Saturday, February 03, 2007


Up until I got Married...I never knew you should scrub potatoes before you cook and serve them.

I would like to apologize to any and all past roomates, friends, family members for possibly serving them dirt.


OhTheJoys said...

Apparently, all of us eat a pound of dirt per year. Now we know where it came from.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

I was in Nantucket years ago and had a bagged brand of potato chips that boasted that they didn't wash the potatoes first, they left the dirt on and it made it taste better because in the cooking process it killed anything bad for you. I cant remember the name of them. Maybe it is the same for whatever you were cooking with potatoes

Tallyflute said...
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Tallyflute said...

Too funny! I was actually eating a sweet potato when I visited your site (skin and all) . . .and I had scrubbed it before cooking it. *wink*

Tallyflute said...
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Gingers Mom said...

I love that. That made me laugh really hard. We've all done stuff like that I am sure.

Unknown said...

*covers mouth, and runs screaming out of the room*

Michelle said...

That's not so bad. I know someone who didn't know you should wash meat before cooking it. Yuck. At least you were just serving run of the mill dirt, not chicken germs or something.

Lynn said...

I guess that's why my mother always told me not to eat potato skins whenever I ordered a baked potato in a restaurant. I thought I read somewhere that dirt contains essential nutrients and minerals? Maybe all those people that you've served unscrubbed potatoes to should be thanking you! LOL

Anonymous said...

That one made me giggle! Lauren is doing a great job of teaching you how to get by in the world... My grandfather, however, insists the dirt should be left on to encourage a healthy immune system!

Anonymous said...

Your dirty body goes with your dirty mind. I was never at your apartment where there was anything but beer, mustard, and mayo in the fridge.

Anonymous said...

You were never in the home long enough for Mother to teach you good kitchen habits. You were always down the trails, or at Bobby's house, or on stage....thus needing the wife to train you. That's why you didn't know where I went to High School. The others picked up the "pertinent" info in the kitchen with Mom.:) :) :) :)

Teri said...

dirt's good for ya. builds up the immune system.

Andrea said...

D'ya also know you should wash ALL produce before you consume it??? (unless you are going to peel it...which includes potatoes, but I rarely peel them. The skin is good fiber.)

Unknown said...

God made dirt, and a little dirt don't hurt.

Lowa said...

I love your Mother's comment.

I thought the dirt was the best part?? I do wash mine, just so as not to freak people out. But leaving dirt on tastes just fine:) Especially on carrots! YUM!!!

Anonymous said...

mich, I hope you were joking, because you are *not* supposed to wash meat. Weird. Wash meat??

Patience said...

So? Who didn't eat dirt when they were a kid?? And we lived!!

ThePapaDog said...

So the lady says to me, "Have you read Poop and Boogies today? I can totally see you doing this."

I turn, look, and read the post and say "You have to scrub potatoes before you cook them?"

I had no idea. Who says you don't learn something new everyday????


Anonymous said...

I'm just surprised you continued eating potatoes, you know, after the first really gritty one...

Lois Lane said...

Ya know, we had a saying for that when we were kids. Let's say a certain someone's candy fell into a mud puddle. A youngest child may have picked it up, "kissed it up to God" and proclaimed, "God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt!" And proceeded to eat said candy. I believe there is no apology necessary. :D

eclectic said...

Dirt, schmirt... let's talk about donuts. ;)

Michelle said...

Dirt is one of the things that pregnant women crave due to their body lacking something, as to what I am not sure. But if there are pregnant women out there eating dirt, I am sure that little bit on your potato's won't hurt.

Effie said...

yum--is that what the gritty texture was?

you make me smile

(and we know Lauren keeps you because of how many donuts you can hold anyways--not because of your culinary expertise)

ewe are here said...

oh dear.

I mean... really...

oh dear.

kiki said...

i thought peeling them was enough...

Susie said...

hey, better than serving them donuts. (You cracked me up with your dozen ;)

OK, I just read some other comments; I see I'm not the only one on whom you made an impression today. I wish I could spell how much I'm laughing right now. Thank you for that. G'night, Mr. Donut.

Anonymous said...

This is so gross.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I didn't know that and neither did my husband. He found out about 9 months ago and then went out and bought one of those fancy little scrubbers.

Coincidentally we had baked potatoes today. And I scrubbed each and every one of them.