Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Now with more Boogies

Jackson Grey. Born 1-6-09 at 7:41 pm.

I will let Lauren, when she is ready, tell the story over at Gigglepotamus.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! Wishing Lauren a speedy recovery and your family much joy (and rest).

Michele in Michigan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you all! He is adorable, and I love the name you guys chose.

Michele in Michigan said...

Congratulations to all of you! Welcome to the world, Jackson!

Umm, and if I'm not mistaken, NOW with more POOP, too!

Ern said...

Congratulations! He doesn't look nearly as red and squishy as a lot of newborns. In fact, he's downright cute. And I love the name. Rest up, Lauren and Jackson.

tricki_nicki said...

Loved your title! Made me giggle right out loud. What a sweet little man, Bill - he's darling. And he looks just like you and the boys!

Anonymous said...

Phew. I'm so glad you posted this. Now I don't have to worry about bursting from trying to keep quiet!

YAY! He's gorgeous. And he'll be loyal, reliable, hardworking, clever, gentle, completely trustworthy, calm and . . . a bit of a control freak. Those are some of the Capricorny things that I've picked up over the years. (Not that I subscribe to such, much.)

Again, hugs and blessings all around.

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful, and I love his name.Wishing the very best to all five of you.

Shane Harmony said...

Many Congrats to you and your family!!! ...Beautiful!

Great name, too! :)

(Love the blog by the way!!! Very cool! Keep up the great work. You sound like an awesome dad!)

Anonymous said...

He's a keeper! Congratulations! He looks just like his big brothers.

Love his name--can't wait to hear the story.

Kris said...

Delurking to wish you and Lauren all the best, and a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world Jackson!

Charlotte in Pa said...

YAY! He's gorgeous (naturally) and I absolutely adore the name. I hope that Lauren is doing well. She did a great job making sure he was born on Susie's birthday/epiphany/the really real New Year's Day! Congratulations, my friend!

Cat said...

Congrats to you and Lauren on birthin' such an adorable little guy! I have to agree with Ern... he's not all red and squishy at ALL. Nice!

But, come on. "Now with more boogies"? Dude. Don't forget the poops.

Charlotte in Pa said...

Wait... you named this one after Michael Jackson, didn't you? :-) (Hee! Just had a mental image of this same picture with a glove on the one hand we can see)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new boogie!

and now for My Three Sons, 21st Century Style!

K said...

Congratulations!!!! One more son and we'll be tied! ;o) Seriously, that is one handsome lil booger.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! He's a handsome little guy!

shelia said...

What a cutie,, Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Three sons ROCK! (speaking from personal experience!)
Congrats to you all!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Congratulations!!! He is so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I can't imagine having 3 kids, let alone 3 boys so good luck to you & Lauren!

Fulton Quads said...

LOVE the name! Congrats to all of you! I cannot wait to hear all about him! love, Cathy & the quads

Mindy said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful!

Patience said...

He's gorgeous!!

Congrats to the family!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Happy b-day Jackson (love the name!)

Nilbo said...

Congratulations! And he shares a birthday with Miss Susie! That should earn him plenty of gifts from his Fairy Blogmother over the years. Excellent planning, my friends.

Anonymous said...

Awwww... Jackson is a handsome little guy! Congrats to you & Lauren and your new influx of poop & boogies. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I kept wondering when Part three of Lauren's story would arrive. He's perfect and I love love love the name.

ambergail77 said...

Congrats. He is quite cute. And the name- I love it. I have been a big fan of the name Jackson ever since doing Steel Magnolias.

Charity Donovan said...

Yaaaaay! The little boogie shares my birthday!!!! Congrats! He is so beautiful & I LOVE the name by the way!!! Hope Lauren is doing well! Huuuugggss to you all!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Lauren. (and Susie!) After reading your post about the origin of Maxfield's and Wyatt's names, I had a hunch you would name the new baby Jackson. Best wishes to all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You and Lauren pick the best names.

mrtl said...

What a precious! Congratulations! I'm sure Susie's thrilled at the birthday giftie.

