Thursday, February 22, 2007

Para Normal

I am pretty sound sleeper. I also have pretty interesting dreams and, at times, I talk about these dreams when I am asleep. My siblings used to entertain themselves by talking to me when I slept and I would talk back, discussing the all the details of my adventures in dreamland. I would dream of ghosts and UFO’s, secret agents and superheroes and about being chased. I still do.

I am a sucker for shows on the history channel about UFO’s. I am fascinated by the shows Ghost Hunters and the Physic Detectives and any other paranormal late night television. I usually fall asleep with these shows on the TV and they invade my dreams. Every now and then Lauren will wake me, in the middle of the night for some reason or another and I always wake with a start, fists clenched arms flailing ready to defend myself from the boogieman.

Last night Lauren heard a wail over the monitor that sounded different. “Bill?” she said not knowing I was asleep. “Did you hear that?”

I sprung up, arms extended ready to karate chop the noise. “What?”

“Calm down.” She said. “It’s no big deal. Do you hear that?”

I listened. I heard a faint cry over the monitor. “It doesn’t sound like Wyatt. Nor Maxfield.”
She went upstairs to check the monitor in Wyatt’s room while I tinkered with the one on my nightstand. I switched the channel, from A to B on the receiver to make sure it was in the correct position. I listened to see if I could here Lauren checking on the kids. She returned to our room and said both kids were sound asleep. We discussed the channel and everything seemed okay.

I rested my head back down on the pillow and said, “Maybe we are picking up someone else’s frequency from the neighborhood, because I did not recognize that cry.” I closed my eyes.

“That was weird.” Lauren said, thirty seconds later as she climbed into bed. “The cry almost seemed other worldly.”

I sat right back up.

“What wrong?” Lauren asked.

“When you woke me up you said “It’s no big deal”, other worldly voices in our house is a big deal. You can’t tell a guy who watches ghost and UFO shows that other worldly voices are no big deal.”


Anonymous said...

Oooh - first!

As a former X-Files fanatic, I'd be more worried about the "other-worldly" wailing than my own child's.

Don't worry, the truth is out there!

Anonymous said...


Stop crying and go back to sleep.

Anonymous said...

What's the frequency William?

Anonymous said...

In every movie I ever saw, the people who end up Deader than Ezra are the ones that stay in the house.

Anonymous said...

Dude, This happened to you last night, and you still live there today? What the hell is wrong with you? What do you think you are, the Ghost Whisperer? Get the Fxxx out of the house. Mom used to sing it to you, "Billy Don't be a Hero."

I would have had the mover over first thing this morning.

Anonymous said...

William be good to that unsettled soul! He-she probably found out you are selling the house, and are not happy about that. They have enjoyed your company and are now worried about the new people, who won't be as strange as you.You have made their afterlife colorful and comfortable. They are now ill at ease with the happenings.Calm them, but please don't bring them north with you. Maybe it's a child and they are missing the trains. Walk softly, speak softly, leave a light on.......

eclectic said...

We used to pick up sounds from our neighbors across the street on our monitor because it turns out they had the exact same model on the exact channel. Once we figured out we were crossing signals, we coordinated a signal change and all was well again. But it was weird to hear them talking through the monitor there for awhile.

Stephanie said...

Have you ever seen Celebrity Paranormal Project. I'm usually not into reality shows, but it's quite interesting what the power of persuasion can do. I've slept with a bible next to my bed every night since I saw the Exorcist. Scary stuff.

Anonymous said...

Very freaky - do let us know if it happens again...

OhTheJoys said...

Greetings earthling!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have chills. For reals.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

Kind of like my kids and when they wake up at night with nightmares from Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders. Really. Aliens are going to come through their skylight.

Anonymous said...

I listened. I heard a faint cry over the monitor. “It doesn’t sound like Wyatt. Nor Maxfield.”

Tell the truth now... did you really say "NOR Maxfield"?! "NOR"?!


Boutros said...

Ooh, I love Ghost Hunters. Did you see the one when they went to Leap Castle in Ireland? Or when they went to the Shining Hotel in Colorado? I am obsessed.

SciFi Dad said...

I'd wait for the reconstructed opening to the Munich Olympics interlaced with plans for an alien changing table before I began to worry too much about this...

Unknown said...

Dude... she is TOTALLY messing with you.

Anonymous said...

You, my friend, are other worldly...


Kami said...


LMAO at anon!!

Lois Lane said...

Don't be such a scardy cat. And whatever you do, when the TV eats you, just step into the light Carolanne. :P
Happy weekend!
P.S. Lauren is right about the proper order of bowl stacking. I'm just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

That's so scary!! A few nights ago my husband and I had a similar experience. We're both settling down to sleep and all of the sudden we hear this faint voice on the monitor singing and then laughing..very scary sounding. The crazy looks we gave eachother was priceless. He got up to go check and said "I don't know where it's coming from. James is sound asleep!" And then I realized, I put one of his toys in there with him the other day- his singing frog that counts the ABC's and then laughs at the end. LMAO Bingo! The idea of hearing something on the monitor that doesn't come from your kid is so eery!! I gotta stop watching "Ghosthunters".

kimmyk said...

One night when my son was little we picked up the truckers on the interstate through my sons monitor. talk about being freaked the hell out.

oh, and it's nice that you sent your wife out into the house to go check while you stayed in bed and fiddled with the knobs.

you knob.

Multi-tasking Mommy said...

Baby monitors can do strange things to us!
Last night I was on my computer and the baby monitor buzzed like it does when my cell phone is about to ring, so I jumped up to get the phone so nobody would wake up and what passed through the house to make that crazy buzzing sound...hmmm....

Andrea said...

When my oldest was a baby, I heard that very same WEIRD "not my baby" crying. Even though I guessed it was someone else on the same frequency, it did sound very eerie and it freaked me out a bit!

Julie said...

That's pretty neat. I had a friend who would talk to her brother and he'd answer while they were both sleeping. People say it means you're really intelligent. My friend graduated with higher than a 4.0 I have no idea how that works!

Denise B. said...

You've inspired me to blog about my "other worldly experience" in relation to baby monitors. I could post the whole dang story here, but it'd take up too much space.