Monday, October 22, 2007
The Great Pumpkin
Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch. It was a perfect day and eveyone had a great time. There was no screaming or crying or carrying-on; I was on my best behavior.

It is days like this that I feel like I am one of the luckiest people alive.

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I think you are one of the luckiest people alive!!
I think you are lucky...now go eat some M&M to celebrate!
You're blessed not only because you have a beautiful, caring family but because you realize it. Many people are given what you have been given but spend a lifetime failing to appreciate what is infront of them. Beautiful pictures as always! :)
Thank you Scarlett, for joining in my concern about the M&Ms.
Those are sweet pictures. We've been to the pumpkin patch a couple times this season. My husband won't let me take any more pictures of our 9 month old daughter with the pumpkins. I have pumpkin pictures overload, according to him.
For a minute I thought I was looking at a catalog
You are, my friend, you are.
Awesome photos.
Looks like fun! And Lauren must be so proud of your big-boy manners...
You are. And y'all are so pretty, too!
Love the pictures. Wyatt is getting so big! Makes me excited for our own 2-boy outings in the future.
Those pictures are awesome!
You are lucky my man!
The Egel Nest
Awesome pictures, I have never seen a pumpkin patch!
I'm so pleased you didn't embarrass your lovely wife or children by acting out. Good for you. (:
Looks like a great day!
You are one of the luckiest people alive.
So am I.
I love Fall. Cute photos!
Lauren has the bestest smile.
Great pics!
This is so sweet and now you've gone and made Bossy feel all guilty for *not* taking her daughter to a pumpkin patch yesterday. Because Bossy was watching Oprah. But come on - Dr. Oz!
Your wife is so beautiful! This is the first time I've see a photo of her.
Yes, Willliam, you all are incredibly lucky. :)
p.s. I've been cruising through your previous posts and just cracking up over here. You really need to write a column for syndication, you're that good!
Katrina wants to say hi:
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Great family photos! so nie to see a guy blogging about his family
love the pics. I do have to say with a little disappointment, however, that you're not sporting the super-fab bathroom remodeling safety sunglasses. I've heard tehy're VERY vogue for autumn family pictures.
oh well.. there's always next year.
What a beautiful family. You are blessed.
Go with that feeling, you have a gorgeous family. And remember while you are renovating - put a pole in the family room and the wife can continue to pay with dollar bills at the market. HA!! :)
You are. So am I. Lauren is HAWT. :)
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