Anonymous said...

boy does that little boogy look like his pappy!! YEAH for Lauren.
Many blessings to everyone!

Anonymous said...

Oh, congratulations. what a beautiful family you have. And what a lovely name!

CM said...

I love the names you've chosen for your kids.

Appropriately, my word verification is "burpsy."

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you guys! He's lovely.

for a different kind of girl said...

He's so gorgeous! Congratulations to you all!

Anonymous said...

he's beautiful ~ congratulations to you and lauren and max and wyatt!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bill, Lauren, Max and Wyatt!! He is absolutely precious!

Sue said...

Congratulations to you and Lauren and the boys! I look forward to reading all about the adventures of you and your three sons. AND of course Uncle Charley!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Yay!! Beautiful baby boy, welcome to the world!

Congrats to you all! Lauren, we are thinking of you and hope you are doing great! Can't wait to hear the story!

Unknown said...

Woohoo AWESOME!! Congrats man. Looks like I'm late to the party, but you know how happy I am for you.

eclectic said...

Awwww... hi little guy! (No Bill, I was talking to Jackson.)

Congrats to you and Lauren, and the two big brothers!! I love the names you've chosen for all three of your boys.

Wishing you some sleep!

Jody said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bill and Lauren! He's absolutely beautiful and I love the name! :)

Rachel said...

Congratulations! I love the name ... just like I love the names for your other boys! You have some good strong "senate" "president" names :)

Anonymous said...

He He

Vajana said...

Congrats on the new baby!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! He's absolutely divine!

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! Now with more poop, too, I imagine. ;)

Congratulations to all of you!
And I love that he was born on Susie's birthday, the official first day of the year. :)
Love the name - are you a Zane Grey fan?

Paige at MommyCast.com said...

Congratulations! He looks like the other boys, what a cutie! I hope everything came out okay and that the boys enjoy more boogies.

Kristy said...

yeeehawwwwwww he's quite handsome.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Jackon's gorgeous! He looks like the other boys.

Elda - Peace in the Storm said...

YAY! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both and well done Lauren!
Jackson's rockin' the beanie already!
Cool name.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you, Lauren, Max and Wyatt on the birth of Jackson Grey. WELCOME JACKSON - I'm not sure who is more fortunate. You for being part of this terrific family or them for having you.

Misty said...

Congratulations!! We are new to the blogging world, but I have been following your blog for awhile. I love the name and it seems so fitting for such a cute little boy!

Anonymous said...

my new cousin looks so cute!

ewe are here said...


Lovely name, too!

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Congrats! Hope everyone is doing well :-) God Bless all of you.

Peggy said...

Awwww! Everyday I look and today there he is. So cute.

Ali said...

Yea, he's here! And he was born on my dad's birthday, the most patient man I know, so that's a good day! Can't wait to see more pictures!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Congrats! Great name.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Bill & Lauren!!! Another gorgeous addition (from all that Begatting, perhaps?)Love and happiness to you all!

The Sarcastic Mommy said...

Oh....he's perfect! Congratulations, I love his name :)

Bogart said...


He looks just like you...only with a better shave job!

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Welcome to the world, Jackson! And congrats to your family!

kimmyk said...

yeah and congrats on yet another beautiful baby boy!!!

so precious!

Anonymous said...

My, but he does look like you already! Are there any Lauren genes to be seen?


Tracey said...

Congrats Bill, Lauren, Max & Wyatt! Jackson is beautiful and his name is just as beautiful as he is. Wishing you all much peace, health and happiness!

sari said...

Well, heck. I was just here yesterday and nothing and now I'm comment #75, but it's no less heartfelt: congratulations to you all! And welcome to the new little guy, he's super cute.

PS My word verification word is GANGS: you have your own now.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Great name. He has such a serious face!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of you! He's so adorable and smooshable :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you all!!

The Hubs really likes his name, even though I tried to tell him that it was probably after some famous artist or something...he just thinks all boys should be named Jack ;-)

Anonymous said...

No wonder he cooked a little bit longer, he wanted to come out as handsome as possible. Congrats to all!

PS. And just in time, I was wearing out the link checking several times daily.

~moe~ said...


