Monday, April 09, 2007

A new frontier

A little over two years ago, Lauren, Max (Wyatt was not around at that time) and I moved from Pennsylvania to Florida. At that time I started the blog Poop and Boogies as a way for family and friends to “keep in touch” with what we were doing and so they could see pictures of Max (and eventually Wyatt) growing up.

I have hinted here over the past few months that we are moving, and yes we are moving back to PA. We are quite excited to be able to go back and be surrounded by family and friends. We should, God, the Mortgage Company and Title Agent willing, be moving by the end of this week.
I am not sure what this move will mean for this blog. I have always used it as a way to keep family and friends informed about us. But now that we will be living amongst family and friends I am not sure just how informed they will need to be (Hell, most of my family did not read it anyway). I hope to be able to maintain it in the same fashion and style that I have always done, but with new adventures on the horizon, well…I am not sure.

I know there will be some fun things to write about. For instance, until we can find a house, we will be living with my parents. That’s right I will be living with Momo9. Last Thursday I drove from Orlando To Philly (17 hours and I did not wear a diaper) to drop off some of our belongings at my folk’s house. I was chatting with my mom about, well a little about everything and Poop and Boogies came up. She asked me if I was going to keep blogging and I said, “Yes. I may do it a little different but for the most part, I will keep posting stories. I am sure you and Dad will provide some material while I am here.”

My mom’s eyes widened and then they quickly narrowed into a piercing stare. She said, “I swear if you write anything bad about me I will sue you.”

I laughed and I told her that would be by next post.


Kami said...

OMG!! Good luck!

But you really should have worn a diaper so you wouldn't have to stop.

Queen Bee said...

Best of luck on the move, William, be sure to keep blogging once you're back in PA. Mom09, he couldn't say anything bad about you...unless he lied.

Anonymous said...

Thank You, Queen Bee! God Speed on your trip, William and family. I know I will be material for this blog. You never really know someone till you live with them. This is probably the fourth time round for William and I. For every remark he makes about me, I'll have four about him! I do love him, but the literary competition has begun!

Anonymous said...

Why do I get the feeling that Wyatt and Maxfield are about to be spoiled on an unholy level? Welcome home, Bill. My best to all your people.

Julie said...

Maybe Momo9 should start her own blog? Sounds like she's going to have plenty of her own stories to tell!

I hope you keep up with your blog. Even though I don't know you or your family I love to read about your happenings. Ok, that sounded sort of creepy but you know what I mean right? Your blog always makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

You are actually more funny in text than you are inperson.

Anonymous said...

I miss PA! Good luck with your move. I hope you keep up the blog! What would I do during work besides obsessively refresh your blog & chortle over past entries? Actually work? Bah!

Anonymous said...

This blog has brought me joy. Please continue it. It is 24 hour access.

Anonymous said...

Pa- The State and Pa- your Dad will provide you with plenty of material.

ToadyJoe said...

Sooo.... if I come see Sue & Charlotte sometime, I could maybe finagle a visit with the Poop & Boogies while I'm there? Here's to hoping so!

And WTF is up with this word verification? kuqgum??? I'm not even gonna ask. Oops, too late.

jen said...

Good luck on the move. I know everything will be great! Glad you're coming back up north! LOL Hooray for momo9 and William's literary competition. You all put a smile on our faces every day! I guess no more snakes, lizards, gekos (if that's how you spell it) in your house!

Anonymous said...

I say keep the blog. I did the same thing --started a blog as a way to keep distant family informed about the kids, then moved back to be closer to the family. I kept updating the blog because I enjoyed it, plus it provided a great written and photographic history that I'll someday be really glad to have.

sari said...

Good luck and congratulations. Obviously you have enough readers so you're blogging for them now, not your family.

Keep it up!

Jay said...

While I have never met you, your blog makes me laugh and I look forward to new posts. I hope you continue it in some fashion.

-a loyal reader

Darren said...

Good luck with the move.

kimmyk said...

WOW how exciting. But I can't imagine going from sunny days to cold like that. You must really love your family. Lauren must really love your family to give up the sun...

Good luck with the move and your decision to blog or not to blog.

Anonymous said...

congrats on moving back! I really hope you continue your's a source of great humor for me...

Nature Girl said...

OMGosh..Momo9 HAS to start a blog now, she just HAS to! Oh can you imagine the stories we'd get out of her? Please Momo9?

