Friday, April 20, 2007


I was having a conversation with my brother Pat the other day and he as telling me that my Mom had him doing all kinds of chores around her house in preparation of my arrival.

Pat told me he was helping her fix one of the windows in one of the upstairs bedrooms when my mom said to him, and I am paraphrasing,

“I just don’t want Max to fall out the window. I didn’t care so much with my own children, when you guys were younger, but I don’t want my grandchildren to fall.”


Effie said...

oh --that's too cute!
good morning Bill!

Patience said...

Well, there were so many of you that maybe she wouldn't have even noticed if one or two had fallen out of the window. But Max! Of course she doesn't want him to fall out of the window!

Anonymous said...

It always seems that the grandparents always care about the grandkids more than their own kids. I think my own mother feels the same way.

Nancy said...

Momo9 is awesome

Unknown said...

It's not that she didn't care it's just that they didn't know a story-high fall out of a window onto concrete was dangerous back then...think along the lines of the evolution of the carseat.

Anonymous said...

Momo9 sounds just like my Mom. Once I had my son - he's almost 17 now - she cared only about his needs, etc.

OhTheJoys said...

You are going to need a lot of therapy.

SciFi Dad said...

it's amazing how having kids teaches us what our parents really think of us...

Anonymous said...

That totally sounds like my Mom too!!! When We told them we were expecting her first granddaughter, it was right around the time she was buying new furniture. Instead of a traditional rectangular shaped coffee table-complete with sharp corners and all- she got an OVAL shaped one so that her granddaughter wouldn't herself if she feel because it didn't have any sharp corners... Oly the best for the grandchildren she says... Thanks Mom!!!

Erin said...

LMAO! Leave it to a gradparent!

eclectic said...

Bwahaha! My mom gives the kids candy, too... like, for NO REASON AT ALL. My brothers and me? We NEVER got that except maybe at holidays. *sigh*

Scottsdale Girl said...

Grammas are the BESTEST!!!!!

Anonymous said...

William, you are taking too much literary liberty! The windows were new when you were little. The windows are now 30 plus years old, and not working the way they did in the past. Of course, I worried about my children. Falling out of the windows was not a worry then. Children are made with different interests now. I must be careful for my grandchildren. They are way too inquisitive, and intelligent now. Stop making me sound so bad. Write about your in-laws, and how wonderful they are to Max and Wyatt. And how they are Max's favorite grandparents. ( like you tell me everyday). Yes, folks, that's what I put up with everyday! The "other" grandparents are the favorites! I just worry about the windows!

Anonymous said...

Bring back L.W. He is my favorite blogger!

sari said...

Funny how that whole Mom/Grandma change happens, huh?

kimmyk said...

Momo9's second comment had me spitting my chinese on my shirt. That's hilarious!!!

My moms the same way-baby gates went up, dogs put away, not a knife in sight. But when I was growing up it didn't matter if I were 3 or 13 it was every man for himself.

I bet Pat's happy you're home.

Anonymous said...

Give William's ego a boost! Go to and vote for him in the "Hottest Daddy Blogger" category!

Susie said...

I LOVE you being at your parents' house. heee

Your mother makes perfect sense. Her grandchildren are INTELLIGENT. You don't want intelligent children falling out the windows, for goodness' sake!

And NO YOU DO NOT tell her the other grandparents are the favorites! Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

your mom rocks the cashbah.

by the way, when momo9 said that something-or-other is "30 plus years old, and not working the way it did in the past," i thought for a minute she was talkin' about you. ;)

Anonymous said...

(and i love her second comment too. hahaha!)

Anonymous said...

Hah! Yep, they always take more care with the grandchildren... My mother says other people's children are more of a responsibility whereas you are more laid back with your own. Maybe that was it. :)

Anonymous said...


Parents turned Grandparents rock.

Just Jan said...

Priceless!!! I think what I find funny about that is , I probably would say something similar.

Anonymous said...

When is Momo9 going to get her own blog? Or does she already have one? She is apparently the funny one in the family!

Anonymous said...

People who live in houses with 30 year old windows should not throw stones.