SciFi Dad said...

Welcome to the interweb, Jackson.

And congratulations Lauren (and William)!

Anonymous said...

Twenty Dollar Bill and Sharon's Cat

Esther said...

Congratulations! He is precious. Blessings to all of you!

Anonymous said...

oohhh myyyy goodness....he's beautiful.
Congratulations to you and Lauren and may God continue to bless and watch over your family.

Happy Birthday, Jackson!

Mindie said...

AWESOME! Congratulations! I love his name! I wish Lauren a speedy recovery and some good sleep, and wishing you two little boys being extra good for a while so you can concentrate on helping Mom. :)

Jen said...


Anonymous said...

well, dang, bill! i told you in an e-mail last month that i wanted to be his fairy blogmother, referring to him hopefully being born on my birthday (jan. 3rd). however, he was born on mrs. susie's, and i agree that i hope he'll be all those things capricorny, except that "calmness" thing. what might that be?! CALMNESS?! one has not met this (::cough::high-strung::cough::) capricorn (um, ask kalki). best o' luck to you and your lovely bride, lauren!

(my word verification: lenteu...hint from God to do something fantabulous during Lent this year)

El Grande said...

Congrats on the new additon, great name.

kittenpie said...

congrats! Oddly, he kind of looks like you, even all new and with closed eyes. But I hafta ask - what Max's middle name? because now you have a Blue and a Grey, and I'm wondering.

OhTheJoys said...

Congratulations! He is perfect.

Much love to you and Lauren,

Leenie said...

What a beautiful baby boy! Congrats to the two of you. Here's to a speedy recovery!

I love the name, btw

ksamg5 said...

Congratulations on the birth of beautiful Jackson.
Love your blog Bill.


Esther said...

BTW, I gave you an award--come check it out!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! And with another cool name! Nice choice. Congratulations.

GERBEN said...


Gwen said...

Congrats! He's adorable!

Unknown said...

Warmest wishes to the newest poop and boogie maker!

He is beautiful!

FilmFather said...

Many, many congratulations to you and your family.

I don't need to tell you to steal as many of those hospital baby blankets (with the blue and red stripes) as possible. They're perfect when it comes to swaddling.

Steve said...

wonderful news...now you'll just add to the many vomit and diarreaha stories.

Congrats to you all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. You have (another) beautiful boy!

Anonymous said...

Another big spangly congratulations to you all - and especially Lauren who did the hard bit!

I love his name - Jackson Grey has such a ring to it - he has to be famous one day!

Tina said...

Congratulations...he's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

How sweet!!!!!!!! Congratulations and I love his name!!! Beautiful baby.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't he sing "Running on Empty"?

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Oh he is beautiful. Congrats to you and Lauren, Max and Wyatt!

I can not wait to hear all about him over at Lauren's!

JP said...

Congrats William! You are the true nuclear family +1/2 child!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I have to ask, though... if your kids are the boogies, what does that make you? *grin*

Also, I love his name as well! The two names just fit together.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He share's my little brother's birthday :)

The Maid said...

Happy Birthday Jackson! :)

Wow! Does he ever look like his dad! (Wierd that I know that when I don't even know your family personally. Amazingly strange is the world of blogging.)

The Maid

joanna said...

YAY! What a beautiful baby! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

::gasp:: it's official, i suppose. just three days earlier! three days!!! and it would've been ME! ::sigh::

Effie said...

Another handsome little fellow joins your group! Congratulations!! So, Wyatt Blue, Jackson Grey, what's Maxfield's middle name? A colour too, I hope...


Katrina says "Oh cute you, baby!"

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Congrats! Great work!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

More poop too!

Just Jan said...

Congratulations!!! He's absolutely adorable!!

Unknown said...

God Bless this sweet miracle!

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...

Yaniv said...

Man, look what happens when you're late to the congratulations party -- you're 117th in line.

Even so, congratulations!

(my word verification is trani. what are you trying to tell me?)

mamabrown said...

What a handsome, sweet baby! Congratulations! Hope Lauren is recovering quickly and your family is feeling the love and joy only a new baby can bring to your home!