surprise, the Lord giveth.
Anyway, I'm sure you were enthralled with my walk down memory lane just now.
works the same way for girls...they make big messes when learning how to bake...Katrina baked a cake the other day--pretty picture, too bad I didn't have my camera out!!
Lauren--if I were in town, I would take the boys (minus Jackson and Bill) off your hands for a day so you could get some rest...take care!!
Congratulations on new baby Jackson. Sorry I haven't been by sooner to congratulate you and the family.
I love the dinosaur pj's!
The boys look so happy to be "helping" in the kitchen.
You're a good Papa.
Another beautiful Boogie in the brood (not even sure that's proper English but who cares!)...
congrats and blessings to all... can't wait to hear more!
Isn't Scrapple easier to make? Just throw a bunch of useless meat into the grinder and fry it?
Hmm...could it be that's why Daddy is Nathan's favorite? Cuz that one baffles me.
Just want to say that with a 4 month old here (my first) I haven't had time to read - let alone write, but I did want to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Being a January baby myself - it rocks. :)
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