And William, you simply CANNOT stop blogging. You just CAN'T, plain and simple.

OhTheJoys said...

I hope you will still blog. Truly.

eclectic said...

That's alright, William. I'll be your lawyer. ;)

Anonymous said...

I swear if you stop blogging I will sue you.

Anonymous said...

Please keep blogging, William. Hopefully, it helps you to find a release for your creativity. Maybe you enjoy the comments via other bloggers that aren't your true family. How would we know how Lauren, Max & Wyatt are doing? You truly have a wonderful knack of entertaining while still showing your sensitivity and love. Please try to keep up the blog.

Just in case you decide not to blog in the future, thanks for all the laughter and tears. Thank you for the chance to peek at the world according to William. I think it will be a great record of your life with your kids. Max & Wyatt would love knowing how much their Dad loved them and their mother. That will be precious information for them someday. Good luck on the move.

Anonymous said...

You can't stop blogging . . . what about your internet family and friends--how will we stay informed about you guys?

Because you know it's all about us.

Melanie said...

Your mom is a riot! I love it. That's so awesome that you guys are moving back. I look forward to reading about your adventures.

Anonymous said...

What would you do with all the previously blogging-related time you would have on your hands if you stopped blogging? Watch more Dr. Phil? More Antiques Roadshow? Learn how to create glorious topiaries? Of COURSE you should keep blogging, silly.

PA welcomes you all back very, very happily.

Cheryl said...

You're staying with your parents??!! You HAVE to keep blogging!

Just Jan said...

good luck on the move and if you decide to stop blogging...well...that would be a very sad day as I truely enjoy reading the fun stories you post about.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the move! I hope you keep blogging, I love reading about you and your family. :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to Philly! My husband and I live in Philly and both read your blog. Keep the blog going, we always count on you for a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Plain and simple if you stop blogging ,Lauren should make womens clothing and make you model them on ebay! You will have the extra time and all!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog and would miss it terribly if you stopped. As Sharkey said - think of your internet family! We'd miss you - even though we don't really KNOW you, we feel like we know you from your blog. It's the first thing I read when I get to work each day....uh, I mean after I'm finished my work for the day! Have a safe drive to your new home and much happiness there.

Anonymous said...

good luck on your mom! and please dont bail out like a certain sibling of yours!

Anonymous said...

and i meant MOVE not mom. sheesh

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your Mom.

I know funny. That is funny.

Effie said...

wow--safe trip to you 4!

(all the anons are cracking me up!)

Anonymous said...

If living as 3 generations of Poop & Boogies doesn't give you enough material to write, I don't know what will. Best wishes and luck in finding a new home. I look forward to the next chapter.

ladybug said...

you are not allowed to stop blogging! because even tho you will be living closely again with all of your NOW have a blog family - and we must not be deprived of updates on Max & Wyatt, your shenanigans and Lauren's general putting-up-with you tales! ;)

safe travels and enjoy the time with momo9 and your dad! i cant imagine how much spoiling the boys will be subject to!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

well welcome home! So exciting to be living by family!

Anonymous said...

Please Keep Your Blog Going - You're Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back north!

But please keep blogging in some fashion!! How else are we going to learn things like don't give a recently sick child milk, always go to the bathroom before the long drive home, throw your used tissues on the floor for fear they will end up in your glass, and to ALWAYS make sure both shoes light up before you purchase! Plus I just got all my friends hooked on your blog, and they'll kill me if you stop....that will be blood on your hands.

Have a safe move!

your loyal reader in a non-stalker way

(anyways, we know you're relocating because NASA is making you....)

Unknown said...

Ok so let me know when we can get Max and Nathan together for a playdate :)

Nilbo said...

You won't stop blogging. Some people enjoy writing, some NEED to write. You're in the latter group. And we're the ones who benefit.

If anyone in your family tries to sue, come talk to me. I've been talking about mine in print and on the radio and in my blog for 20 something years. I know the legalities.

Patience said...

Puh-leeze!! Don't stop!!!

Anonymous said...

For the love of everything sacred and holy you will not stop keeping this blog! I have read about your family just under two years. That's every single day for almost two years. Have you no heart?

Anonymous said...

if you stop blogging, i will call you by a very bad name. i will call you "the lawnwhisperer."

Judypatooote said...

I wish you the best, and please don't stop blogging for you supply a lot of laughter for many of us bloggers....and we want to see Max and Wyatt growing up.....