Friday, October 05, 2007

Moved but not unpacked

Maxfield's Room --Before--
Maxfield's Room --In Progress--
Max working.
Maxfield's Room --After--


Patience said...

WoW! I mean . . . like . . . WOW!! W.O.W!!!!!

Wotta great room!!!

Anonymous said...

A man could get a lot of chicks with that room.

Anonymous said...

Is that the remnants of Southern comfort in that Gatorade bottle?

Anonymous said...

I called Guiness Book of records. They want the smallest lamp ever for their museum.

Anonymous said...

So cute! Is that your shirt he's wearing in the 'in progress' pic?

iheartchocolate said...

What a great room! Whose vision was that? It's awesome! We just did our sons in john deere (we live in the country) the green paint is chalk board paint so the kids can draw on it!

The Egel Nest said...

William -

So glad you are moved in...we missed your blog this week :)

The Egel Nest

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing paint genius! Way to blend boy power with just plain all-out coolness. Did you do the dressers yourself? Very cool idea!

Idaho Dad said...

Beautifully done. I need inspiration, as I'm about to start painting a few rooms of my own.

Chris H said...

Man that is an awesome room!!! You did well father ... Max is a lucky wee boy.

Just Jan said...

wow..great transformation

Mindy said...

I love what you did.

Gina Coggio said...

It's fabulous! I love the light coming in through the window....It looks lovely!

Anonymous said...

I like that the small lamp stayed in the same spot throughout the process.

mrtl said...


sari said...

Nice UglyDoll. We have a few as well.

Unknown said...

That's cool!

Spilling Ink said...

Hi, William! Very nice job in that room! I wanted to stop in and tell you about a cholesterol lowering food product I found in the grocery store. It's called Promise Activ Supershots. It's a plant sterol drink. It comes in a four pack of tiny little drinks in the dairy section by the yogurt.:-)

SciFi Dad said...

Nice job on the room. Is that a bar graph behind his bed? Trying to steer him into marketing early? ;)

Anonymous said...

Lauren should have her own show.

Jody said...

Very nice. And may I say "welcome home".

BTW- can Max be any cuter?!?

Clinton said...

Cool room!
Is that a Thomas the TE table? We're thinking about getting one of those. They cost through the nose, though.
Happy home moving-in.