Monday, April 23, 2007

Fun while moving

The other day I was unloading a truck of some of our belongings and I was trying to sort them in the storage area. I was trying to read what we had written on the boxes so I could figure out what we needed to have easily accessible and it made me think of something I used to do whenever I helped friends or family move.

I am posting it here as a public service for anyone who ever gets stuck having to help people move. It makes the long moving day that much more fun. When you know you are helping friends move, bring your own Sharpie.

A few years ago my brothers and I were helping our brother Pat and his wife Bridget, move into their new house. Her dad and brother were helping as well. As we unloaded the truck, we would read the boxes to know what room we were supposed take them. As it always is with moves there are boxes that are labeled with random writings. Things like, “Tools” or “Toys” where you don’t really know where they are supposed to go in the house so you have to ask the homeowner.

I, of course, brought my own Sharpie to the move. I waited until most people were in the house and I wrote other random things on some boxes. Things like “Sex” before the word “tools” or “toys”. I even wrote “Bridget’s Porn Collection and Videos” on a box and set it aside. I told all my brothers to make sure her brother was the one to move that box.

His reaction, a double take to make sure he read what he read, was hysterical. We laughed most of the day.

So when you are helping someone move, bring your own Sharpie.


Patience said...

Sicko. Why didn't I think of that first?

Chris Cactus said...

Gotta say Ive never thought of doing that. But from now on, have Sharpie will travel.

Just Jan said...

That is hillarious!! I always label boxes as to what's in them and what room they belong in, but NO ONE has ever RE-WRITTEN on my boxes!! I would have gotten a huge kick out it if someone would have thought to do that though. You are a riot!!

OhTheJoys said...

Excellent advice! I will have to try that.

Unknown said...

That reminds me of my other crucially important tip...before the packers arrive (yes, we had professional packers...woohoo) you have to put all the super secret "stuff" you don't want anyone to see in one box, tape it up really well, and mark it Master Bathroom/Tampons or something like that, so no one will get curious and look inside. This may be an obvious tip to your female readership.

~cathi said...

Sound advice. Thank you for imparting your wisdom on the masses.

eclectic said...

Note to self: Have William patted down for contraband before allowing him access to anything.

Anonymous said...

That could be one of the most brilliant things I've ever read. Wish I would've thought of that in college when I had a truck and had worked for Two Men and a Truck ... meaning I've helped pretty much everyone I've ever known move at some point.

Jay said...

This is awesome!

As we will be moving the end of June, I can't wait to try this out.

It will be really interesting when the boy scouts that I've bribed to come help me load the truck show up.


Of course, I'll be leaving so I won't have to get the dreaded phone call from their parents, either. Awesome.

Kami said...

OH MY BOB. Love it.

Slinger said...

Holy cow, that has got to be one of the best ideas. Never thought of that before, but I will now!

Jennboree said...

First time visiting your blog. Very funny! Love your wit and sarcasm. This idea will work fantastic when moving my Mother-in-law.

Nilbo said...

(bowing) I am not worthy. The most exquisite moving idea EVER.

Anonymous said...

This is awful! And AWESOME.

Alpha Dude said...

Thanks for the tip.

That's better than the bumper sticker that says, "Yes, this is my truck, and No, I'm not helping you move!"

I'm stock piling Sharpies this very moment.....

Lowa said...



You are totally brilliant!

I cannot wait to help some people move now. Especially like...our pastor or anyone from church!

*evil laugh*

Katy said...

I am so going o take your advice. I may even do that to some of my own boxes, seeing as how the inlaws will be helping us unload when we get to Texas. I love to shock and torment them. Why else would I teach my children to use the proper names for their bit parts. Just to see my farming inlaws faces when the kids say penis and vagina.